Activities per year
- 25 results
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University of Frankfurt, Nov. 19. 2015: ”Übersetzen und Translation. Theoretische Perspektiven einer interkulturellen Praxis”.
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
19 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
University of Cologne/Köln Sep. 29 2015: ”Kosmopolitisme og tidsskrifter: Malte Conrad Bruun i Paris 1800”.
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
29 Sep 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Shanghai Aug. 23 2015, Tongij University: ”Tier, Landschaft und Natur in Sasa Stanisic: Vor dem Fest”.
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
23 Aug 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
”Paris 1893 im Spiegel von Herman Bangs Zeitungsbeiträgen”.
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
26 Mar 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Jens Baggesens letztes Werk: Adam und Eva
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
21 Feb 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Natur og modernitet hos Henrik Pontoppidan, J.P. Jacobsen og Rilke
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
11 Aug 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Tysk litteratur efter Murens fald
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
19 Feb 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Dänische Autoren auf Deutschlandreise
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
21 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Natur und literarische Moderne im dänisch-deutschen Kulturtransfer um 1900
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
28 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
J.P.Jacobsens Niels Lyhne in Deutschland und Dänemark
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
24 May 2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Dobbeltinterview med Christoph Hein (DE) og Carl Frode Tiller (NO)
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
13 May 2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Jens Baggesens liv og værk
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
18 Nov 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Avantgarde og det populære som optik i Herman Bangs forfatterskab
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
8 Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Jens Baggesens forfatterskab: 3 spor i oplysningstiden: følelse, rejse og fejde
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
20 Sep 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Den tyske "klassiske moderne" og Skandinaviens moderne gennembrud. En epokediskussion
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
30 Jul 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Interview med Uwe Tellkamp på International Forfatterscene, Det kongelige Bibliotek.
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
24 Feb 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Den tyske Jens Baggesen: Om Jens Baggesens tyske forfatterskab
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
3 Dec 2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Om Uwe Tellkamps roman "Tårnet" (2008)
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
26 Nov 2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Friedrich Schillers forfatterskab
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
4 Nov 2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Tysk nu! Om tysk sprog og kultur i dansk offentlighed, forskning og undervisning.
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
23 Oct 2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Historieforståelse og ironibegreb hos Kierkegaard und Friedrich Schlegel
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
19 Sep 2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Religion som kunstværk - kunsten som religion: Henrik Steffens
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
8 Jan 2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Herman Bang 1908 - mellem dansk og tysk
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
28 Nov 2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Krig og litteratur i tysk historie: 1800
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
6 Nov 2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Henrik Steffens' filosofiske forelæsninger 1802
Anna Lena Sandberg (Lecturer)
27 Sep 2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution