Personal profile


Curriculum Vitae



Name:                                          Giraldi, Annamaria Giovanna Elena, Professor, MD, Ph.d

Date of Birth:                              1963, 6th November

Status:                                          Danish, married, two children

Language skills:                          Speak, read and write Danish fluently

                                                      Speak, read and write English at an advanced level

                                                      Speak and understand German, French and Italian at a lower level



Address (work):                         Sexological Clinic

Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet

Blegdamsvej 9

2100 Copenhagen


                                                      Phone:               + 45 38 64 71 50

                                                      Email:                [email protected]

Position at work:                       Consultant

University Education:

1993:                                            Medical Degree, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


1997:                                            Ph.D. University of Copenhagen, Denmark (thesis title: cAMP and                                                                                                              its involvement in signal transduction in erectile tissue)

Academic Positions:

Sep. 1996 - July 1999               Rotating Internship (surgery, internal medicine and general practice)

July 1999 - Feb. 2000               Junior resident at the Sexological Clinic, Rigshospitalet,                                                                                                                    Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Feb 2000 – April 2001              Research associate at the Division of Sexual Physiology,                                                                                                                   University of Copenhagen/ Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen                                                                                                               University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

April 2001- April 2003              Resident at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Rigshospitalet,                                                                                                            Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

April 2003- April 2004              Senior resident at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

April 2004 – May 2004             Senior registrar. Sexological Clinic, Rigshospitalet.

May 2004 – May 2005             Resident at the Psychiatric Clinic, Rigshospitalet

May 2005 – Sep. 2007             Senior registrar, Sexological Clinic, Rigshospitalet

Sep 2007 – Feb. 2008               Resident Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet

March 2008 – May 2010         Senior resident Department of Psychiatry, Rigshospitalet

May 2010 – Nov 2011              Senior resident Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Center Ballerup

Nov 2011 - May 2012               Staff Specialist Sexological Clinic, Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet

May 2012-                                  Consultant, Sexological Clinic, Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet


February 2002 – 2004              Project employed at the Sexological Clininc, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen Denmark.

September 2003 – 2014          External lecturer, University of Copenhagen, Department of Biomedicine

September 2003 - 2014           Invited lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen

August 2014 -                             Professor in Clinical Sexology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen

Psychotherapeutic and sexological education
  • Certified Sexual Counsellor. Nordic Association of Clinical Sexology (2007)
  • Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) (2011)
  • Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (2012)
  • One year course in cognitive therapy. Skt Hans Hospital, Denmark (2011)
  • One year course in metallization group therapy (2013)
  • January 2012 - December 2013. Two 2-year education program in analytic group therapy, Institute of Group Analysis, (GAU), Copenhagen, Denmark


  • Physiology, at the University of Copenhagen (medical- and biology- students) >350 hours
  • Since 2004 responsible for the course in basal sexology, University of Copenhagen.
  • Extensive teaching at the courses of Basal- and clinical- sexology (medical students) since 2000.
  • Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology, medical students.
  • Sexology – a specialty in psychiatry. Annual summer school for students with interest in Psychiatry.



  • General practitioners, hospital physicians, psychologists. Female and male sexual problems
  • Sexological Clinic. Education of the therapists in male and female sexual problems: Physiology and pharmacological treatment.
  • Internists in learning processes in the clinical environment and how to give a presentation
  • European Society for Sexual Medicine, Summer School, European Curriculum in Sexual Medicine, since 2008. Educating physicians from all parts of the world sexual medicine and preparing them for a final examination.
  • Several invited educational lectures for specialist around the world.
Research supervision and management:


Ph.d. students.

  • Christina Damsted Pedersen, MD (2009)

  • Sarah Wåhlin, MD (2017)

  • Rikke Simonsen, psychologist (2016)

  • Laila Twistmann Bay, research nurse. Enrolled 2017

    Post Doc.

  • Per Nedergaard, Ph.D (2005-2007)

    Scholar stipendiat.

  • Sarah Wåhlin, medical student (2008-2009)


  • Nanna Laesoe, MD (2010-13)

  • Kristine Krakauer, MD (2011-12)

  • Mette Bjergaard Pedersen, medical student (2012-14)

  • Pernille Palm, research nurse, (2012- )

  • Randi V. Karlsen, research nurse, (2012- )


    Bachelor projects (medical students)

  • Søren Kring (2000)
  • Jesper Bergkvist (2001)
  • Nina Kleman (2003)
  • Oscar Lundberg (2004)
  • Sarah Berg (2012)

  • Anders Valentin (2013)

  • Arendse Sander Loua (2013)

  • Nichlas Schou (2014)

  • Fanny Erkinheimo (2014)

  • Kathrine Fiil Leth (2014)

  • Mia Beicher (2014)

  • Louise Broth Christensen (2014)


    Master thesis projects (medical students)

  • Christine Hilmand (2001)
  • Nina Gregersen (2001)

  • Shan Kahn (2005)

  • Sarah Wåhlin (2008)

  • Nanna Laesoe (2010)

  • Morten B. Ladegaard (2012)

  • Marie Sommer Boysen (2012)

  • Catharina Bexar (2014)

  • Thea Sørensen (2015)

  • Ann Sofi Eldon (2015)

  • Lucas Rudblad (2015)

  • Carina Hougaard Jensen (2016)

  • Sara Julia Palmqvist (2016)

  • Marie Court-Payen (2016)

  • Kristina Thomassen (2018) FSV

  • Hevy Saddradin (2018)

Evaluation obligations:
  • Ph.d thesis: Paul Enzlin. Sexual functioning and psychological adjustment in women with type 1 diabetes. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Faculty of Medicine.
  • Evaluation of Masters thesis. University of Melbourne. (2011).
  • Risa Lonne Hoffmann, Ph.d Thesis, University of Trondheim (2015)
  • Simon Gabriel Comerma Steffensen, Ph.d Thesis Aarhus University (2016)
  • Filippo Nimbi, Ph.d thesis. University of Rome (2017)


Professor Evaluation:

  • Evaluated Professor application (Dr. Sharon Parish) at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (2013).

Evaluation of Grant applications:

  • Evaluated grant application for the Dutch Diabetic Association. (2012)
  • Grant reviewer during 5 years at the European Society for Sexual Medicine (2009 - 2013 )
  • Member of the regional group for evaluation of 1-year research projects for students in psychiatry. Appointed by The Danish Psychiatric Associations Research Committee. (2012 - 2017)
  • Co-author at the best essay winner of the Jean Francois Ginestie Prize at the 20th World Meeting of Sexual Medicine, Beijing 2016.
  • Winner of the Jean Francois Ginestie Prize at the 9th World Meeting of Impotence Research, Perth, Australia, 2000. Best essay.
  • Prize winning essay at the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health Meeting, Boston, MA, USA. 2001.

  • Best abstract Prize. European Society of Sexual Medicine, Annual meeting, Hamburg, Germany. 2002

Participation in clinical trials:
  • Co-investigator at phase three study of Sildenafil on men with erectile dysfunction.
  • Co-investigator at a POC (phase IIA) study of Cialis for women with Female Sexual Dysfunction.
  • Co-investigator at a POC (phase IIA) study of Summanirole for women with Female Sexual Dysfunction.
  • Coordinating investigator of LAPIS A2181014/ 16. Female Sexual Dysfunction
  • Coordinating investigator of Viagra A1481127/ 36. Female Sexual Dysfunction
  • Coordinating investigator Pfizer study A8361015. Female Sexual Dysfunction
  • Coordinating investigator Pfizer study A5051017. Female Sexual Dysfunction
Associate editor positions:
  • Associate editor, International Journal of Impotence Research (August 2002 – 2004).
  • Associate editor, Journal of Sexual Medicine (August 2004 –  July 2013).
  • Associate editor, Journal of Sexual and Marital Therapy (2007 –July 2013).
  • Guest Editor at Special issue of Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology International. Female sexual function and dysfunction. (2013).
  • Section Editor. Current Sexual Health Reports. Female Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders (2013 - 14).
  • Deputy Editor of Journal of Sexual Medicine. (2014-)
Editorial board Obligations:
  • International Journal of Impotence Research. (January 2001-August 2002)
  • European Journal of Urology (December 2005 -2009)
Peer Reviewer obligations: (selected journals).
  • British Journal of Pharmacology
  • European Journal of Urology
  • Journal of Urology
  • International Journal of Impotence Research
  • Journal of Sexual Medicine
  • Sexual Medicine- open access
  • Toxicology and Pharmacology
  • Journal of Sexual and Marital Therapy
  • Ugeskrift for Læger
Membership of Scientific Associations:
  • Danish Medical Association
  • Danish Psychiatric Association
  • Danish Society for Clinical Pharmacology
  • International Society for Sexual Medicine
  • European Society for Sexual Medicine
  • Scandinavian Society for Sexual medicine
  • International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health
Positions in Scientific Societies:

Danish Psychiatric Association:

Member of the research committee. 2010 - 15


International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) (former Female Sexual Function Forum)

  • Chairman of the Nominating Committee (October 2000 – October 2001).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee (December 2000 – October 2002)
  • Chairman of the Scientific Committee, responsible for the 2003 meeting in Amsterdam (October 2002 - October 2003). (scientific Meeting Chair)
  • Director-at-large, Board Member (September 2003 – 2005)
  • President elect (October 2005 – February 2007)
  • Acting president (March 2006 – September 2006).
  • President (February 2007 – February 2008).
  • Member of the scientific committee (February 2012 – February 2013).


European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM)

  • Member of the Executive Committee (December 2003 – December 2006).
  • Chairman, ESSM Scientific Subcommittee on Female Sexual Health (December 2005 – December 2008).
  • Co-chair of the annual meeting of European Society of Sexual Medicine in Copenhagen (1600 delegates) December 2005.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee (December 2008 – 2011).
  • Member of the Faculty of the ESSM Oxford School (February 2011 - ).


Scandinavian Society for Sexual Medicine

  • Co-founder of the Scandinavian Society of Sexual Medicine (2005).
  • Treasurer and Board member December (2006 – 2009).
  • President (November 2009 – December 2012).


International Society for Sexual Medicine

  • Scientific co-chair for the International Society of Sexual Medicine biannual meeting in Seoul (2009 – 2010).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee planning the biannual meeting in Chicago, USA (2010-2012).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee planning the biannual meeting in Sao Paolo, Brazil (2012-2014).
  • Member at large of the Executive Committee (2009 – 14)
  • Treasurer and member of the executive officers (2014 - 2018)
  • President elect (2018- )
  • Scientific chair for the ISSM/ISSWSH meeting 2019                          


Consultations, Standard Committees and guideline committees

  • Committee member at the 2nd WHO International Consultation on Erectile dysfunction and Sexual Dysfunctions. Paris. Committee: Physiology and Pathophysiology of female sexual function (2003).
  • Committee Chairman at The 3rd WHO International Consultation of Sexual Medicine, Paris. Committee: Physiology of female sexual function (2009).
  • Member of the International Society for Sexual Medicine’s Standard Committee. The Subcommittee on Female Sexual Function. (2005-2007):
  • Member of the International Society for Sexual Medicine’s Standard Committee. Chairman of The Subcommittee on Female Sexual Function. (2007 -).
  • Co-Chair of the International Society for Sexual Medicine’s Standard Committee. (2009 – 2016)
  • International Society for Sexual Medicine. Guideline committee. Developing definitions of premature ejaculation. (2009).
  • International Society for Sexual Medicine. Guideline committee. Revising definitions, evaluation and treatment guidelines of premature ejaculation. (2013).
  • Vice-chair of The 4rd International Consultation of Sexual Medicine, Madrid (2015)


Advisory boards
  • Advisory boards for pharmaceutical companies: Bayer Healthcare, Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, Vivus, The Emotional Brain, Otsuka Pharma, Palatin


  • Co-responsible for ED help line, managed by Sexologic Clinic, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen. (September 2002 – 2006).
  • Counselling on a public website in questions regarding diabetes and sexual function (
  • Counselling at help line for sexological problems and help line for sexual offenders.
  • Answering question related to sexual problems in the patient magazine for Diabetic patients (Diabetesbladet).
  • Several interviews in television, radio, newspapers, magazines and patient magazines eg. DR, TV2,DR2, Austrian, Egyptian and Indian television, Politiken Berlingske Tidende, BT, Information, SydSvenskan, Femina & Alt for Damerne.


Publication list

Ph.d-thesis:     Studies of cAMP and its involvement in signal transduction in erectile tissue. 1997
Peer reviewed articles: H-index = 27.
  1. Giraldi,A., Enevoldsen,A. & Wagner,G. Oxytocin and parturition, a review. Dan.Med.Bull. 1990;37:377-83.

  2. Giraldi,A. & Wagner,G. Effects of Pinacidil upon erectile tissue, in vitro and in vivo. Pharmacol.Toxicol. 1990;67:235-238.

  3. Palmer,LS., Valcic,M., Melman,A., Giraldi,A., Wagner,G. & Christ,GJ. Characterization of cyclic AMP accumulation in cultured human corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells. J.Urol. 1994;152:1308-1314.

  4. Serels,S., Day,NS., Wen,YP., Giraldi,A., Lee,SW., Melman A. & Christ,GJ. Molecular studies of human connexin 43 (Cx43) expression in isolated corporal tissue strips and cultured corporal smooth muscle cells. Int.J.Impotence Res. 1998;10:135-143

  5. Giraldi,A., Serels,S., Autieri,M., Melman,A. & Christ,GJ. Endothelin-1 as a putative modulator of gene expression and cellular physiology in cultured human corporal smooth muscle cells. J.Urol, 1998;160: 1856-62

  6. Giraldi,A. Male erectile dysfunction. Scand.J.Sex., 1998;1(4): 196-200.

  7. Giraldi,A., Wyllie,M. & Wagner,G. Abanoquil, a new alpha-1-adrenoceptor antagonist. In vivo and in vitro effect on erectile tissue. Int.J. Impotence Res. 2000; 12: 1-4

  8. Giraldi A, Persson K, Werkström V, Alm,P, Wagner G & Andersson K-E. Effects of Diabetes on neurotransmission in rat vaginal smooth muscle. Int J Impotence Res. 2001; 13: 58-66.

  9. Venkateswarlu K, Giraldi A, Zhao W, Wang H-Z, Melman A, Spektor M & Christ G.J. Potassium channels and human corporeal smooth muscle cell tone: Diabetes and relaxation of human corpus cavernosum smooth muscle by adenosine triphosphate sensitive potassium channel openers. J.Urol. 2002; 168:355-361.

  10. Giraldi A, Alm P, Werkström V, Myllimäki L, Wagner, G & Andersson K-E. Morphological and functional characterization of a rat vaginal smooth muscle sphincter. Int.J.Impotence Res. 2002;14: 271-282

  11. Giraldi,A. & Victor,J. Seksuel dysfunktion hos kvinder som lægemiddelbivirkning (Female sexual dysfunction as adverse effect of pharmacological treatrment, in Danish). Ugeskr Laeger 2002;164:4757-60.

  12. Hilmand,C.B.; Gregersen,N. & Giraldi,A. Farmakologisk behandling af seksuel dysfunktion hos kvinder (Pharmacological treatment of sexual dysfunction in women, in Danish). Ugeskr Laeger 2002;164:4794- 96.

  13. Giraldi, A & Kirkeby,HJ. Behandling af erektil dysfunktion. Rationel Farmakoterapi, August 2003.

  14. Giraldi A, Marson L, Nappi R, Pfaus J ,Traish AM, Vardi Y and Goldstein I. Physiology of female sexual function: Animal models. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2004;1:237-253

  15. Althof,S, Goldtein,I, Becher,E, Giraldi,A, Vardi,Y, Dennerstein,L, Marson,L, Brotto,L, Schreiner-Engel,P, Wallen,K, Calyton,A, Altman,A, Kingsberg,S& Shabsigh,R. The other side: failure in fair and balanced reporting. J Sex Med 2005;2(4):583-4.

  16. Gregersen,N, Hilman,CB, Jensen,P & Giraldi,A. Sexual dysfunction in the menopause: incidence, pharmacological treatment and side effects (in Danish) Ugeskr laeger 2006;168(6):559-63.

  17. Gregersen,N, Hilman,CB, Jensen,P & Giraldi,A. Sexual dysfunction in the peri- and postmenopause. Status of incidence, pharmacological treatment and possible risks. A Secondary publication. Dan Med Bull 2006;53(3):349-353

  18. Eplov LF, Giraldi A, Davidsen M, Garde K & Kamper-Jørgensen F. Sexual desire in a national representative Danish population. J Sex Med 2007;4(1):47-56.

  19. Giraldi A & Kristensen E. Medical solutions have improved the treatment of sexological problems and created more demand for sexological care. J Sex Marital Ther. 2007 Oct-Dec;33(5):433-7.

  20. Rosendahl S, Kristensen, E & Giraldi A. [Sexual dysfunction in men treated for testicular cancer]. Ugeskr Laeger. 2007 Nov 12;169(46):3941-6. Review. Danish.

  21. McMahon CG, Althof S, Waldinger MD, Porst H, Dean J, Sharlip I, Adaikan PG, Becher E, Broderick GA, Buvat J, Dabees K, Giraldi A, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ, Incrocci L, Laan E, Meuleman E, Perelman MA, Rosen R, Rowland D, Segraves R.  An evidence-based definition of lifelong premature ejaculation: report of the International Society for Sexual Medicine Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation. BJU Int. 2008 Aug;102(3):338-50

  22. McMahon CG, Althof SE, Waldinger MD, Porst H, Dean J, Sharlip ID, Adaikan PG, Becher E, Broderick GA, Buvat J, Dabees K, Giraldi A, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ, Incrocci L, Laan E, Meuleman E, Perelman MA, Rosen RC, Rowland DL, Segraves R. An Evidence-Based Definition of Lifelong Premature Ejaculation: Report of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation. J Sex Med. 2008 5(7):1590-606.

  23. Petersen, CD, Lundvall L, Kristensen E, Giraldi A. Vulvodynia. Definitions, diagnosis and treatment. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2008;87(9):893-901. Review.

  24. Clemmesen JO, Giraldi A, Ott P, Dalhoff K, Hansen BA, Larsen FS. Sildenafil does not influence hepatic venous pressure gradient in patients with cirrhosis. World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Oct 28;14(40):6208-12.

  25. Vardi Y, Salonia A, Lowenstein L, Mueller ER, Giraldi A, Laan E. Should nerve-sparing procedures be reserved to men only? J Sex Med. 2008 Oct;5(10):2259-63.

  26. Rosendal S, Kristensen E & Giraldi A. Sexual Dysfunction in men treated for testicular cancer – secondary publication. Dan Med Bull. 2008;55(4):211-5

  27. Petersen CD, Kristensen E, Lundvall L & Giraldi A. A retrospective study of relevant diagnostic procedures in vulvodynia. J Reprod Med. 2009;54(5):281-7

  28. Petersen CD, Giraldi A, Lundvall L, Kristensen E Botulinum toxin type-A a novel treatment for provoked vestibulodynia? Results from a randomized, placebo controlled, double blinded study. J Sex Med. 2009;6(9):2523-37

  29. Giraldi A & Kristensen E. Sexual dysfunction in women with diabetes mellitus. The Journal of Sex Research. 2010; 47:1-13.

  30. Salonia, A, Giraldi, A, Chivers, M, Georgidadis, J, Levin, R, Maravilla, K & McCarthy, P. Physiology of women’s sexual function. Basic knowledge and new findings. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2010;7:2637

  31. Giraldi et al. Physiology of Women’s sexual function. Basic knowledge and new findings. Proceedings from the 3rd consultation on sexual medicine, Paris 2009. (CD-ROM)

  32. Giraldi A, Rellini A, Pfaus JG, Bitzer j, Laan E, Jannini EA & Fugl-Meyer AR. Questionnaires for assessment of Female Sexual Dysfunction: A review and proposal for a standardized screener. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2011;8:2681-706.

  33. Petersen M, Kristensen E, Berg S, Giraldi A & Midgren B. Sexual function in women with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2011;8:2560

  34. Læssøe NC, Wåhlin S, Kristensen E, Giraldi A, Pedersen AT. Hvad ved vi om p-piller og lyst? Månedsskrift for almen praksis 2011;89(12):1056-1063.

  35. Cellek S & Giraldi A. Challenges in Sexual Medicine. Nature Reviews, Urology. 2012;9:537-42.

  36. Bitzer J, Giraldi A & Pfaus J. Sexual desire and hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women. Introduction and overview. Standard operating procedure (SOP part 1). Journal of Sexual Medicine 2013;10:36-49

  37. Bitzer J, Giraldi A & Pfaus J. Sexual desire and hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women. Introduction and overview. Standard operating procedure (SOP part 2). Journal of Sexual Medicine 2013;10:50-57

  38. Fugl-Meyer KS, Bohm-Starke N, Damsted Petersen C, Fugl-Meyer A & Giraldi A. Standard Operating Procedures for Female Genital Sexual Pain. Journal Sexual Medicine 2013;10:83-93.

  39. Giraldi A, Rellini A, Pfaus J & Laan E. Female Sexual Arousal Disorder. Standard Operating Procedure. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2013;10:58-73

  40. Orri M, Abraham L & Giraldi A. A phase 2a Multi-Centre, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over trial to investigate the efficacy, safety and toleration of CP-866,087 (a high affinity Mu-opioid receptor antagonist) in the pre-menopausal women diagnosed with Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD). Journal of Sexual Medicine 2013; Jan 24. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12071.

  41. Krakauer K, Wåhlin S, Giraldi A & Kristensen E. Nedsat seksuel lyst hos kvinder. Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis. Februar 2013:156.

  42. Krakauer K, Kristensen E & Giraldi A. Seksuelle bivirkninger ved lægemidler. Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis. Marts 2013:253-265.

  43. Nappi RE, Mattsson L, Lachowsky M, Maamari R & Giraldi A.  The CLOSER survey: Impact of postmenopausal vaginal discomfort on relationships between women and their partners in Northern and Southern Europe. Maturitas 2013;75(4):373-9

  44. Davis SR, Bitzer J, Giraldi A, Palacios S, Parke S, Serrani M, Mellinger U & Nappi RE. Change to Either a Non-Androgenic or Androgenic Progestin-Containing Oral Contraceptive Preparation is Associated with Improved Sexual Function in Women with Oral Contraceptive-Associated Sexual Dysfunction. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12 SEP 2013, DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12310.

  45. Johansen PP, Zwisler AD, Hastrup-Svendsen J, Fredriksen M, Lindschou J, Winkel P, Gluud C, Giraldi A, Steinke E, Jaarsma T & Berg SK. A randomised clinical trial of a comprehensive sexual rehabilitation programme plus usual care versus usual care in male patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator or ischaemic heart disease and impaired sexual function - the CopenHeartSF trial protocol BMJ Open. 2013 Nov 25;3(11):e003967. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003967.

  46. Bergh S & Giraldi A. Antidepressiva og seksuelle bivirkninger. En statusartikel. (Ugeskrift for Læger 2014; 176)

  47. Læssøe NC,  Wåhlin S, Kristensen EM, Pedersen AT & Giraldi A. Effects of Hormonal Contraception on Women’s Sexual Function: a Cross-Sectional Study in a Cohort of Danish Women. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2014.

  48. Serefoglu EC, McMahon CG, Waldinger MD, Althof SE, Shindel A, Adaikan G, Becher EF, Dean J, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ, Giraldi A, Glina S, Incrocci L, Jannini E, McCabe M, Parish S, Rowland D, Segraves RT, Sharlip I, Torres LO. An evidence-based unified definition of lifelong and acquired premature ejaculation: report of the second International Society for Sexual Medicine Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation.J Sex Med. 2014 Jun;11(6):1423-41. Epub 2014 May 22.

  49. Althof SE, McMahon CG, Waldinger MD, Serefoglu EC, Shindel AW, Adaikan PG, Becher E, Dean J, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ, Giraldi A, Glina S, Incrocci L, Jannini E, McCabe M, Parish S, Rowland D, Segraves RT, Sharlip I, Torres LO. An update of the International Society of Sexual Medicine's guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation (PE).J Sex Med. 2014 Jun;11(6):1392-422. Epub 2014 May 22

  50. Althof SE, McMahon CG, Waldinger MD, Serefoglu EC, Shindel AW, Adaikan PG, Becher E, Dean J, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ, Giraldi A, Glina S, Incrocci L, Jannini E, McCabe M, Parish S, Rowland D, Segraves RT, Sharlip I, Torres LO. An Update of the International Society of Sexual Medicine's Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Premature Ejaculation (PE). Sex Med. 2014 Jun;2(2):60-90. doi: 10.1002/sm2.28. Review. (double publication)

  51. Serefoglu EC, McMahon CG, Waldinger MD, Althof SE, Shindel A, Adaikan G, Becher EF, Dean J, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ, Giraldi A, Glina S, Incrocci L, Jannini E, McCabe M, Parish S, Rowland D, Segraves RT, Sharlip I, Torres LO. An evidence-based unified definition of lifelong and acquired premature ejaculation: report of the second international society for sexual medicine ad hoc committee for the definition of premature ejaculation. Sex Med. 2014 Jun;2(2):41-59. doi: 10.1002/sm2.27. Review. (double publication)

  52. Graugaard C, Giraldi A & Frisch M. Sundhed og trivsel blandt danske LGBT personer. Månedsskrift for almen praksis. September 2014;

  53. Giraldi A, Kristensen EM & Sand M. Endorsement of models describing sexual response men and women with a sexual partner:  An online survey in a population sample of Danish adults ages 20 – 65 years. J Sex Med. 2015:12;116-128

  54. Wåhlin-Jacobsen S, Kristensen EM, Pedersen AT, Læssøe NC, Lundqvist M, Cohen AS, Hougaard DM & Giraldi A. Is there a correlation between androgens and sexual desire in women? J Sex Med. 2015 Feb;12(2):358-73.

  55. Giraldi A, Kristensen E & Sand M. Response to comment on ”Endorsement of models describing sexual response in men and women with a sexual partner: An online survey in a population sample of Danish adults ages 20-65 years. J Sex Med. 2015;12:1981-2

  56. Graugaard C, Giraldi A, Frisch M, Falgaard Eplov L, Davidsen M. Self-reported sexual and psychosocial health among non-heterosexual Danes.Scand J Public Health. 2015 May;43(3):309-14.. Epub 2015 Feb 4.

  57. Pedersen MB, Giraldi A, Kristensen EM, Davidsen M, Lauritzen T, Sandbæk A & Charles M.
    Prevalence of sexual desire and sexual satisfaction among patients with screen detected diabetes and the impact of intensive multifactorial treatment – The ADDITION-Denmark study" Scand J Prim Health Care. 2015 Mar;33(1):3-10

  58. Simonsen, R, Hald, GM, Giraldi, A & Kristensen, E. Sociodemographic study of Danish Individuals diagnosed with Transsexualism. Sex. Med 2015:3;109-117

  59. Bentsen, IL, Giraldi A, Kristensen, E & Andersen HS. Systematic review of sexual dysfunction among veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Sex.Med Rev.2015:3;78-87.

  60. Bjerggaard M, Charles M, Davidsen M, Kristensen E, Lauritzen T, Sandbæk A & Giraldi A Prevalence of Sexual Concerns and Sexual Dysfunction among Sexually Active and Inactive Men and Women with Screen-Detected Type 2 Diabetes. Sex Med. 2015;3(4):302-10

  61. Wåhlin-Jacobsen S, Pedersen AT, Kristensen EM, Læssøe NC, Lundqvist M, Cohen AS, Hougaard DM & Giraldi A. Response to comments on “Is there a correlation between androgens and sexual desire in women?” J Sex Med. 2015 Aug;12(8):1851-52.

  62. Simonsen RK, Giraldi A, Kristensen EM & Hald GM. Long-term follow-up of individuals undergoing sex reassignment surgery: Psychiatric morbidity and mortality. Nord. J. of Psychiatry 2015;19:1-7

  63. Simonsen R, Hald GM, Kristensen E & Giraldi A. Long-term follow up of individuals undergoing sex-reassignment surgery. Somatic morbidity and cause of death. Sex Med. 2016;4:e60-8.

  64. Svensson AL, Christensen R, Persson F, Løgstrup BB, Giraldi A, Graugaard C, Fredberg U, Blegvad J, Thygesen T, Hansen IM, Colic A, Bagdat D, Ahlquist P, Jensen HS, Hørslev-Petersen K, Sheetal E, Christensen TG, Svendsen L, Emmertsen H, Ellingsen T. Multifactorial intervention to prevent cardiovascular disease in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2016;20:6(4):e009134.

  65. Giraldi A & Wåhlin-Jacobsen. Female sexual dysfunction: A call to arms for collaboration to understand the sexological elephant. Nature Reviews Urology. Nat Rev Urol. 2016 Jul;13(7):365-6.

  66. Parish SJ, Goldstein AT, Goldstein SW, Goldstein I, Pfaus J, Clayton AH, Giraldi A, Simon J, Althof SE, Bachmann G, Komisaruk B, Levin R, Kellog Spadt S, Kingsberg SA, Perelman MA, Waldinger M ? Whipple B. Towards a more evidence-based nosology and nomenclature for Female sexual dysfunction – part II J Sex Med. 2016 Dec;13(12):1888-1906.

  67. Karlsen RV, Bidstrup PE, Hvarness H, Bagi P, Lippert EF, Permild R, Giraldi A, Lawaetz A, Krause E, Due U & Johansen C. Fesability and acceptability of couple counselling and pelvic floor muscle training after operation for prostate cancer. Acta Onc. 2017:56;270-77

  68. Goldstein I, Kim NN, Clayton AH, DeRogatis LR, Giraldi A, Parish SJ, Pfaus J, Simon JA, Kingsberg SA, Meston C, Stahl SM, Wallen K, Worsley R. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) Expert Consensus Panel Review. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Nov 30.: S0025-6196(16) Review.

  69. Wåhlin-Jacobsen S, Kristensen E, Pedersen AT, Læssøe NC, Cohen AS, Hougaard DM, Lundqvist M & Giraldi A, Androgens and Psychosocial Factors Related to Sexual Dysfunctions in Premenopausal Women: 2016 ISSM Female Sexual Dysfunction Prize. J Sex Med. 2017 Mar;14(3):366-379

  70. Eldon AS & Giraldi A. Flibanserin. En ny behandlingsmulighed for kvinder, der lider af nedsat lyst? UFL 2017;13:179

  71. Lucas Rundblad, Ann-Dorthe Zwisler, Pernille Palm Johansen, Teresa Holmberg, Nanna Schneekloth Christiansen  Annamaria Giraldi. Perceived Sexual Difficulties and Sexual Counseling in Men and Women Across Heart Diagnoses: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017;14;785-96

  72. Sørensen T, Giraldi A & Vinberg M. Sexual distress and quality of life among women with bipolar disorder. International Journal of Bipolar Disorder (2017) 5:29

  73. Fiil K & Giraldi A. Communication about sexual matters with women attending a Danish fertility centre. A descriptive study. Sex Med. 2017 Sep;5(3):e196-e202.

  74. M.B. Pedersen, A. Giraldi, M. Charles, Seksualitet og type 2-diabetes, Månedsskrift for almen praksis, oktober 2017, s.805-814

  75. C.F.S. Jensen & A. Giraldi. Erektil dysfunktion - behandling i almen praksis. Institut for Rationel Farmakoterapi Månedsblad. December 2017.

  76. Mulhall JP, Giraldi A, Hackett G, Hellstrom WJG, Jannini E, Rubio-Aurioles E, Trost L & Hassan TA. The 2018 revision of the process of care model for management of erectile dysfunction. (accepted JSM)

  77. Mulhall JP, Giraldi A, Hackett G, Hellstrom WJG, Jannini EA, Rubio-Aurioles E, Trost L & Hassan TA.2018 Revision to the Process of Care Model for Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction. (accepted JSM)

  78. Franck C, Poulsen MH, Karampas G, Giraldi A & Rudnicki M. Questionnaire-based evaluation of sexual life after laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis: a systematic review of prospective studies. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2018 May 12. doi: 10.1111. Review.

  79. Johansen PP, Zwisler AO, Svendsen JH, Giraldi A, Rasmussen ML & Berg SK. Compromised sexual health among male patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator - a cross sectional questionnaire study. Manuscript.( In revision Sexual Medicine-open access)

  80. Johansen PP, Zwisler AO, Svendsen JH, Thygesen LC, Giraldi A, Jensen KG, Lindschou J, Winkel P, Gluud C, Steinke E & Berg SK. Sexual rehabilitation improves sexual function in male cardiac patients with impaired sexual function – results from the randomised CopenHeartSF, clinical trial. Manuscript. (In revision Heart)

  1. Damsted Petersen C, Giraldi A. Insight into Urogynecologic Features of Women with Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome. Eur Urol. 2008 (editorial)

  2. Petersen CD, Giraldi A. Should physiotherapy be part of a multidisciplinary treatment for women with chronic pelvic pain? Int J Clin Pract. 2008 Feb;62(2):174-5. (editorial)

  3. Giraldi A. Editorial "I think sex is here to stay" Groucho Marx (1890-1977). J Sex Med. 2008 Dec;5(12):2737-9.

  4. Giraldi A. The passion of sexual medicine. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2011;8:635 (editorial)

  5. Giraldi A & Goldstein I. Sexual health for all? Journal of Sexual Medicine 2011;8:2119 (editorial)

  6. Giraldi A & Graugaard C. Rituel drengeomskæring mellem sundhed, kultur og etik. Leder Ugeskrift for læger. Ugeskr Laeger. 2016 Jul 11;178(28). Danish.



  7. Management of Sexual Dysfunction in men and women. An interdisciplinary approach. Editors: Lipshultz,L.I., Pasturszak A.W., Goldstein, A.T., Giraldi,A. and Perelman,M.A. (editors). 2016, Springer NY


Book chapters:
  1. Graugaard C, Eplov LF, Giraldi A et al. The Kingdom of Denmark. In: Francoeur RT, Noonan RJ (ed.). The Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality. Continuum, 2004: 329-44

  2. Goldstein I, Giraldi A, Kodigliu A, van Lunsen HW, Marson L, Nappi R, Pfaus J, Salonia A, Traish AM & Vardi Y. Physiology of female sexual function and pathophysiology of female sexual dysfunction. In, Lue T et al (ed). Sexual Medicine. Sexual dysfunctions in men and women. Health Publications, 2004: 683- 747.

  3. Giraldi A, Levin RJ. Vascular Physiology of female sexual function, in Women’s Sexual Function and Dysfunction: Study, Diagnosis and Treatment. Ed. Goldstein, Meston, Davis & Traish, 2006. Taylor & Francis Medical

  4. Giraldi,A & Graziottin,A. Sexual Arousal disorders, in Standard practice in Sexual Medicine. Ed. Porst, H & Buvat,J. 2006. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  5. Graziottin,A & Giraldi,A. Anatomy and physiology of women’s sexual function. in Standard practice in Sexual Medicine. Ed. Porst, H & Buvat,J. 2006. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  6. Graziottin, A. Dennerstein,L, Alexander,J, Giraldi,A & Whipple,B. Classification, etiology and key issues in FSD. in Standard practice in Sexual Medicine. Ed. Porst, H & Buvat,J. 2006. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  7. Giraldi,A. The circulatory system. In Sexual Health. Physical Foundations. Volume 2. Ed. Owens AF & Tepper MS. 2007. Praeger Publishers.

  8. Giraldi,A. Classifying Female Sexual Dysfunction. In Cancer and Sexual Health, Current Clinical Urology. Ed. Mulhall JP, Incrocci L, Goldstein I & Rosen R. 2011. Humana Press, Springer New York.

  9. Giraldi A. Commentary: Diagnosis and management of female orgasmic disorder. In Management of sexual dysfunctions in men and women – an interdiciplinary approach. Pp269-271 In Lipshultz, LI,  Pastuszak, AW, Goldstein AT, Giraldi A, Perelman MA Springer 2016.

  10. Giraldi A. Commentary: The diagnosis and management of female sexual arousal disorder. In Management of sexual dysfunctions in men and women – an interdiciplinary approach. Pp 257-260 Eds. Lipshultz, LI,  Pastuszak, AW, Goldstein AT, Giraldi A, Perelman MA Springer (2016)

Book chapters in Danish:
  1. Giraldi, A. Seksuelle problemer hos kvinder med diabetes i ’Håndbog for insulinbehandlede diabetikere’ Diabetesforeningen 2001

  2. Giraldi, A & E. Kristensen. Seksuelle problemer hos kvinder- en guide til almen praksis, 2002

  3. Giraldi, A & Ejskjær, N. Diabetes og seksuelle problemer. Munksgaard Danmark A/S 2007

  4. Giraldi, A & Kristensen, E. Seksuelle forstyrrelser I Lærebog I psykiatri for fysio - og ergoterapeuter. 2009 Munksgaard Danmark A/S

  5. Ejskjær N & Giraldi A. Diabetes og seksuelle problemer i Diabetes. Sygdom, behandling og organisation. 2nd ed. Ed Hilsted J, Borch-Johnsen K & Christiansen JS. Munksgaard, Danmark, København, 2011

  6. Kristensen E og Giraldi A. Psykisk sygdom og seksuel forstyrrelse i Psykiske sygdomme og kroppen. Ed. Per Jørgensen, Munksgaard, Danmark, København, 2011, s. 147-169.

  7. Wenneberg C & Giraldi A. Diabetes i praksis. Dagens Medicin’s Forlag 2011. S 103-120.

  8. Giraldi A & Kristensen E. Forskning i Sexologisk Klinik, i 25 år med Sexologisk Klinik, ed Kristensen E & Giraldi A, Sexologisk Klinik PCK, 2011, s. 96-118

  9. Giradi A, Petersen CD, Horsbøl H & Kristensen E. Sexologisk udredning og medicinsk behandling, i 25 år med Sexologisk Klinik, ed Kristensen E & Giraldi A, Sexologisk Klinik PCK, 2011, s. 38-48.

  10. Giraldi A & Kristensen E. Undervisning og formidling,  i 25 år med Sexologisk Klinik, ed Kristensen E & Giraldi A, Sexologisk Klinik PCK, 2011, s. 92-95

  11. Giraldi A & Kristensen E.Sexologi i Klinisk Neuropsykiatri. Fra molekyle til sygdom, ed Rosenberg R & Videbech P. FADL’s Forlag, København 2013, s.475-494.

  12. Giraldi A & Kristensen E. Sexologiske Forstyrrelser i Klinisk psykiatri, ed Mors O, Nordentoft M & Hageman I. Munksgard 2016 s. 439-460

  13. Giraldi A & Kristensen E. Sexologi.I Klinisk Neuropsykiatri, eds. Rosenberg R & Videbech P. FADLs Forlag, 2018, s. 487-503.

  14. Fuglesang Jensen CS & Giraldi A. Lægemidler mod erektil dysfunktion. In Klinisk Farmakologi for sygeplejersker. Lærebog. FADLS forlag (submitted)

  15. Christian Graugaard & Annamaria Giraldi. Sexologiske problemstillinger ved medicinsk sygdom lærebogskapitel. In Medicinsk kompendium (submitted)

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