Angela Pinot de Moira
- Department of Public Health, Section of Epidemiology - Postdoc, Guest Researcher
Person: VIP
Stine Kjær Urhøj
- Department of Public Health, Section of Epidemiology - Assistant Professor
Person: TAP
Marie Pedersen
- Department of Public Health, Section of Epidemiology - Associate Professor
- Department of Public Health, Section of Environmental Health - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Lise Hestbæk
- Aarhus University
- University of Southern Denmark
- Nordisk Institut for Kiropraktik og Klinisk Biomekanik
External person
Klara Kaltoft
- University of Copenhagen
- Copenhagen University Hospital - Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg
External person
Marjolein N Kooijman
External person
J Hartvigsen
External person
Sílvia Fernández-Barrés
- ISGlobal - Barcelona Institute for Global Health
- Barcelona Institute for Global Health
- CIBER - Center for Biomedical Research Network
- Pompeu Fabra University
External person
Marie-Aline Charles
- Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Université Paris 5
- French Blood Agcy, French Inst Med Res & Hlth INSERM, French Inst Demog Studies Ined, ELFE Joint Unit
- Univ Paris, INRAE, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm), Universite de Paris, INRA, INSERM, CRESS
External person
Raquel Lucas
External person
Anne Forhan
External person
Morris A Swertz
- Univ Groningen, University of Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Dept Genet
- University of Groningen
External person
Sylvain Sebert
- University of Oulu
- Imperial College London
- Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Physiology, University of Oulu and Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu
External person
Liesbeth Duijts
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam, Generat R Study Grp
- Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam
External person
Johan G. Eriksson
- University of Helsinki
- ASTAR, Agency for Science Technology & Research (ASTAR), Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), Singapore Inst Clin Sci SICS
- Natl Univ Singapore, National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin Sch Med, Dept Obstet & Gynaecol
External person
Nina Rautio
External person
Ahmed Elhakeem
- Univ Bristol, University of Bristol, Bristol Med Sch, Populat Hlth Sci
- University of Bristol
External person
Martine Vrijheid
- CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBERESP, CIBER - Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red, CIBERESP
- Barcelona Institute for Global Health
- Pompeu Fabra University
- CIBER - Center for Biomedical Research Network
- Barcelona Inst Global Hlth ISGIobal
- Spanish Consortium for Research and Public Health (CIBERESP)
- Spanish Consortium for Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP)
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Pere Virgili Health Research Institute
External person
Rachel E Foong
External person
Lorenzo Richiardi
- Univ Turin, University of Turin, Dept Med Sci, Canc Epidemiol Unit
- Univ Turin, University of Turin, Dept Med Sci
- University of Turin
- Università degli Studi di Torino
External person
Barbara Heude
- Univ Paris, INRAE, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm), Ctr Res Epidemiol & Stat CRESS, INSERM, INRAE
- Univ Paris, INRAE, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm), Universite de Paris, INRA, INSERM, CRESS
- Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale
- Université Paris Cité
- Université Paris-Sud
- Université Paris Descartes
- Université Paris 13
- Early Life Research on Later Health Team (EARoH)
External person
Veit Grote
- LMU, University of Munich, Univ Hosp, Dr von Hauner Childrens Hosp, Dept Pediat
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Munich University
External person
Eva Corpeleijn
- Maastricht University
- Univ Groningen, University of Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Dept Epidemiol
- University of Groningen
External person
Marloes Cardol
External person
Sido Haakma
- Univ Groningen, University of Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Genom Coordinat Ctr
- University of Groningen
External person
Janine F Felix
- Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam, Generat R Study Grp
- Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam
- Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam, Dept Pediat
External person
Jane Lykke Nielsen
External person
Tuija M. Mikkola
- Folkhalsan Res Ctr, Folkhalsan Research Center
- Folkhalsan
- University of Helsinki
External person
Ellis Voerman
External person
Faryal Zariouh
External person
Hazel Inskip
- Southampton General Hospital
- University of Southampton
- Univ Southampton, University of Southampton, Southampton Gen Hosp, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiol Unit
- Univ Hosp Southampton NHS Fdn Trust, University of Southampton, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
- MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit
- Faculty of Medicine and NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research centre
- Statens Serum Institut
External person
Sarah Crozier
- Southampton General Hospital
- Univ Southampton, University of Southampton, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiol Unit
- MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit
External person
Vincent W V Jaddoe
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Sophia Children's Hospital
- Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam, Generat R Study Grp
- Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Erasmus MC - Sophia Children's Hospital, Sophia Childrens Hosp, Dept Pediat
- Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam
External person
John Wright
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Bradford Teaching Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Bradford Inst Hlth Res
- Bradford Royal Infirm, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford Inst Hlth Res
- Bradford Teaching Hosp, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford Inst Hlth Res, NHS Fdn Trust
- Bradford Institute for Heath Research
External person