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Anne Jerslev

  • Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S

  • Source: Scopus
1992 …2023

Research activity per year

Personal profile


Anne Jerslev, b. 1952


Professor, Ph.D., Film and Media Studies Section, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, University of Copenhagen. Professor II, University of Oslo.

Prior employment:

 1992: PhD

1992-1994: Assistant professor, Film and Media Studies.

1994-2009: Associate Professor.

2009-: Professor

2015-2017 and 2017-2019: Professor II, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.

Research stays:

1995, spring semester: Fulbright Scholar, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

2000: January, research stay in New York, studies at the Paley Media Center and the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.

2014, 2015: shorter research stays at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)


1993-1998: Head of Studies

2002-2004: Head of Department.

2004-2005: Head of Section, Film and Media Studies Section and vice head of department, Department of Media, Cognition and Communication

2008-2009: Head of Section, Film and Media Studies Section

2016-: Head of Section, Film, Media and  Communication Studies Section.

Participation in numerous assessment committees in Denmark and Scandinavia

Reviewer for Danish, Scandinavian and international journals of film and media studies.

Member of evaluation committees (selected) since 2009:

2005: Expert advisor for the Swedish Research Council.

2005: Expert advisor for the Norwegian Research Council.

2006: Expert advisor for the Finnish Academy.

2006-2007: Member of the board of evaluators of the Swedish University and Högskola studies in film, musicology, theatre, and art.

2010: Evaluator of Studies at the Department of Media, Communication and Journalism, Stockholm’s University.

2015: Evaluator or research, Södertörns Högskola

2015 and 2016: Member of board of evaulators, Swedish Research Council

Honorary posts since 2009

1997-2001: Member of the National Council for Education (personally appointed by the Danish Minister of Education),

2001-2004: Director of the Danish Association of Film and Media Researchers.

2001-2005: Member of the Council for the Cinematheque, The Danish Film Institute (representing The Department of Film and Media Studies)

2001-2009: Externally appointed member of the Research Council at the Royal Danish School of Librarianship

2009-2010: Member of Dean of the Humanities ’think tank’, University of Copenhagen.

2008-2014: Chair of the board of censors, Department of Aesthetics and Culture, University of Aarhus, Denmark

2009-2014: Member of the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication (2014 vice chair)

2011-14: Member of the board of evaluators for the Swedish Risbankens Jubileumsfond (Swedish Centennial Foundation).

2015-2017 and 2017-2019: Professor II; Department of Media Studies, University of Oslo, Norway

2015-: Member of Academia Europaea

Editorial posts:

1991-1992: Co-editor of Danish scientific journal MedieKultur

2002-: Co-editor of international scientific yearbook Northern Lights, Film and Media Studies Yearbook, Museum Tusculanum Press; from 2010 published with Intellect Press.

Peer-reviewer for Nordic (Norsk Medietidsskrift, Ekfrase), Danish (MedieKultur, Kvinder, Køn og Forskning) and international (among others: Celebrity Studies, Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Television and New Media, New Media and Society, Convergence).

 Research groups made possible by (primarily) external grants:

 1994-1998: “Ungdomsmedier og kulturel identitet” [Youth Media and Cultural Identity], financed by the Danish Research Council for the Humanities.

1996-1999: “Den billedskabte virkelighed” [Visual Realities], financed by the Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen.

1997-2001: “Kulturell uorden” [Cultural Disorder], financed by the Norwegian Research Council for the Humanities.

1999-2002: “Realitet, realisme, det reelle i visuel optik” [Reality, Realism and the Real in Visual Culture], financed by a Freja grant for female researchers by the Danish Research Council.

2004: 283.000 DKr from the Research Council for the Humanities for research assistance related to the Danish part of the international Lord of the Rings project (application by Anne Jerslev, succesfully met; Anne Jerslev director of Danish part of the project).

2005-2008: ”Hvor går grænsen? Højspændingsæstetik og etisk kvalitet i den aktuelle mediekultur” [High Tension Aesthetics. Media and Ethics in Contemporary Culture], financed by the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication (directed by Anne Jerslev, application by Anne Jerslev, succesfully met. Grant: around 4,5 mill. DKr).

2006-2009: ”Tv-underholdning: Flermedialitet og viden” [Television Entertainment – Cross Mediality and Knowledge], financed by the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication.

2013-2016: ”Ageing and old age in the media and elderly people’s media use” (grant 5,3 mill. DKr from the Velux Foundation,  co-writer of application)

2013-2017: ”Living with statins” – a cross-disciplinary project funded by the Copenhagen University 2016 excellency program (grant 20 mill. DKr from the University of Copenhagen, co-writer of application)

2014: Reciever (together with professor Anne Gjelsvik, NTNU, Norway (as main applicant) of grant from the the Nordic Committee for Nordic Research Councils for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-H) for two explorative workshops titled ”Face Value” (200.000 NKr).

2014-2015: Participation (and direction of Danish part together with Professor Kim Schroder, Roskilde University) in the large international study of the reception of the third Hobbit-film, ”The World Hobbit Project” (recieved departmental grant for the collection of quantitative data by professional firm).

2017: Grant from Nordisk Ministerråd for a project about Nordic Women in Cinema (co-applicant)

Participation in Scandinavian and international networks:

ECREA (and the TWG on Mediatization within ECREA); Society for Cinema and Media Studies  (including the Scandinavian scholars’ group within the Society); participation in the Mediatization and Celebrity Studies Network (based in Lund, Sweden and founded by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, ended 2016). Member of the international Fan Studies Network. Participation in the Mixed Cinema Network based in the University of Leeds 2012-2014. Participation in the InterArt International research Training Group (ended 2015); participation in the Swedish research network about ”Medialiseringens tider” (2013-2016) (supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and based on Södertörn Högskola); participation in the International Network on North-South Relations (based on Roskilde University, Denmark).

Participation in conferences:

 Participation in numerous international conferences with paper since 1988, key notes at conferences and seminars nationally as well as internationally, guest lectures at universities in Denmark and abroad etc. Regular participation in the ECREA conference, the Visible Evidence conferences (for documentary scholars) and the Society for Cinema and Media conferences, recently also the Celebrity Studies conferences and the Console-ing Passions conferences.

 Participation in assessment committees:

Participation (including as chair) in numerous assessment commitees for positions (Associate Professor and full professor) in Denmark and Scandinavia since 1990; participation in a range of PhD committees (including as chair) in Denmark and Scandinavia.

 PhD supervision:

 Helle Kannik Haastrup, University of Copenhagen (graduated 2004)

Eva Novrup Redvall, University of Copenhagen (graduated 2011)

Siri Hempel Lindoe, University of Agder, Norway (graduated 2016)


Primary fields of research

  • Representations of older women in the media (fashion ads, magazines, TV series)
  • Audience studies
  • TV entertainment
  • Celebrity studies
  • Women and media
  • Social media (including questions about media, intimacy and self-representations)
  • Fan culture
  • A long-lasting project about multi-artist David Lynch

Current research

  • Project about representations of older women in the media and older women’s appreciation of images of older women
  • Project about celebrity, ageing and older female fans (focusing in particular on American star Jane Fonda)
  • Project about David Lynch and his gesamtkunstwerk


  • I have in recent years taught the Factual Theory and Analysis, fourth semester BA course. I supervise a range of different subjects using different methods within film and media studies. During the past years I have for example supervised projects about audience/user studies, reality television, documentary and factual television programs, TV entertainment and audience appeal, social media and strategic communication.

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or