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Anne Kristine Gadeberg

PhD student

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

Personal profile

Short presentation

I am currently employed as a PhD student at the Section of Social Medicine, Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen. I have a master’s in public health from University of Copenhagen from 2017. My master thesis focused on how we strategically can improve the sustainability of social- and health interventions for vulnerable families.

My primary research interest is intervention- and evaluation research in relation to reducing social inequality in health through early interventions, especially regarding pregnancy and the early years of childhood.

Current research

In my PhD project I am conducting a realist evaluation of a complex intervention that consists of an improved breastfeeding counselling in 20 Danish municipalities. I investigate what works for whom under what circumstances.

My PhD is part of a larger evaluation design, where we also look into the effects and health economic consequences of the intervention. The plan for the overall evaluation can be found in the protocol here.

Education/Academic qualification

Public Health

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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