Personal profile

Short presentation

Anne-Mette Lebech (AML) is a Clinical Professor of Infectious diseases with special focus on Tick-borne diseases.


Affiliated with Department of Infectious diseases, the Heart Center at Copenhagen University Hospital – Rigshospitalet as a consultant.

Graduated from the University of Copenhagen as a medical doctor (MD) in 1989, PhD in 1994 and Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSc; in 2002.

Board-certified specialist in General Internal Medicine and Infectious diseases.

Research is primarily focused on infectious diseases e.g. tick-borne disease, HIV and pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis.

AML is the head of Unit of Tick-borne diseases, Department of Infectious diseases, Rigshospitalet.


Potential conflicts of interests:

Previous advisory board member for: GSK, Pfizer

Unrestricted company research funding: Gilead Science

Support for attending meetings: Chiesi, Advanz, MSD, Gilead

Previous speaker fee from: Gilead, GSK, Pfizer


Non-profit research funding: Intereg, Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, Rigshospitalet, Lundbeck foundation, Regionernes Medicin- og behandlingspulje, Novo Nordisk, Sygesikring Danmark, Sven Andersen Fond, AP Møllers foundation, Stibo, Åse og Ejnar Danielsens

Possible conflicts of interest

As a clinical professor, I hold a dual appointment, meaning that I am employed both by the Capital Region of Denmark and the University of Copenhagen. For an overview of potential conflicts of interest, please refer to my research profile in the region.

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