Beate Conrady

Professor in Veterinary Health-Informatics and -Economics

  • Grønnegårdsvej 8

    1870 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile







Primary fields of research

Beate Conrady is the leader of the Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Animal Health Economics Group (TIPTON Group) at the University of Copenhagen: 

see: TIPTON Group

The primary focus of Beate Conrady’s research is to support decision-making within the contingency planning of veterinary public health authorities. This includes the implementation of effective and efficient prevention and/or intervention measures against infectious agents with special emphasis on developing modern computational inference and simulation models. She provides research evidence for resource planning for German, Austrian and Danish authorities depending on the epidemiological situation. She supports her colleagues with her data science and cross-linked analytical skills considering inter- and intradisciplinary research systems.

She is part of several international committees such as DISCONTOOLS (development of new DISease CONtrol TOOLS (diagnostics, vaccines and pharmaceuticals) and reduce the burden of animal diseases), the Government board, and the scientific committee of Med-Vet-Net-Association in the field of zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance in Europe as well as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA: from 2015-2017). She contributed to her working environment by taking over additional tasks e.g. being part of the university teaching committee. She was also elected as a trade union (i.e. a representative person for employees' rights) at the University of Copenhagen.

She performed consultancy work for the Austrian Government during the COVID pandemic (2020-2021), developed sampling and COVID test result recording strategies as well as big data analysis for Hygiene Technologie Kompetenzzentrum GmbH, Bamberg, Germany. She collaborates with FAO of the United Nations in terms of disease preparedness to support authorities and WOAH Collaboration Centre for Animal Health Economics. She is also part of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. She is an assessor for different international funding organizations (also outside of Europe), international PhD Thesis, and in international assessment committees' of new job positions. She was appointed to the working group at the Science Council (the highest independent research organization in Germany) to develop new perspectives regarding system thinking in the research areas of agriculture, food, and animal health.

Beate Conrady has participated in and led consortia that attracted funding for research on more than 23 Mio Euro, with more than 3 Mio Euro own raised third-party funds which she used to finance her research group. This includes Horizon Europe 2020 Projects, One Health EJPs financed by the European Commission, LOA contracts with FAO as well as National Public and Private Projects funded by, for example, the Ministry of Health, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Production tax funds, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Beate currently coordinates six (international) projects in which 29 different partners are involved.

She also supervises a PhD Student at the University of Nairobi - Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis and works on climate influence on zoonoses at human-livestock-wildlife interface in the transboundary region between Kenya and Tanzania in close collaboration with the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya. Further, Beate Conrady's collaboration with private (e.g. SEGES Innovation P/S) and public institutions resulted in more than 65 scientific publications since 2014. She collaborated with more than 250 co-authors located in more than 30 countries.

In addition to her teaching activities at the University of Copenhagen, she is also a lecturer at the University of Bonn and at the certification company "Education and Qualification Alliance SCE" with a research-based teaching focus on One Health, Epidemiology and Statistics, Animal Diseases, and Modeling of Animal Diseases.

Please write her an email if you have a great project idea and would like to work with her and/or if you need her support or expertise.

External positions

Complexity Science Hub Vienna


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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