Personal profile

Short presentation

Researcher ID: C-1027-2015

Scopus Author ID: 57189608136

I work in the research field of paediatric and international nutrition. One of my main interests is gastrointestinal health of malnourished children covering research on diarrhoea, gut microbiota, gut function, gut immunity and probiotics. Composition of food products to prevent or treat malnutrition is also of interest. This involves investigating the role of milk components and other important nutritional factors to support healthy growth and development of children.


Personal data

Name: Benedikte Grenov

Phone: +45 20456654

E-mail: [email protected]


I have worked with applied research in different functions in Research & Development organizations at Chr. Hansen A/S and Coloplast A/S. My main topics have been probiotic bacteria (8 years) and clinical studies (10 years). Following these positions, I switched to academia in 2012. My main research topics are malnutrition, diarrhoea, probiotics and the effect of dairy components on growth.


2013 - 2016: Industrial PhD, University of Copenhagen and Chr. Hansen A/S. Title: The effect of probiotics of diarrhea in children with severe acute mal-nutrition – an intervention study in Uganda

1984 - 1989: MSc - Civil Engineer, Chemistry, The Danish Technical University

1980 - 1983: High School, Esbjerg Gymnasium; Mathematics/Physics


April 2017: Mejeriernes Forskningsfond: Grant 1.000.000 DKK. Title: The role of milk protein and whey permeate in catch-up growth of children with moderate acute malnutrition. Role: Writer and co-applicant.

December 2016: Arla Food for Health. Grant 5.000.000 DKK. Title: The role of milk protein and whey permeate in catch-up growth of children with moderate acute malnutrition. Role: Writer and co-applicant.

September 2014: Augustinusfonden. Grant: 500.000 DKK. Laboratory analyses in relation to the PhD project on diarrhoea and severe acute malnutrition. Role: Writer and co-applicant.

April 2013: Mejeriernes Forskningsfond: Grant 1.000.000 DKK. Title: “Lactose and whey permeate in the treatment of children with acute undernutrition”. Role: Writer and co-applicant.

March 2013: Industrial PhD grant: Innovationsfonden: 1 mio DKK, Chr. Hansen 1.7 mio DKK, University of Copenhagen 0.7 mio DKK. Title: “The effect of probiotics on diarrhoea, intestinal function and microbiota among children with severe acute malnutrition in a low income country”,.


1 February 2017 – present: Post doc

1 October 2016 – 31 January 2017: Research assistant

1 April 2013 – 30 September 2016: Industrial PhD student. Project title: ”The effect of probiotics on diarrhoea in children with severe acute malnutrition – an intervention study in Uganda”. PhD partners: Chr. Hansen A/S and University of Copenhagen

  • Responsibilities
  • Planning a clinical study in 400 children with severe acute malnutrition in Uganda
    • Writing a clinical study protocol and all related study documents and obtaining study approvals from the local and Danish ethical committees and other relevant institutions
    • Planning collection and analysis of biological samples and organizing a local mini-lab in Uganda
    • Organizing necessary agreements between Makerere University in Uganda, Chr. Hansen and University of Copenhagen and agreements with local laboratories etc.
    • Preparing standard operation procedures for data collection etc.
    • Initiate and monitor the clinical trial on an ongoing basis
      • Visits to Uganda (10 visits, more than 6 months stay in Uganda)
      • Daily/ongoing contact with local investigators to handle study challenges
      • Ongoing payments and following the study budget
      • Data cleaning, statistical analyses, manuscript preparations
      • Taking PhD courses related to malnutrition, epidemiology, statistics, medical writing
      • Recruitment of 7 Msc and 1 BSc students to participate in the study
      • Teaching in probiotics (lectures and group work)

March 2012 – March 2013: Temporary positions aiming at an Industrial PhD grant between Chr.Hansen and University of Copenhagen regarding probiotics and undernutrition. Copenhagen University, Faculty of Science, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Paediatric and International Nutrition

  • Responsibilities
  • Investigating the potential of using probiotics in the treatment of undernutrition and food aid
    • Literature reviews regarding the potential of using probiotics in the treatment of undernutrition
    • Business case on market potential for the use of probiotics in food aid, including visits to UNICEF and the largest global manufacturer of food aid for children with acute malnutrition Nutriset in France
    • Clinical study outline of an intervention study investigating the effect of probiotics in children with severe acute malnutrition
    • Visits to Kampala/Uganda to discuss collaboration possibilities and to attend a PhD course on undernutrition and infections in children
  • Sponsor: Chr. Hansen A/S
  • Scientific evaluation of the potential role of whey permeate in the treatment of moderately undernourished children. This resulted in a report to Arla Foods (se publication list)
  • Sponsor: Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S
  • Ethical approval and preparation of a clinical study investigating the effect of probiotics in 390 healthy Danish infants on infections and immune development. ProbiComp. Research Grant: 11.5 million DKK, headed by Prof. K F Michaelsen

June 2002 – February 2012 Coloplast A/S, Global R&D: Positions: Senior Clinical Manager, Head of Clinical Innovation, Senior Clinical Trial Manager. Reference to: VP of Clinical Regulatory Development, Director of Clinical Operations, etc.

  • Responsibilities
  • Conducting clinical investigations on medical devices class I – III (ostomy bags, wound dressings with/without active ingredients) from idea generation  to Clinical Investigation Report
  • Emphasis on management of clinical trials in the early development phases. This included close collaboration with Concept Development project teams, clinical investigators as well as patients and end users to optimize the results and ensure relevant feedback to further product development 
  • Creative adjustments to fit the needs of early clinical development: of explorative studies, adjustment of study set up to ensure fast recruitment of patients, flexible organization to react on frequent changes
  • Working through and participating in multidisciplinary cross functional development projects and teams of up to 35 members.
  • Drive updates of Standard Operating Procedures according to internal needs and the latest development in legislation/guidelines on clinical investigations of medical devices
  • Coloplast representative at Eucomed and Medicoindustrien (Industrial associations at European and Danish level)
  • Head of Clinical Trial Managers, Clinical Trial Assistants etc. conducting clinical trials on medical devices

October 1989 – May 2002 Chr. Hansen A/S: Positions: Section manager, Human and Animal Health and Human Health and Nutrition, Research Scientist. Reference to: VP R&D, Different Department Managers

  • Responsibilities
  • Application of probiotic bacteria for fermented milk, functional foods, dietary supplements, natural remedies as well as animal feed
  • Participation in EU projects, Nordic projects as well as international projects in the global Chr. Hansen organization regarding development of probiotic bacteria and other food cultures
  • Preparation of an EU proposal for the 5th framework program
  • Involvement in a large number of clinical studies on probiotic bacteria
  • General microbiology work and fermentation and downstream processing of moulds and lactic acid bacteria in lab scale and pilot scale
  • Head of lab technicians and scientists working with probiotic bacteria for human health and animal health

International conferences

2017: Nutrition and Growth, Amsterdam. Oral presentation: The effect of two probiotic strains on diarrhea in children with severe acute malnutrition – an intervention study in Uganda

2016: World Congress of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Montreal. Oral presentation: The effect of probiotics on diarrhea in children with severe acute malnutrition: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Uganda

2015: Experimental Biology, Boston, Oral presentation: “The Role of Lactose and Milk Minerals in Managing Undernutrition in Children”

1989-2002: Speaker at a few probiotic conferences

Presentations at international meetings

1989-2012: Presentations at EU projects, Nordic Country projects, International projects and international meetings at Chr. Hansen A/S and Coloplast A/S

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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