Bente Gammelgaard
  • Universitetsparken 2

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Analytical chemistry with special interest in ICP-MS hyphenated to separation methods - CE and LC and for bioanalysis

  • Quantification of peptides and proteins by isotope labeling ICP-MS
  • Selenium metabolism in health and disease
  • Metal-based drugs - interaction with biosphere

Educational research: Improving the Quality of Laboratory Learning at University Level, IQ-Lab (Collaboration with Dept. of Science Education) 

Current research

  • Selenium speciation in biological material, qualitative and quantitative analysis
  • Single Particle ICP-MS characterization of nanoparticular drug delivery systems
  • Quantification of proteins and peptides

Educational Research: "Improvement of the quality of laboratory learning at university level, IQ-Lab"


Pedagogical Competence Profile

Course responsible of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry – a compulsory bachelor course (200 students/year) with focus on instrumental techniques for drug analysis, primarily chromatography and mass spectrometry - theoretical and practical

Supervision of master students in analytical chemistry 


  • Professor of Analytical Chemisty, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • R&D Scientist in analytical chemistry at Leo Pharmaceuticals 1993-1994
  • PhD The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1985

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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