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Bente Rosenbeck

  • Emil Holms Kanal 2

    2300 København S

  • Source: Scopus
1991 …2022

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

  • Women's history and gender history
  • The history of science, medicine and sexuality
  • Marriage in the 20th century
  • Unmarried mothers and social work
  • Gender and science
  • The welfare state


  • Women's and gender history
  • The history of medicine and sexuality

Fields of interest

  • Research policy
  • Equality in academia



Bente Rosenbeck


  • Dr. phil. (D.phil). University of Copenhagen, 1993.
  • Ph.D. University of Aalborg, 1984.
  • M.A. (History and Philosophy), University of Odense, 1977.

Positions held

  • Professor. University of Copenhagen, 2009-2017
  • Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, 2004-2009
  • Professor, University of Lund 2001-2003                                               
  • Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, 1988-2001.
  • Research fellow, University of Copenhagen, 1985-1988.
  • Teaching assistant, University of Copenhagen, 1984.
  • Graduate research fellow, University of Aalborg, 1980-1983.
  • Teaching assistant, University of Odense, 1974-1980.

I have worked with theoretical and methodological problems in women's and gender studies. My focus is on the history of women in the last 200 years both national, Nordic and European and I have worked with the history of science, the history of medicine and sexuality.

Ongoing research

  • Scientific Motherhood. Unmarried Mothers and Professionalization of Social Work in the Welfare State
  • Gender in the history of Science

Visits abroad
Visiting Professor, University of Oslo, Norway, autumn 1994. 
By-fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge, spring 1998; visit to London 2007.

Editorial Board Membership:

  • Gender and History, 1992- .
  • Thyramis, 1994-1999 .
  • Kvinder, køn og forskning, 1991- .
  • Scandia ( 1997-2005)
  • Tidskrift for kjønsforskning 2005-
  • Nora 2005-

List of selected publications
Har videnskaben køn? Kvinder i forskning. Museuum Tusculanum 2014 (Has Science Gender?)
Ikke et ord om kærlighed. Ægteskab og politik i Norden 1850 til 1930. Makadam 2006 (together with Kari Melby, Anu Pylkkänen og Christina Carlsson Wetterberg). (Marriage and politics in the Nordic Countries 1850-1930).
Kvinder i den vestlige verden. Oslo: Cappelen 2005. (together with Ida Blom og Sølvi Sogner) (Women in the western world).
The Nordic Model of Marriage and the Welfare State. Nord 2000:27.  (together with  Kari Melby, Anu Pylkkänen og Christina Carlsson Wetterberg).
Ægteskab i Norden fra Saxo til i dag.  Nord 1999:14.  (edited with Kari Melby og Anu Pylkkä­nen). (Marriage in the Nordic Countries from Saxo until today).
Drude von der Fehr, Anna Jonasdottir, Bente Roseneck:  Is there a Nordic Feminism?  London, UCL Press, 1998.

Kvinder. Fra urtid til nutid. Bd. 1 og 2.Edited by Ida Blom. Politiken, 1992 og Cappelens Forlag, 1992. (Women. Past and present).

Perioden 1750 til vore dage. I Nanna Damsholt Indefra. Europæiske kvinders historie belyst ved kildetekster. 1999. (The History of European Women. A source book). 

Robin Schott, Bente Rosenbeck: Forplantning, køn og reproduktion. (Theorizing Gender and Reproduction). 1995.

Kroppens politik. Om køn, kultur og videnskab. Museum Tusculanum, 1996. Org. 1992. (Body politics. About Gender, Culture and Science).

Marianne Alenius, Nanna Damsholt, Bente Rosenbeck: Clio's døtre i hundrede år. I anledning af historikeren Anna Hudes disputats 1893. 1994. (Clio's daughters in hundred years. About Danish female historians). 

Den moderne tid. Bind 5 i Det europæiske hus. Gyldendal, 1992. (Co-author: Karin Lützen). (Modern times. European History).

Kvindekøn. Den moderne kvindeligheds historie 1880-1960. Gyldendal, 1989. (Org. 1987) (Paperback 1990.) (The Female Gender. The History of Modern Femininity 1880-1960).

Kvinders livsforløb og livscyklus i perioden 1880-1960. AUC, 1983. (The Life Cycles of Women in the Period 1880-1960 (PH.D. stencil).

Hans Bonde, Bente Rosenbeck: Mandekultur. 1991. (Male Culture).

Anna-Birte Ravn, Bente Rosenbeck, Birte Siim (eds): Capitalism and Patriarchy. Aalborg 1983.

Mette Bryld, Nina Lykke, Bente Rosenbeck (eds) Overgangskvinden. Kvindeligheden som historisk kategori - kvindeligheden 1880-1920. Odense 1982. (Woman as transition. Femininity as a historical category).

Published more than 150 articles and chapters in books. Most of them in Danish, several in other Scandinavian languages, some in English, German.

Foreign languages

The Bounderies of femininity. Scandinavien Journal of History, vol.12, 1987.

Weiblicher Sexualitet zwischen Medicin und Frauenbewegung. Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung. Heft 2, 1989. Co-auther Karin Lützen.

Trends and Prospects in Women's and Gender Studies. The Nordic Countries. I Trends and Prospects in Women's studies and Gender Research. Assessment Report by International Experts 1998. Forschungspolitische Früherkennung. 

Nordic Women's studies and Gender Research. I Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic Feminist Thought on Culture and Society.London: Routledge 1998.

Care and control: Unmarried Mothers in Denmark between 1900 and 1950. Sex, State and Society. Comparative Perspectives on the History of Sexuality (edt.) Lars-Göran Tedebrand. Almquist & Wiksell International, 2000.

Modernization of Marriage in Scandinavia. Women's Politics and Women in Politics. (eds) Sølvi Sogner and Gro Hagemann. Bergen, 2000.

The Nordic Model of Marriage. Social Sciences. The Nordic Countries and Europe. II. Nord.2001.23 (together with Kari Melby , Anu Pylkkänen and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg.

Women’s Studies and Gender Research: Experiences in the Nordic Countries. Gender studies in Europa. Studi di genere in Europa. Edt. By Luisa Passerini, Dawn Lyon, Liana Borghi. European University Institute. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Fiesola 2002.

The Nordic Model of Marriage. Co-authers Kari Melby, Anu Pylkkänen, Christina Carlsson Wetterberg. Women’s History Review no 4 2006.


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Women's history
  • Sexuality
  • Equality
  • Gender studies