Berthe Marie Willumsen

Berthe Marie Willumsen

Ph.D, dr.scient.

  • Universitetsparken 13

    2100 København Ø

  • Source: Scopus
1977 …2018

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

Research summary including further links.



April, 1975. cand. scient. in Biochemistry from Mikrobiologisk Institut, University of Copenhagen. Thesis: Expression of constitutive genes in E. coli as function of growth rate.

August 1978. lic. scient. (Ph.D) in virology,  University of Copenhagen; research for Ph. D. done at the Fibiger Laboratory. Thesis: Characterization of spontaneously expressed endogenous C-type virus from the ST/a mouse: A. Selection of leukemogenic variants. B. Role in immunogenicity of expressor cell.

February 1993. dr. scient. University of Copenhagen. Thesis: The Transforming Ras protein.

Research positions

June 1975-October, 1975. Research fellow at University of Washington, Seattle, USA, with dr. Jonathan Gallant.

November 1975- August, 1978. Kandidatstipendiat (junior fellow) at the Fibiger Laboratory, Copenhagen, with dr. med. Jørgen Kieler and cand. med. Kay Ulrich.

Jun - Sep, 1977. Research fellow at University of Toronto, Canada, with dr. Martin Blackstein.

September 1978- January, 1980. Postdoctoral fellow at The Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, with dr. W. A. Haseltine.

Jan 1980-Jul, l984. Seniorstipendiat (postdoctoral fellow) at the Fibiger Laboratory, Copenhagen

September 1981-January, 1982. Visiting researcher at Laboratory of Tumor Virology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA with dr. Edward Scolnick and dr. Douglas Lowy.

August 1984 – February 2003. Lektor (associate professor) at the Department of Cell Biology (formerly Institute of Microbiology), University of Copenhagen

June 1986-August, 1986. Visiting researcher at Laboratory for Cellular Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland with dr. Douglas Lowy.

March 2003. Professor mso at the Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen

Administrative positions

May 1989 - 91. Head of the Institute of Microbiology

April 1993-99. Member of the board of The Institute of Molecular Biology

May 1999 - 01. Head of Department of Molecular Cell Biology

February 2001 – May 06. Executive Board Member of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Other activities

1984 - present. Opponent and/or on evaluation committees for 16 Ph.D. degrees (14 Danish, one Swedish and one Finnish), and for the gold medal award in medicine, 1988, University of Copenhagen.

1990. Board member of the Danish Academy of Sciences (DNA)

October 1992-October 1994. Chairman of the Danish Biochemical Society

1992-1998. Member of the scientific board of Dansk Kræftforskningsfond

2000 - 2003. Member of the Board of Dansk Selskab for Cancerforskning

March 2003 - June 2005: Member of the committee for ethical research considerations

June 2005 - April 2011: Member of the Practice Committee

Jan. 2010: Member of the Danish Council for Independent Research

June 2010: Member of the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty


September 1989. Recipient of lektor Marie Lønborgs travel-award

May 1994. Recipient of the Society for Danish Cancer Research award



  • Course responsible and teacher for the course 'Molecular Cell Biology - bachelor', optional 15 ECTS point 3rd year experimental course
  • Supervisor for nternal or external bachelorprojects


  • Course responsible and teacher for the course 'Principal Subject in Molecular Cell Bioogy', 7.5 ECTS that Masters students inBiochemistry follw 3 times
  • Supervisor for internal and external masters thesis projects


  • Faculty of Science
  • Oncogenes
  • Molecular Cell Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Protein Chemistry
  • Cell biology
  • Cell proliferation