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Birgit Nørrung

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), 1985

  • Grønnegårdsvej 15, 1870 Frederiksberg C

  • Source: Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

DVM, PhD, Head of Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Former Member of the European Food Safety Authority EFSA’s Panel on Biological Hazards BIOHAZ.

Research interests: Foodborne microorganisms, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria, foodborne viruses, etc, foodhygiene, microbiological criteria, meat inspection etc.

Possible conflict of interest: Board member of Innovation foundation Denmark's industrial program for PhD's and post docs. Collaborate with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the Ministry of Environment and Food by running the Veterinary contingency service in collaboration with Statens Serum Institut. Collaborate with the Danish Food and Agricultural Council and several private industries amongst others by being member of several steering committee's for research projects under the Iinovation Foundation Denmark, GUDP a.o. All the above activities are underteken as part of the employment as department head. Private: Run minor acricultural activities


Contact details

Birgit Nørrung

Head of Department

  • Secretariat

    Grønnegårdsvej 15, 1870 Frb. C., 1-11, Room A05

    Frb. C.

    [email protected]Phone: +45 35 32 73 90

Professional qualifications
2005 Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health
1993 Doctor of philosophy, PhD
1985 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, DVM 

Current and previous appointments

January 2017 - present Head of Department, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

January 2014 - December 2016 Head of Department, Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

January 2012 - December 2013 Vice-Dean (Veterinary Science), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Feb 2008 – Dec 2011 Head, Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen

July 2005 – Aug 2005 Acting Director, Danish Institute for Food and Veterinary Research

2004- 2008 Head, Department of Microbiology and Risk Assessment, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark

1994-2003 Senior Scientist and Head of Division from 1999, Division of Microbiological Safety, Institute of Food safety and Nutrition, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration

1989-1999 Veterinary Inspector at a Danish rendery KAMBAS, Ortved, Ringsted, Part-time

1987 –1994 PhD student and assistant professor, Institute of Veterinary Microbiology, Laboratory of Food microbiology and -hygiene, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University

June 1986 - Nov 1987 Veterinarian at Steff-Houlberg, Slagelse (Pig and cattle slaughter house)

Feb 1985 - June 1986 Veterinarian at a veterinary hospital for small animals

Professional activities

2021 and 2022 Reviewer of EU Horizon infrastructure projects

2021- and present member of IFD, industrial PhD and post doc. program “erhvervsforskerudvalget”

 2001,2003,2005 and 2006, 2008,2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 reviewer for the Norwegian Research Council in relation to applications dealing with Food Hygiene/Food Safety.

2012  appointed as member of  EFSA’s  Scientific Committee 2012 appointed as member of EAEVE evaluation board for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Münich

2011 elected as chair in the Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards, The European Food Safety Authority.

2010 appointed as member of EAEVE evaluation board for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IASI, Romania

2009 appointed as representative for KU in reference group for food (KBBE) established by Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.

2009 appointed by ministry of food as chair of a committee for evaluation of the management of a large Salmonella Typhimurium U292 outbreak in Denmark

2009 reappointed as a member and elected as vice-chair in the Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards.

2008 appointed as vice chair in “Rådgivende udvalg for Fødevareforskning”(RUFF)

2008 appointed as board member in “Mejeribrugets forskningsfond”

2005-2008 appointed by the Danish Minister of environmental affairs to be a member of a research committee on pesticides.

2007 appointed by the Norwegian Research Council to be a member of an evaluation committee “NOFIMA AS, kompetansekartlegging og –vurdering” of the research at four Norwegian research Institutes.

2006 appointed by the Norwegian Government to me a member of an evaluation committee for the management of an E.coli 0103 outbreak in Norway.

2006 reappointed as a member and elected as vice-chair in the Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards, The European Food Safety Authority.

2005 approved as a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health 2005 member of the evaluation panel for evaluation of the research activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki.

2004 appointed by the Danish Minister of environmental affairs to be a member of “Miljø klagenævnet”

2004 member of a Danish working group writing a national research strategy for biotechnology within the Food area.

2004 member of the Danish programme committee for “The food sector in the future” “Fremtidens Fødevaresektor”

2003 appointed as member of the Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards, The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Research and scientific publications
Has published above 100 publications including scientific peer reviewed papers (29), scientific (peer reviewed) reports (30), conference proceedings and non-peer reviewed publications ( >50) and book chapters (8).

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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