No photo of Bjørn Buchardt

Bjørn Buchardt

  • Øster Voldgade 10

    1350 København K

Personal profile


place Work
Institute for Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen
Nationality: Danish

1974 Cand. scient. in geology, University of Copenhagen.
1978 Phd (licentiat) in geology/geochemistry, University of Copenhagen.

Professional experience

1974-1975 University of Copenhagen, assistant professor in geology.
1975-1977 University of Copenhagen, Ph.D. student. Research in stable isotope geochemistry and development of methods in oxygen isotope determination of carbonate shells. Thesis subject: Palaeotemperature evaluation of Tertiary deposits in NW-Europe.
1975-1976 University of Waterloo, Canada, visiting research associate.
1976 California Institute of Technology, visiting research associate.
1977-1979 University of Copenhagen, Assistant professor in geology.
1979-present University of Copenhagen, lecturer (associate professor) in geology and geochemistry.
1981-present University of Copenhagen, leader of stable isotope laboratory.
1986-1987 Amoco Production Company, Tulsa, USA, visiting scientist.
1987 Geological Survey of Denmark, visiting scientist.
1995-1997 Member of Sedimentology and Geochemistry Panel of the Ocean Drilling Program
Project experience, 1983 to present
1983-1986 Project leader, Energy Research Program: Stable isotope composition of source rocks, oil and gas in the Danish subsurface,
1991-1993 Project leader, cooperative research project: Pre-Westphalian source rocks in NW-Europe in cooperation with Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung und Rohstoffe, Hannover
1990-1992 Project leader, SNF-project: Organic geochemistry of black shales,
1992 Participant in ODP Leg 144: Guyots and Atolls, 1992 as organic geochemist.
1992 Participating scientist in Danish Center for Isotope Geology since
1993-1998 Project participation in Strategic Environmental Research Programme: Groundwater,
1994-1998 Project leader, SNF-project: Development of new methods in isotope geology, 
1996-1999 Project coordinator, the Ikka Project in Greenland

Major funding
1975-1978 Phd grant, 3 years , SNF
1983-1987 Source rock geochemistry, ~2 MKr, , Ministry of Energy
1986-1987 Hydrocarbon potential of Alum Shales, 0.8 MKr, 1986-1987, Amoco Oil Production
1996-1999 Ikka Project, ~0.9 MKr, 1996-1999, SNF
2006-2008 Ikka Project, 2.6 Mkr, 2006-2008, Villum Kann Rasmussen Fund, deltager.
2006-2008Recruitment of geology students, 0.8 MKr, 2006-2008, Geocenter Copenhagen.

Major instrument funding
1981 Finnigan MAT stable isotope mass spectrometer, 1.1 MKr
2000 Isoprime Micromass stable isotope mass spectrometer, 1.8 MKr,

Administrative experience, 1981 to present
University of Copenhagen

1991 Department of Geology: Head of Department
1986-89-92-96 and2001-2004 Member of Study Council for Geology
1994-1996 Head of Study Council (Studieleder)
2001-2005 Member of Science Faculty Council
2004-2007 Vice chairman Geological Institute
Vice chairman for education, Institute for Geography and Geology

Ministries of Science and Education
1983-1987 Member of Advisory Board for Science Education in Denmark
1987-1992 Vice chairman of Advisory Board for Science Education in Denmark
1991-1992 Member of steering group for the Evaluation of Geological Educations in Denmark
1994-2007 Head of external examiners of geology in Denmark,

Teaching experience

Nearly 40 years of experience in undergraduate and graduate teaching of geology students.
Special interest has been on introductory courses and recently in teaching of Science Theory.
1978 Supervised more than 40 master students, four Danish phd students and three foreign phd students since