Bo Fritzbøger

Bo Fritzbøger

Mag. art 1987, Ph.d. 1992, Dr.phil. 2004

  • Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S

  • Source: Scopus
1984 …2023

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

All aspects of the interaction between humans and their physical environment since the early modern period.

Current research

  • The modern breakthrough of Danish forestry, 1873-1926
  • Living Liexu de Mémoire. The cultural and natural history of ancient oaks
  • Growing pains. Danish public debates on economic growth in the 1970's


I teach and supervise within the following fields:

  • Early modern Danish microhistory
  • European and North American environmental and climate history since 1500 AD
  • Danish and Scandinavian agrarian and forest history since 1500 AD
  • Danish and Scandinavian landscape and settlement history since 1500 AD
  • The histories of social relations, law and mentality in the Danish society of the 17th and 18th centuries
  • The history of property right


Employment etc.

  • 2015-18 Deputy Director of the SAXO-Institute
  • 2013-15 member of the UCPH senate
  • 2013-15 deputy chairman of Academic Council
  • 2014 deputy platform representative in the platform "Making transitions happen" under the EIC Climate-KIC
  • 2012-14 member of the Local Organising Committee of the 2014 IARU-Conference
  • 2012-13 chairman of Academic Council
  • 2012-14 member of the steering committee for the UCPH Sustainability Science Center
  • 2012-13 director of Centre for Cultural Studies in Sustainability, Faculty of Humanities,UniversityofCopenhagen
  • 2010-12 Head of SAXO/CPh, Research Training Programme for Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek and Latin, and History (approx. 40 PhD-students)
  • 2009-12 member of the Universityof Copenhagenworking group (and since 2011 of the steering group) preparing the MA Study programme Climate Change – Impacts, Mitigation, Adaption
  • 2007-2010 Director of Studies, SAXO-Institute (approx. 2,000 students, 6 BA Study Programmes, 7 MA Study Programmes)
  • Since 2006 Associate professor (lektor) in the SAXO-Institute, University of Copenhagen
  • 2004-2005 Assistant professor (adjunkt) in the SAXO-Institute, University of Copenhagen
  • 2003 Senior lecturer (lektor) in Forest & Landscape, The Royal Veterinarian and Agricultural University, partly financed by an individual scholarship from the Research Council for the Humanities
  • 2002 Consultant, Society of Danish Hedgerow Planters
  • 2000-2002 Carlsberg Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship (forskningsstipendium) without institutional affiliation
  • 1997 scientific assistant (amanuensis) in Department for Economics, Forestry and Landscape, The Royal Veterinarian andAgriculturalUniversity
  • 1995-2000 senior lecturer (forskningslektor), Department of History,UniversityofCopenhagen, attached to three major interdisciplinary research projects:
  • Land-Use History and Plant-Diversity (headed byBent Aaby,DanishNationalMuseum)
  • Borders in the Landscape (headed byKjell Nilsson,ResearchCenter forForest and Landscape)
  • Cultural Processes in Nordic Woodland Communities (headed by Ingvar Kaldal,NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology)
  • 1993-2003 External lecturer (ekstern lektor), Department for Economics, Forestry and Landscape, The Royal Veterinarian andAgriculturalUniversity
  • 1992-95 Postdoctoral research fellow (forskningsstipendiat), Department of History, UniversityofCopenhagen
  • 1992 Consultant for the DanishForestand Nature Agency
  • 1991 Consultant for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation
  • 1988-91 PhD-student (kandidatstipendiat), Department of History,UniversityofCopenhagen
  • 1986-87 Sub-editor, Nordic Research Project on Deserted Farms and Villages
  • 1986-87 Carlsberg Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship (scholarstipendium)


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • environmental history
  • spatiality
  • landscape history
  • micro history
  • early modern period
  • natural resources