Brandon Samuel Whitley
  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

Personal profile

Short presentation

PhD Fellow in Arctic Plant Diversity and Pollination Networks

Brandon is a PhD Fellow at the Natural History Museum of Denmark (NHMD), University of Copenhagen, under the supervision of Dr. Natasha de Vere. His research aims to determine current drivers of Arctic vascular plant diversity (spatial richness and phylogenetic diversity) and plant-pollinator interactions in Greenland, and to quantify future climatic impacts on Arctic terrestrial ecosystems. The findings of his research will be used to help predict the consequences of future environmental change to Arctic terrestrial ecosystems, and support public awareness, conservation efforts, and policy development to protect Arctic biodiversity.


Brandon is interested in understanding the ecological and evolutionary impacts of climate change, habitat fragmentation, and biodiversity loss on species, networks, and ecosystems, with a particular interest in polar systems. His current research focusses on Greenland, a polar region at the forefront of the climate change crisis.


Brandon started his PhD Fellowship in November 2022. Before this, he completed the dual degree Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology, where he studied and conducted research at four institutions over two years (namely in Sweden, France, Germany, and Norway/Svalbard). He holds an MSc in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany), and an MSc in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution from The University of Montpellier (France). Before this, he completed his BSc in Global Sustainability Science (majoring in water, climate, and ecosystem science) at Utrecht University (The Netherlands).


Twitter: @BrandonWhit1ey

Mastodon: @[email protected]

Web of Science ResearcherID: HHC-0933-2022




- PhD Fellowship in Arctic Plant Diversity and Pollination Networks, the Natural History Museum of Denmark (NHMD), University of Copenhagen


-Dual MSc Program - Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology

- MSc in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

- MSc in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution from The University of Montpellier, France

  • Thesis 1: Invasive mtDNA-haplotypes of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii: response to environmental variation in polyp clones and potential for interspecific mating of medusae (Prof. Dr. H. Stibor and Dr. S. Gießler, LMU)


  • Thesis 2: An integrated population model methodology for incorporating the effect of inbreeding on fecundity in Svalbard reindeer (Dr. B. Hansen, Dr. H. Jensen, and Dr. A Lee, NTNU)


  • Additional Research Project: Modelling the phenotypic optimum and maladaptation of bud break date plasticity of Oak and Beech ( I. Chuine, U. of Montpellier)


- BSc Hons. cum laude in Global Sustainability Science from Utrecht University, The Netherlands with a major in Water, Climate, and Ecosystem Science

  • Thesis: The socio-ecological link between biodiversity patterns and food security in Southwestern Ethiopia (Dr. I. Dorresteijn, Utrecht University)
  • Graduate of the Utrecht University Geosciences Honours College and the Da Vinci Project Honours Program


Additional TA/RA Experience


  • Teaching assistant for Utrecht University course “Chemistry of the System Earth”
  • Teaching assistant for Utrecht University course “Natural Processes”
  • Research intern at the Utrecht University Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology
  • Research assistant at the Utrecht University Urban Futures Studio
  • Rapporteur for EU-PolarNet conference on Recommendations towards an Integrated Polar Observing System

Fieldwork Experience


  • Svalbard, Norway fieldwork on Snow Bunting population monitoring & vegetation experiments
  • Bavaria, Germany fieldwork on freshwater jellyfish sampling
  • Puéchabon, France fieldwork on experimental forest site monitoring


  • Texel, The Netherlands fieldwork on plant surveying along salination gradients
  • Kempen-Broek, Belgium fieldwork on ecohydrological restoration





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