Byurakn Ishkhanyan

Byurakn Ishkhanyan

  • Emil Holms Kanal 2, 22 Bygning 22 (Afsnit 1), 22-5-59

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Short presentation

The main area of my research is language processing in the adult healthy and impaired brain. Specifically, I have been focused on linguistic deficits in aphasia and schizophrenia. Additionally, I also carry out experiments, examining cross-linguistic differences in language processing. The methods I use in my research include purely behavioural experiments, as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation and fMRI. I have strong programming and data analysis skills in R and Python. I am a strong supporter of open science and thus I make my data and analysis scripts available as much as possible.

Primary fields of research




Selected courses I have taught:

  • Social Cognition
  • Statistics (linear (mixed) effects models, generalized (mixed) effects models)
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • Clinical linguistics/aphasiology
  • Psychiatry



2017 Ph.D., University of Copenhagen

2013 MSc, European Masters in Clinical Linguistics, Univ. of Potsdam, Univ. of Groningen and Univ. of Eastern Finland

2011 Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, Yerevan State Medical University

2009 MD, General Medicine, Yerevan State Medical University


02/2021 - present Postdoc, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen

03/2018 - 01/2021 Postdoc, Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Linguistics, Aarhus University

08/2017 - 02/2018 University Teacher, Linguistics and Language Technology, University of Eastern Finland 

05/2017 - 07/2017 Research Assistant, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen

05/2014 - 04/2017 Ph.D. fellow, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen

2013 External lecturer, Armenian State Pedagogical University

2009 - 2011 Assistant psychiatrist, Nork Mental Health Center, Yerevan, Armenia


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • aphasia
  • agrammatism
  • Tms
  • grammar
  • lexicon
  • working memory
  • grammar-lexicon distinction

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or
  • Measuring Cognitive Abilities in the Wild: Validating a Population-Scale Game-Based Cognitive Assessment

    Pedersen, M. K., Díaz, C. M. C., Wang, Q. J., Alba-Marrugo, M. A., Amidi, A., Basaiawmoit, R. V., Bergenholtz, C., Christiansen, M. H., Gajdacz, M., Hertwig, R., Ishkhanyan, B., Klyver, K., Ladegaard, N., Mathiasen, K., Parsons, C., Rafner, J., Villadsen, A. R., Wallentin, M., Zana, B. & Sherson, J. F., 2023, In: Cognitive Science. 47, 6, 27 p., e13308.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Citations (Scopus)
    16 Downloads (Pure)
  • 12 Downloads (Pure)
  • A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C. A., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S., Gross, J. J., Agesin, B. B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D. H., Jackson, E. A., Garcia, E. O. L., Drexler, S. M., Jurković, A. P., Rana, K., Wilson, J. P., Antoniadi, M. & 436 others, Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O. N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A. I., Marcu, G. M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A. P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G. A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A. I., Arinze, N. C., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P. M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A. C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M. A., Vasilev, M. R., Nock, N. L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M. F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M. B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D. M. G., Findor, A., Landry, A. T., Aruta, J. J. B., Ortiz, M. S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J. V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S. C., Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J. L., Boucher, L., Collins, W. M., Todsen, A. L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S. J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R. M., Stephen, I. D., Hostler, T. J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C. S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L. C., Cruz Vásquez, J. E., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J. M., Kunst, J. R., Tamnes, C. K., von Bastian, C. C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M. H., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R. M., Cohen, N., FatahModarres, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M. A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Krafnick, A. J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P. M., Urban, J., Silva, J. R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S. B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A. O., Djordjevic, J. M., Almeida, I. A. T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L. B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D. Z., Monteiro, R. P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D. S., Butt, M. M., Lee, J. M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A. C. A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M. D. C. M. C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M. A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C. D., Richard, K. L., Singer, G., Perillo, J. T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I. L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N. D., Zsido, A. N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M. V., Correa, P. S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R. R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L. A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H. B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M. V., Berkessel, J. B., Chopik, W. J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K. A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H. E., Bundt, C., Norton, J. O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V. H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T. E., Askelund, A. D., Pineda, L. M. S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C. A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A. G., Kung, F. Y. H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B. B., Reips, U. D., Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B. J. W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C. A. M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S. M. J., Topor, M., Majeed, N. M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P. A. G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N. R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J. W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J. K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J. A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S. K., Krupić, D., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N. S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M. Y., Torres, A. O., Toro, M., Delgado, L. G. J., Vega, D., Solas, S. Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D. C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G. L. D. H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C. M., Tullett, A. M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M. J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T. B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M. F., Lima, T. J. S., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L. M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P. H. P., Holford, D. L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E. R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E. C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G. A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R. B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A. D., Kozma, L., Alves, S. G., Lins, S., Pinto, I. R., Correia, R. C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J. E., Thommesen, K. K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S. N., Silan, M. A., Maturan, P. L. G., Vilsmeier, J. K., Tran, U. S., Izquierdo, S. M., Mensink, M. C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V. C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A. A., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Hedgebeth, M. V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A. L., Röer, J. P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W. E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Ebersole, C. R., Chartier, C. R., Mallik, P. R., Urry, H. L., Buchanan, E. M., Coles, N. A., Primbs, M. A., Basnight-Brown, D. M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P. S. & Moshontz, H., 2021, In: Nature Human Behaviour. 5, 8, p. 1089-1110 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
    96 Citations (Scopus)
  • Cognitive Abilities in the Wild: Population-scale game-based cognitive assessment

    Pedersen, M. K., Díaz, C. M. C., Alba-Marrugo, M. A., Amidi, A., Basaiawmoit, R. V., Bergenholtz, C., Christiansen, M. H., Gajdacz, M., Hertwig, R., Ishkhanyan, B., Klyver, K., Ladegaard, N., Mathiasen, K., Parsons, C., Petersen, M. B., Rafner, J., Villadsen, A. R., Wallentin, M., Sherson, J. F. & players, S. L., Sep 2020,, 11 p.

    Research output: Working paperResearch

    3 Downloads (Pure)
  • The effect of contextual bias on categorical perception: A Danish and Norwegian crosslinguistic study

    Ishkhanyan, B., Fusaroli, R., Højen, A., Johansson, C., Bleses, D., Tylén, K. & Christiansen, M. H., 2020.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch

  • Has she sent or lit an email? Preliminary results of a Danish and Norwegian categorical perception study

    Ishkhanyan, B., Trecca, F., Højen, A., Bleses, D., Johansson, C., Tylén, K. & Christiansen, M. H., May 2019.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

  • Prepositions and pronouns in connected discourse of individuals with aphasia

    Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Ishkhanyan, B., Rosell-Clarí, V. & Boye, K., 2019, In: Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 33, 6, p. 497-517 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    15 Citations (Scopus)
  • Prepositions and pronouns in connected discourse of individuals with aphasia

    Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Ishkhanyan, B., Rosell-Clari, V. & Boye, K., 2019, In: Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 33, 6, p. 497-517 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review