Personal profile

Current research

CE's main research areas are reading and reading difficulties, including dyslexia and specific comprehension difficulties. He also works on the development of methods in applied psycholinguistics.

CE is a member of the editorial boards of Scientific Studies of Reading and Annals of Dyslexia, he is also on the scientific board of Mål og Mæle. He is the founder of Centre for Reading Research at the University of Copenhagen, and Dansk Videnscenter for Ordblindhed ('The Danish Dyslexia Information Centre').

Selected research projects

In Search of Early Predictors of Reading Comprehension Difficulties in Chinese Hong Kong (Co-Investigator, PI: Connie Ho), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, #17614517. Sep. 2017-Sep. 2020.

An investigation of causal relationship between reading comprehension difficulties and inference abilities. (Co-investigator, PI: Yuhtsuen Tzeng), Taiwan. Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). Aug. 2017 - July 2020.

Enrichment of poor readers.  (Co-investigator, PI: Nicolai Kristensen, VIVE). The Danish Research Council 1/4 2019-1/4 2023.

What is in ba, be, bi, bo, bu, etc.? A cross-linguistic study of verbal learning and blending (Co-Investigator, PI: Barbara Arfé). Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova. 1/10 2019 – 31/12 2020.



Læsning 1 (literacy)

Læsning 2 (literacy difficulties)

Sprog og psykologi 2 (language and psychology): Introduction to psycholinguistics


Academic qualifications

  • MA, Danish and English (1984), University of Copenhagen.
  • Dr. phil. (1990) thesis “Differences in dyslexia”. University of Copenhagen.

Academic career

  • Since1997 Professor of applied linguistics at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 2015 Visiting Professor at Université de Paris.
  • 2004-2010 Professor II at the reading research centre at University of Stavanger, Norway.
  • 1992-1997 Research professor, University of Copenhagen.
  • 1982-1986 Teaching assistant, The Royal School of Educational Studies.
  • 1998 Founder of Centre for Reading Research, University of Copenhagen.
  • 1993 Founder of The Danish Information Centre for Dyslexia.

CE has acted as participant and chair on several committees for the Danish Ministry of Education and the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Development: e.g., the committee on quality in education with regard to reading (1992-93), the teaching material prize committee (1994-2006); the committee for the preparation of a national plan of action to develop reading abilities (2005).

He has been the advisor of 7 successful PhD students and participated in doctoral examination committees in 7 different countries, and co-organised 3 European graduate summer schools.


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Reading
  • Reading difficulties
  • Reading comprehension difficulties
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Dyslexia

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