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  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

Personal profile

Short presentation

My research focuses on the sociology of finance (particularly, automated trading), new techologies (including machine learning and quantum computing), urban sociology and architecture, as well as social theory (crowd theory, Tarde, Luhmann, postcolonial theory, etc.).

My earlier work had a leaning toward criminology, urban sociology, and historical sociology/sociology of knowledge, as manifested in my award-winning book, The Politics of Crowds: An Alternative History of Sociology (Cambridge UP, 2012). During the past decade, I have been studying financial markets with a particular focus on the ways in which the deployment of fully automated trading algorithms is transforming securities trading. I have pursued work on this topic as the PI of two large interdisciplinary research projects, a Sapere Aude project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark and a Consolidator project funded by the European Research Council. Under the auspecies of these projects, I did extensive qualitative fieldwork, interviewing traders, regulators, developers, and other market participants working in financial hubs such as London, New York, and Chicago. In addition to the qualitative fieldwork, I am working with colleagues on developing agent-based simulations of interactions among algorithms in the financial markets. Ongoing work on this topic includes collaboration with computer scientists specializing in natural language processing (research that is funded by a grant from the Villum Foundation).

I am currently working on two books: The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning (Oxford University Press, 2023/4; ed. with Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra) and Trading Beyond Understanding: Machine Learning, Risk, and Markets (under contract with Stanford University Press). The latter volume complements my most recent book, Social Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets (Cambridge UP, 2020), by examining the uptake of machine learning technologies in financial markets.

Office hours during Spring 2025: Thursday from 13:00-14:00 (office 16.2.04). Please send me an email in advance.




Curriculum Vitae

Christian Borch



Christian Borch, PhD, dr.scient.soc.
Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology
University of Copenhagen
Oester Farimagsgade 5, Building 16
DK-1353 Copenhagen K
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +45 31422148


ORCID 0000-0001-8217-5880


Main research interests (in alphabetic order)

Architecture; automation; criminology; crowd theory; economic sociology; machine learning; science and technology studies; social theory; sociology of finance; sociology of knowledge; urban sociology


Academic positions

2022–          Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen Denmark

2017–22      Professor of Economic Sociology and Social Theory, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark

2013–17      Professor with special responsibilities in Political Sociology, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS

2008–13      Associate Professor, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS

2005–8        Post-doc, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen


Academic degrees and education

2013            Dr.scient.soc. (higher doctorate), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, based on my book The Politics of Crowds: An Alternative History of Sociology (Cambridge UP, 2012) (awarded 25 May 2013)

2004            PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (awarded 14 December 2004)

2001            MSc in Political Science, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark

1998            BA in Political Science, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark


Fellowships (selected)

2016            Visiting Scholar at the Department of Sociology, New School for Social Research, USA

2006            Visiting Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

2002            Visiting Scholar at the Department of Sociology, New York University, USA

1998–9        Erasmus graduate studies at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany


Honors and Awards

2022            Carlsberg Monograph Fellowship: “Curating Independent Machines: How Machine Learning Reshapes Financial Markets” (sole PI)

2021            Villum Synergy Initiator Grant: “Understanding the Effects of NLP-Based Trading Algorithms” (Co-PI with Prof Isabelle Augenstein, Department of Computer Science, UCPH)

2018–21      Member of the Independent Research Fund Denmark: Social Sciences (one of the four years serving as Chair of the Sociology section and member of the Social Sciences Executive Committee)

2018            Nominated by CBS for the EliteForsk Prize

2017            Nominated by CBS for the EliteForsk Prize

2016            ERC Consolidator Grant: “Algorithmic Finance: Inquiring into the Reshaping of Financial Markets” (sole PI)

2015            Nominated by CBS for the EliteForsk Prize

2014            Winner, American Sociological Association, Best Book in Sociological Theory, for The Politics of Crowds: An Alternative History of Sociology

2012            Sapere Aude grant (modelled after the ERC Starting Grant), Danish Council for Independent Research: “Crowd Dynamics in Financial Markets” (sole PI)


Institutional responsibilities and professional service (selected)

2023–          Member of the Academic Council, Faculty of Social Science, University of Copenhagen

2023–          Member of the Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Social Science, University of Copenhagen

2021–22      Member of the Professor Promotion Track Advisory Committee at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS, advising the Head of Department about promotions from associate to full professor track

2020–22      Member of the Promotions Advisory Committee at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS, advising the Head of Department about promotions

2019            Member of recruitment committee for the position as Head of Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS

2018–21      Member of the Independent Research Fund Denmark: Social Sciences, Sociology section. Chair of the Sociology section and member of the Social Sciences Executive Committee in 2019

2015            Member of the ASA Theory Prize committee

2012–16      Co-facilitator, with Professor Martin Kornberger, of the “Urban Governance” research clusters under CBS’ Public-Private Business-in-Society platform. This entailed initiating and coordinating CBS-wide research activities on urban governance

2012            Member of recruitment committee for the position as Head of Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS

2010–13      PhD convener, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS, for around 25–30 PhD students

2010–13      Member of the leadership team of the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS (further including the HoD, the head of secretariat, and four research group leaders)

2008–9        Master’s thesis coordinator at the MSc program in “Politisk kommunikation og ledelse” (Political communication and management), CBS


Research grants (>EUR 50,000)

2022            Carlsberg Monograph Fellowship: “Curating Independent Machines: How Machine Learning Reshapes Financial Markets.” Role: Sole PI. Budget: EUR 202,358/DKK 1,508,697

2021            Villum Synergy Initiator Grant from the Villum Foundation: “Understanding the Effects of NLP-Based Trading Algorithms.” Role: Co-PI, the other Co-PI is Dr. Isabelle Augenstein, Department of Computer Science, UCPH. The entire team comprises the two co-PIs, two post-docs, and one research assistant. Budget: EUR 391,081; DKK: 2,908,318

2016            Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council: “Algorithmic Finance: Inquiring into the Reshaping of Financial Markets.” Role: Sole PI. The entire team comprised the PI, four post-docs, one affiliated PhD, and close collaboration with a US-based subcontractor. Budget: EUR 1,590,036/DKK 11,825,326

2013            Sapere Aude grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research: “Crowd Dynamics in Financial Markets” (CROWDY). Role: Sole PI. The entire team comprised the PI, one PhD, and one post-doc. Budget: EUR 901,367/DKK 6,703,114

2007            Post-doc funding from the Carlsberg Foundation. Budget: EUR 73,000/DKK: 542,872

2006            Post-doc funding from the Carlsberg Foundation. Budget: EUR 61,000/DKK: 453,632

2005            Post-doc funding from the Carlsberg Foundation. Budget: EUR 119,000/DKK: 884,955


PhD and post-doc supervision

PhD supervision:


  • Renee Ridgway, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS. Dissertation title: Re:Search – the networked aesthetic of alternative search methods, defended 2021 (co-supervisor).
  • Kia Wied, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. Dissertation title: Skoleledelse som motivationsarbejde: En dobbelt bevægelsesfortælling om elevers og ledelses bevægelser i udskolingen fortalt gennem rytmeanalysens begreber, defended 2019 (co-supervisor).
  • Christina Jerne, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University. Dissertation title: Movements of rupture: Effectuating, assembling and desiring anti-mafia economies, defended 2017 (co-supervisor).
  • Thomas Presskorn-Thygesen, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS: Dissertation title: The Significance of Normativity: Studies in Post-Kantian Philosophy and Social Theory, defended 2017 (co-supervisor).
  • Kristian Bondo Hansen, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS. Dissertation title: Crowds and Speculation: A study of crowd phenomena in the U.S. financial markets, 1890 to 1940, defended 2017 (principal supervisor).
  • Frederik Bøhling, School of Business and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University. Dissertation title: Desires of the night: An ethnography of urban alcohol and other drugs assemblages, defended 2015 (co-supervisor).
  • Rune Veerasawmy, School of Communication and Culture, Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction, Aarhus University. Dissertation title: Designing interactive technology for crowd experiences: beyond sanitization, defended 2014 (co-supervisor).
  • Mette Mogensen, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS. Dissertation title: The Organization(s) of Well-being and Productivity: (Re)assembling work in the Danish Post, defended 2012 (principal supervisor).
  • Helene Ratner, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS. Dissertation title: Promises of Reflexivity: Managing and Researching Inclusive Schools, defended 2012 (principal supervisor).
  • Valinka Ellen Melina Byrlov Suenson, Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology, Aalborg University. Dissertation title: Konstruktioner & Aktiviteter: En RFID undersøgelse af sociale aktiviteter i danske kulturhuse, defended 2012 (co-supervisor).


Post-doc supervision: I have advised five post-docs since 2013:

Kristian Bondo Hansen, Ann-Christina Lange, Bo Hee Min, Nicholas Skar-Gislinge, Daniel Souleles, all at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS.



I have taught causes in economic sociology/sociology of finance, political sociology, social theory, and sociology of law. At the Department of Sociology, I have taught “Societal Problems” and “Sociologisk teori og faghistorie.”


Professional memberships (selected)

  • The American Sociological Association
  • The Danish Sociological Association
  • Internationaler Arbeitskreis Hermann Broch


Editorial activities (selected)

2024–          Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Economy and Society

2023–          Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Acta Sociologica

2023–          Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory

2020–          Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Finance and Society

2019–23      Associate editor of Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory

2016–          Member of the Editorial Board of the “Affective Spaces” book series, Mimesis International

2012–          Co-editor, with Professor Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, of the Routledge book series “Space, Materiality, and the Normative” (

2008–19      Editor-in-chief of Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory. I initiated and co-founded the journal in 2000 (aged 26) but decided to step down as EiC in 2019

2006–17      Associate editor of Samfundsøkonomen


Industry collaboration

My interest in architecture and urban sociology has led to collaboration with a range of architectural offices on projects in Denmark and Sweden. This includes collaboration with prominent firms such as Adept Architects, BIG, Henning Larsen Architects, Lundgaard & Tranberg, MVRDV, West 8, and White Architects.


Referee experience (selected)

Ad-hoc referee for journals such as Acta SociologicaAmerican EthnologistAmerican Sociological ReviewAustrian Journal of SociologyBioSocietiesBMJ OpenBody & SocietyBritish Journal of SociologyCambridge Journal of EconomicsComparative Studies in Society & History; Contemporary Political TheoryCulture, Theory and CritiqueCurrent Sociology; Czech Sociological Review; Dansk SociologiEcology and SocietyEconomic AnthropologyEconomy and SocietyEmotion, Space and Society; ephemeraEnvironment and Planning A: Economy and Space; Environment and Planning D: Society and SpaceEthnography; European Journal of Social TheoryFinance and SocietyFinancial InnovationFrontiers in Psychology; Geografiska Annaler; History of Psychology; History of the Human SciencesHuman Relations; Information, Communication and Society;  Journal of Classical SociologyJournal of Computational Social Science; Journal of Consumer CultureJournal of Cultural EconomyJournal of Management InquiryJournal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime PreventionMedieKulturNew Global StudiesOrganizationOrganizational AestheticsOrganization StudiesPLOS ONE; Public Culture; Research in the Sociology of Organizations; RetfærdReview of Evolutionary Political Economy; Security DialogueSocial ForcesSocial Science InformationSocio-Economic Review; Sociological Theory; SubjectivitySystems Research and Behavioral ScienceTheory, Culture & Society; The Sociological Review; and Urban Geography; as well as for academic publishers such as Anthem Press, Bloomsbury Academic, Colombia University Press, Duke University Press, Meson Press, the MIP Press, Palgrave, Princeton University Press, Routledge, and SAGE. I have also served as reviewer for the Austrian Science Fund, the British Academy, the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), the European Research Council, the Israel Science Foundation, the Leverhulme Trust, the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies (Erfurt), the Polish National Science Centre, the Karl Popper Doktorats- und Wissenschaftskolleg (Alpen-Adria-Universität), and the Swiss National Science Foundation.


Career breaks

Parental Leave: 18 January–28 February 2011 (6 weeks); 29 August–2 December 2011 (14 weeks); 11 June–20 July 2012 (6 weeks); in total 26 weeks


Organized conferences, seminars, and reading groups (selected)

I have organized (as sole or co-organizer) numerous conferences, seminars, and workshops, including:


  • “Marcel Mauss reading group,” University of Copenhagen, fall 2023
  • “Decolonizing sociology” reading group, University of Copenhagen, spring 2023
  • “Theory Thursdays,” Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, 2022–
  • “Workshop on Agent-based Modelling of Algorithmic Finance”, CBS, 24–25 May 2018
  • Derivates reading group, CBS 2017–18
  • “The 2015 Copenhagen Business School Symposium on High-Frequency Trading,” 5 October 2015 (co-organized with Ann-Christina Lange)
  • “The 7th Critical Finance Studies Conference,” CBS 20–21 August 2015 (co-organized with Ole Bjerg, Kristian Bondo Hansen, and Ann-Christina Lange)
  • “Imitation, Contagion: Suggestion: Rethinking the Social,” CBS, 21–22 May 2015
  • “Friedrich Hayek reading group,” CBS, 2015
  • “Crowd Dynamics in Financial Markets” research colloquium, CBS, 2013–16 (25+ one-off presentations by leading international experts)


Presentations (selected; since summer 2014)

I have been invited to present my work at numerous universities, including places such as the New School for Social Research, Oxford University, UC Berkeley, and Yale University. In addition to presentations at academic institutions, I have accepted invitations to present my work on algorithmic trading at the Bank of England, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Washington, DC), the IEX exchange in New York City, and at various industry occasions in Denmark (Danske Bank Private Banking and Spar Nord) and abroad. The below list contains an overview of presentations since summer 2014.


  • Christian Borch: “Systemic failures and machine learning in financial markets,” invited conversation, Bank of England, FinTech Hub, 16 April 2024.
  • Christian Borch: “Maskinlæring og algotrading,” invited talk at the Kapitalmarked Danmark 2024 Compliance Seminar, 7 March 2024.
  • Christian Borch & Nicholas Skar-Gislinge: “Toward an Inter-Machine Sociology,” invited DISTRACT talk at the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, University of Copenhagen, 15 September 2023.
  • Christian Borch: “When Machines Take Action: On Machine Learning in Automated Trading,” invited talk at the Neoma Business School, Paris, 20 January 2023.
  • Christian Borch: “Algorithmic Crowding and Urban Theory,” invited paper presented at “the politics of crowds: politics, space, and urban theory” session, the Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference, Newcastle, 2 September 2022.
  • Christian Borch: “Machine Learning and Postcolonial Critique: Homologous Challenges to Sociological Notions of Human Agency,” invited talk in the Technique and Society seminar series, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile, 9 August 2022.
  • Christian Borch: “Machinic Interaction: A Sociological Approach,” invited talk at the Stockholm Digital Futures (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University, and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden), 3 May 2022.
  • Christian Borch: “Social Avalances,” invited talk for the Sustainable Societies for the Future, EXPO Chicago, 15 October 2021.
  • Christian Borch: “Mimesis and Social Avalanche,” invited talk in the Mimicry seminar series, Department of Sociology, University of Trento, 22 April 2021.
  • Christian Borch: “Urban Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets,” invited talk in the “Crowds, Cities, Affects” seminar series, jointly organized by The City Centre and the Centre for the History of Emotions, Queen Mary, University of London, 24 March 2021.
  • Christian Borch: “Machine Learning, Machine Sociality, and Sociological Theory”, invited talk at the Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research, Stockholm University, 18 March 2021.
  • Christian Borch and Nicholas Skar-Gislinge: “The Social Structure of Algorithmic Trading: An ABM Approach,” invited talk at the Inauguration & International Conference on AI in Complex Socio-Economic Systems and Public Policy, Centre for Complexity Economics, Applied Spirituality and Public Policy, Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 20–22 January 2021.
  • Christian Borch: “Risk and Reliability in AI Finance,” American Sociological Association, August 2020.
  • Christian Borch: “Social Avalanches and Tensional Individuality: Contagion in an Age of COVID-19,” invited talk at the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, 18 June 2020.
  • Christian Borch: “Algorithmic Finance,” invited talk at the Finance Fiction Colloquium, Department of Arts and Cultures, University of Copenhagen, 27 February 2020.
  • Christian Borch: “Algo-trading: Situazione, possibile evoluzione e impatti su mercati e operatori,” invited discussion at the Enel Global Trading Day, Rome, 31 March 2019.
  • Christian Borch: “Mimesis and Social Avalanche,” invited talk at The Mimetic Condition: A Transdisciplinary Approach. Workshop at KU Leuven, 5–6 December 2019.
  • Christian Borch: “The Social Structure of Algorithmic Trading,” invited talk at the Financial Work Futures Research Centre Seminar, King’s Business School, King’s College London, 12 June 2019.
  • Christian Borch: “A Sociological Perspective on Algorithmic Finance,” Center for Corporate Governance, CBS, 20 September 2017.
  • Christian Borch: “When Algorithms Interact: On the Sociality of Financial Markets,” Centre for Social Data Science, University of Copenhagen, 18 May 2017.
  • Christian Borch: “Affect,” invited presentation at the Vocabularies for Urban Futures workshop, The British Academy, 23 November 2017.
  • Christian Borch: “Avalanche modernity: Escalations from face-to-face crowds to algorithmic finance,” invited presentation at the Escalations workshop, University of Copenhagen, 11–12 October 2017.
  • Christian Borch: “Atmospheric Politics: On the Government of Affective Spaces,” invited presentation at the Affective Spaces II workshop, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, 31 May 2017.
  • Christian Borch: “Social Avalanching: Excess and Overflow in Crowds, Cities, and Financial Markets,” keynote presentation at the Annual Conference of the Westermarck Society, University of Tampere, Finland, 23–34 March 2017.
  • Christian Borch: “Qualitative sociology and agent-based modelling: New tools for understanding high-frequency trading and inter-algorithmic sociality,” presentation at the “Investigating High-Frequency Trading: Theoretical, Social and Anthropological Perspectives” workshop at the European Business School, Paris, 12–13 January 2017.
  • Christian Borch: “Algorithmic Finance and (Limits to) Governmentality,” invited presentation at the “Governed Transmissions: Algorithmic Governmentality in Commercial Profiling” workshop, organized by the foucaultblog and the research group Algorithmic Governmentality, Brussels, 2–3 December 2016.
  • Christian Borch: “Crowd Dynamics in Financial Markets,” Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, 1 November 2016.
  • Christian Borch: “Algorithmic Finance and Spatial Justice in the City,” invited presentation at the “Spatial Justice in the City” workshop, jointly organized by the Open University CRESC Urban Experiments and the Centre for Urban and Community Research Goldsmiths, Open University, 30 June–1 July 2016.
  • Christian Borch: “Agent-based modeling and algorithmic finance: What agent-based modeling might teach economic sociology about inter-algorithmic sociality,” invited presentation at the Annual Conference at the Institute for Advanced Study of Media Cultures of Computer Simulation, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany, 23–25 June 2016.
  • Christian Borch: British Academy roundtable on Urban Futures, invited panel member (discussion chaired by Professor Ash Amin, University of Cambridge), London, 8 June 2016.
  • Ann-Christina Lange and Christian Borch: “High-Frequency Trading, Emotional Attachment, and Discipline: Ethnographic Observations of Contemporary Financial Markets,” invited presentation at IEX (Investors Exchange), New York City, 29 April 2016.
  • Christian Borch: “Flash Crash Events and Avalanching Sociality,” invited presentation at the “Critical Studies of Derivative Capitalism” workshop, Institute for Public Knowledge, New York University, 22–24 April 2016.
  • Christian Borch: “High-Frequency Trading, Algorithmic Finance, and Avalanching Markets: On the Eventalization of the Flash Crash,” invited presentation at the Department of Sociology, New School for Social Research, 6 April 2016.
  • Christian Borch: “The Specter of Crowds: Modernity’s Flip Side,” invited presentation in the “Minor traditions in the social sciences” lecture series, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, 19 November 2015.
  • Ann-Christina Lange and Christian Borch: “High-frequency trading og sociale dynamikker i de finansielle markeder,” invited presentation at the 2015 Spar Nord Bank Investment Conference 11–12 November 2015.
  • Christian Borch: “Crowd theory and emotional reflexivity: Reflections on social avalanching,” invited presentation at the workshop “Sociological Perspectives on Emotional Reflexivity,” the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, 30 September–2 October 2015.
  • Christian Borch: “Avalanching the Social: Rereading Classical Crowd Theory,” invited presentation at the Department of Sociology, Lund University, 17 September 2015.
  • Ann-Christina Lange and Christian Borch: “High-Frequency Trading,” invited presentation at the CBS Competitiveness Day 2015, 10 September 2015.
  • Christian Borch: “The Flash Crash, High-Frequency Trading, and Avalanche Modernity,” paper presented at the 7th Critical Finance Studies conference at Copenhagen Business School, 20–21 August 2015.
  • Christian Borch: “Crowd Theory and Collective Suggestibility,” invited presentation at the “CFS Workshop: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on We-Intentionality,” presented at the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 4 June 2015.
  • Christian Borch and Kristian Bondo Hansen: “Market Contagion: Imitation and Suggestion in Financial Markets,” paper presented at the “Imitation, Contagion, Suggestion: Rethinking the Social” conference, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 28–29 May 2015.
  • Ann-Christina Lange and Christian Borch: “Da algoritmer gjorde det af med højtråbende børsmæglere,” invited presentation at Forskningens Døgn (Festival of Research), Copenhagen Business School, 23 April 2015.
  • Christian Borch: Roundtable Discussion, Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society, UC Berkeley 20 February 2015.
  • Christian Borch: “Close and Apart: On Crowds and Atmospheres,” invited talk in the DCRP Lecture Series, UC Berkeley 19 February 2015
  • Christian Borch: “Avalanching the Social: Lessons from Classical Crowd Theory,” keynote presentation at the conference “From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements – publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century,” the Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 26–27 January 2015.
  • Christian Borch: “Crowds and Crisis: On Suggestible Sociality,” paper presented at the ITEPE conference “European Crises From Weimar until Today: History–Economy–Politics–Law,” Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 11–12 December 2014.
  • Ann-Christina Lange and Christian Borch: “Contagious Markets: On Crowd Psychology and High-Frequency Trading,” invited presentation at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Washington DC, 8 October 2014.
  • Christian Borch: “Suggestive Imitation Revisited: Notes on Gabriel Tarde and his Contemporary Relevance,” paper presented at Eurocrim 2014, the 14th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Prague, 10–13 September 2014.
  • Christian Borch: “Shiller Sociality: On the Social Dynamics of Financial Markets,” invited presentation at the conference “Authority & Political Technologies 2014: Power in a World of Becoming, Entanglement & Attachment,” University of Warwick, UK, 2–3 June 2014.






Books, sole-authored

  • Christian Borch (2020) Social Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Christian Borch (2015) Foucault, Crime and Power: Problematisations of Crime in the Twentieth Century. London and New York: Routledge [revised and updated translation of Kriminalitet og magt].
  • Christian Borch (2012) The Politics of Crowds: An Alternative History of Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Christian Borch (2011) Niklas Luhmann (Key Sociologists). London and New York: Routledge [Japanese translation 2014].
  • Christian Borch (2005) Kriminalitet og magt. Kriminalitetsopfattelser i det 20. århundrede. Copenhagen: Forlaget politisk revy.


Under contract:

  • Christian Borch:Making Autonomous Markets: How Machine Learning is Reshaping Financial Markets (under contract with Stanford University Press).


Books, (co-)edited

  • Christian Borch and Robert Wosnitzer (eds) (2020) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Christian Borch (ed.) (2019) Imitation, Contagion, Suggestion: On Mimesis and Society. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Christian Borch and Martin Kornberger (eds) (2015) Urban Commons: Rethinking the City. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Christian Borch (ed.) (2014) Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture. Basel: Birkhäuser.
  • Christian Borch and Urs Stäheli (eds) (2009) Soziologie der Nachahmung und des Begehrens. Materialien zu Gabriel Tarde. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2009.
  • Christian Borch and Lars Thorup Larsen (eds) (2003) Perspektiv, magt og styring. Luhmann og Foucault til diskussion. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.



  • Christian Borch and Juan-Pablo Pardo Guerra (eds) (2023/24) The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Chapters are added progressively online, ahead of print:]
  • Heine Andersen, Christian Borch and Lars Bo Kaspersen (eds) (2025) Klassisk og moderne samfundsteori, 7th ed. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.


Journal articles

  • Christian Borch (2023) “Crowds, Race, Colonialism: On Resuscitating Classical Crowd Theory,” Social Research 90(2): 245–69.
  • Christian Borch (2023) “Machine Learning and Postcolonial Critique: Homologous Challenges to Sociological Notions of Human Agency,” Sociology 57(6): 1450–66.
  • Christian Borch and Bo Hee Min (2023) “Machine learning and social action in markets: From first- to second-generation automated trading,” Economy and Society 52(1): 37–61.
  • Christian Borch and Bo Hee Min (2022) “Toward a sociology of machine learning explainability: Human-machine interaction in deep neural network-based automated trading,” Big Data & Society 9(2): 20539517221111361.
  • Christian Borch (2022) “Machine learning, knowledge risk, and principal-agent problems in automated trading,” Technology in Society 68: 101852.
  • Kristian Bondo Hansen and Christian Borch (2022) “Alternative data and sentiment analysis: Prospecting non-standard data in machine learning-driven finance,” Big Data & Society 9(1):
  • Christian Borch (2022) “Corpo a corpo: Sull’anatomia politica delle folle,” Rivista di politica 4: 77–94 [Italian translation of 2009 “Body to Body” paper].
  • Christian Borch (2022) “Financial Contagion in an Age of COVID-19: On Biological, Human, and Algorithmic Mimesis,” CounterText 8(1): 206–22.
  • Christian Borch (2022) “Machine learning and social theory: Collective machine behaviour in algorithmic trading,” European Journal of Social Theory 25(4): 503–20.
  • Bo Hee Min and Christian Borch (2022) “Systemic Failures and Organizational Risk Management in Algorithmic Trading: Normal Accidents and High Reliability in Financial Markets,” Social Studies of Science 52(2): 277–302.
  • Kristian Bondo Hansen and Christian Borch (2021) “The absorption and multiplication of uncertainty in machine-learning-driven finance,” British Journal of Sociology 72(4): 1015–29.
  • Christian Borch (2017) “Tensional individuality: a reassessment of Gabriel Tarde’s sociology,” Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 18(2): 153–72.
  • Christian Borch (2017) “Algorithmic Finance and (Limits to) Governmentality: On Foucault and High-Frequency Trading,” Le foucaldien 3(1): 1–17.
  • Christian Borch and Ann-Christina Lange (2017) “Market sociality: Mirowski, Shiller, and the tension between mimetic and anti-mimetic market features,” Cambridge Journal of Economics 41(4): 1197–1212.
  • Christian Borch and Ann-Christina Lange (2017) “High-frequency trader subjectivity: emotional attachment and discipline in an era of algorithms,” Socio-Economic Review 15(2): 283–306.
  • Christian Borch (2016) “High-frequency trading, algorithmic finance, and the Flash Crash: reflections on eventalization,” Economy and Society 45(3–4): 350–78.
  • Christian Borch, Kristian Bondo Hansen and Ann-Christina Lange (2015) “Markets, bodies, and rhythms: A rhythmanalysis of financial markets from open-outcry trading to high-frequency trading,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 33(6): 1080–97.
  • Christian Borch (2013) “Crowd theory and the management of crowds: A controversial relationship,” Current Sociology 61(5–6): 584–601.
  • Christian Borch (2012) “Functional Eclecticism: On Luhmann’s Style of Theorizing,” Revue internationale de philosophie 66(1): 123–42.
  • Christian Borch (2010) “Between Destructiveness and Vitalism: Simmel’s Sociology of Crowds,” Conserveries mémorielles 8, Special Issue on “Crowds, Events, Affects.”
  • Christian Borch (2010) “Organizational Atmospheres: Foam, Affect and Architecture,” Organization 17(2): 223–41.
  • Christian Borch (2009) “Body to Body: On the Political Anatomy of Crowds,” Sociological Theory 27(3): 271–90.
  • Christian Borch and Uffe Lind (2009) “The Mobile Parliament: Taking Regional Matters of Concern Seriously,” Distinktion 18: 69–86.
  • Christian Borch (2008) “Foam architecture: managing co-isolated associations,” Economy and Society 37(4): 548–71.
  • Christian Borch (2008) “Modern mass aberration: Hermann Broch and the problem of irrationality,” History of the Human Sciences 21(2): 63–83.
  • Jakob Arnoldi and Christian Borch (2007) “Market Crowds between Imitation and Control,” Theory, Culture and Society 24(7–8): 164–80.
  • Christian Borch (2007) “Crowds and economic life: bringing an old figure back in,” Economy and Society 36(4): 549–73.
  • Christian Borch (2006) “Crowds and Total Democracy: Hermann Broch’s Political Theory,” Distinktion 13: 99–120.
  • Christian Borch (2006) “The Exclusion of the Crowd: The Destiny of a Sociological Figure of the Irrational,” European Journal of Social Theory 9(1): 83–102.
  • Christian Borch (2006) “Crowds and Pathos: Theodor Geiger on Revolutionary Action,” Acta Sociologica 49(1): 5–18.
  • Christian Borch (2005) “Crime Prevention as Totalitarian Biopolitics,” Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 6(2): 91–105.
  • Christian Borch (2005) “Urban Imitations: Tarde’s Sociology Revisited,” Theory, Culture and Society 22(3): 81–100. [Turkish translation in tesmeralsekdiz 03, 2008; German translation in Christian Borch and Urs Stäheli (eds) Soziologie der Nachahmung und des Begehrens. Materialien zu Gabriel Tarde. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag].
  • Christian Borch (2005) “Systemic Power: Luhmann, Foucault, and Analytics of Power,” Acta Sociologica, 48(2): 155–67.


Peer-reviewed journal articles in non-English languages

  • Christian Borch (2006) “Massen: På sporet af en glemt sociologisk figur,”Dansk Sociologi 17(2): 43–57.
  • Christian Borch (2004) “Zur Kritik der Sanktionen,” Zeitschrift für angewandte Diskurstheorie 47: 20–5.
  • Christian Borch (2003) “Foucault og ret. Magtanalytikkens retssociologiske implikationer,” Retfærd 26(4): 46–61.
  • Christian Borch (2002) “Kriminalitet og kriminelle – brudstykker af en genealogi,” Dansk Sociologi 13(1): 57–72.
  • Christian Borch (2000) “Former, der kommer i form – om Luhmann og Spencer-Brown,” Distinktion 1: 105–22.


Edited journal issues

  • Christian Borch (2023) Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 24(2): Thematic section on “Social theory in an age of machine learning.”
  • Christian Borch (2016) Samfundsøkonomen 1: Special Issue on “Authoritarian Capitalism” (in Danish).
  • Christian Borch and Andrea Mubi Brighenti (2014) lo Squaderno: Explorations in Space and Society 33, September: Special Issue on “Crowded Spaces.”
  • Christian Borch (2013) Samfundsøkonomen 4: Special Issue on “Contemporary Marxist Social Theory” (in Danish).
  • Christian Borch and Britta Timm Knudsen (2013) Distinktion 14(2): Special Issue on “Postmodern crowds: re-inventing crowd thinking.”
  • Christian Borch (2013) Distinktion 14(1).
  • Christian Borch (2012) Distinktion 13(2).
  • Christian Borch and Clemens Stubbe Østergaard (2011) Samfundsøkonomen 5, 2011: Special Issue on “China” (in Danish).
  • Christian Borch (2011) Distinktion 12(1).
  • Mikael Carleheden and Christian Borch (2010) Distinktion 11(2): Special Issue on “Successive Modernities.”
  • Tiina Arppe and Christian Borch (2009) Distinktion 10(2): Special Issue on “The Sacred.”
  • Christian Borch and Antje Gimmler (2009) Distinktion 10(1).
  • Christian Borch (2008) Samfundsøkonomen 3: Special Issue on “Economic Sociology” (in Danish).
  • Kristin Asdal, Christian Borch, and Ingunn B. Moser (2008) Distinktion 9(1): Special Issue on “The Technologies of Politics.”
  • Christian Borch, Mikkel Thorup, and Thor Hvidbak (2007) Distinktion 8(2).
  • Christian Borch, Holger Højlund, and Nils Mortensen (2006) Distinktion 7(2).
  • Christian Borch and Nils Mortensen (2005) Distinktion 6(2).
  • Christian Borch and Urs Stäheli (2004) Distinktion 5(2): Special Issue on “Gabriel Tarde.”
  • Christian Borch, Lars Thorup Larsen, and Nils Mortensen (2003) Distinktion 4(2): Special Issue on “Economic Sociology.”
  • Christian Borch, Niels Albertsen, and Nils Mortensen (2002) Distinktion 3(1): Special Issue on “The City.”
  • Christian Borch (2000) Distinktion 1(1): Special Issue on “Niklas Luhmann.”


Essays in books (selected)

  • Christian Borch and Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra (forthcoming) “Sociology and Machine Learning,” in Christian Borch and Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra (eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Christian Borch (forthcoming) “Colonialties of Machine Learning,” in Christian Borch and Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra (eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Christian Borch and Nicholas Skar-Gislinge (forthcoming) “Economic Sociology: Using Agent-Based Modeling to Study Financial Markets,” in Anders Koed Madsen and Anders Kristian Munk (eds) Handbook of Digital and Computational SSH. Edward Elgar.
  • Christian Borch (forthcoming) “The Pit,” in Emma Sofie Brogaard, Frederik Tygstrup, Mikkel Krause Frantzen, Torsten Andreasen, and Nick Huber (eds) Finance Aesthetics: A Critical Glossary. London: Goldsmiths Press.
  • Christian Borch and Bjørn Schiermer (2021) “Crowd and Collective Behavior,” pp. 439–65 in Seth Abrutyn and Omar Lizardo (eds) Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory. Cham: Springer.
  • Christian Borch (2021) “Crowds, Mobilization, Avalanches!,” pp. 45–52 in Stephanie Cristello, Kirse Junge-Stevnsborg, and Anne Thomasen (eds) Sustainable Societies for the Future. Malmö: Malmö Art Museum and THE SEEN.
  • Christian Borch (2020) “Corona, markedssmitte og sociale laviner,” pp. 41–53 in Ole B. Jensen and Nikolaj Schultz (eds) Det epidemiske samfund. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2020) “What is Critical Finance Studies?,” pp. 1–25 in Christian Borch and Robert Wosnitzer (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Christian Borch (2019) “The imitative, contagious, and suggestible roots of modern society: towards a mimetic foundation of social theory,” pp. 2–34 in Christian Borch (ed.) Imitation, Contagion, Suggestion: On Mimesis and Society. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Kristian Bondo Hansen and Christian Borch (2019) “Market mimesis: imitation, contagion, and suggestion in financial markets,” pp. 91–106 in Christian Borch (ed.) Imitation, Contagion, Suggestion: On Mimesis and Society. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Christian Borch (2019) “Crowds, sværme og vira,” pp. 229–51 in Birgit Eriksson and Bjørn Schiermer (eds) Aktuelle kulturteoretiske temaer – en grundbog. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2019) “Simmels massesociologi,” pp. 315–33 in Søren Christensen et al. (eds) Simmel: Sociologiens eventyrer. Frederiksberg: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne.
  • Christian Borch (2017) “Kalabalıklar ve Demokrasi: Kalabalıkların Siyaseti Üzerine Post-Liberal Düşünceler,” pp. 73–84 in Zeynep Koçak (ed.) Kitleleri Yeniden Düşünmek: Hukuk, Şiddet ve Demokrasi. Istanbul: İstanbul Bilgi University Press.
  • Christian Borch (2016) “Peter Sloterdijk,” pp. 365–82 in Bjørn Schiermer (ed.) Kulturteori. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2015) “Imitation, masse og kriminalitet: teorien om social pejlings glemte genealogi,” pp. 15–25 in Britta Kyvsgaard et al. (eds) Kriminalistiske pejlinger: Festskrift til Flemming Balvig. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforlagets Forlag.
  • Martin Kornberger and Christian Borch (2015) “Introduction: Urban Commons,” pp. 1–21 in Christian Borch and Martin Kornberger (eds) Urban Commons: Rethinking the City. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
  • Christian Borch (2014) “Theodor Geiger’s biopolitics: on some links between crowd theory and eugenics,” pp. 39–51 in Anders Blok and Peter Gundelach (eds) The Elementary Forms of Sociological Knowledge: Essays in Honor of Margareta Bertilsson. Copenhagen: Department of Sociology.
  • Christian Borch (2014) “Die vermittelte Masse: Über Medien und kollektive Dynamiken,” pp. 23–35 in Inge Baxmann, Timon Beyes and Claus Pias (eds) Soziale Medien – Neue Massen. Zürich, Berlin: Diaphanes. [English translation in Inge Baxmann, Timon Beyes and Claus Pias (eds) (2016) Social Media—New Masses. Zurich-Berlin: diaphanes.]
  • Christian Borch (2014) “Gabriel Tarde (1843–1904),” pp. 185–201 in Jenny Helin et al. (eds) Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Christian Borch (2014) “Introduction: Why Atmospheres?,” pp. 6–17 in Christian Borch (ed.) Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture. Basel: Birkhäuser.
  • Christian Borch (2014) “The Politics of Atmospheres: Architecture, Power, and the Senses,” pp. 61–89 in Christian Borch (ed.) Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture. Basel: Birkhäuser.
  • Christian Borch (2013) “Spatiality, Imitation, Immunization: Luhmann and Sloterdijk on the Social,” pp. 150–68 in Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos and Anders La Cour (eds) Luhmann Observed: Radical Theoretical Encounters. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Christian Borch (2013) “Niklas Luhmann om retssystemets autopoiesis,” pp. 331–49 in Ole Hammerslev and Mikael Rask Madsen (eds) Retssociologi: klassiske og moderne perspektiver. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2013) “Massepsykologi: Individ, masse, magt og politik,” pp. 49–68 in Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Erik Laursen and Jan Brødslev Olsen (eds) En grundbog til et fag. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2011) “Foamy Business: On the Organizational Politics of Atmospheres,” pp. 29–42 in William Schinkel and Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens (eds) In Medias Res: Peter Sloterdijk’s Spherological Poetics of Being. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Christian Borch (2011) “Atmosfære, arkitektur, ledelse: Om grænselandet mellem arkitektur og socialteori,” pp. 27–37 in Merete Ahnfeldt-Mollerup and Nicolai Rostrup (eds) Percipio: Teori. Copenhagen: Arkitektskolen, 2011.
  • Christian Borch (2010) “Øresundsparlamentet: En ny strategi for regionalpolitisk mobilisering,” pp. 138–57 in Jens Kvorning et al. (eds) Det store rum. Debatbog om regional planlægning. Copenhagen: Realdania.
  • Christian Borch (2009) “Schaum-Organisationen: Über das Management von Atmosphären,” pp. 375–87 in Koenraad Hemelsoet, Marc Jongen, and Sjoerd van Tuinen (eds) Die Vermessung des Ungeheuren. Philosophie nach Peter Sloterdijk. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
  • Christian Borch and Urs Stäheli (2009) “Einleitung: Tardes Soziologie der Nachahmung und des Begehrens,” pp. 7–38 in Christian Borch and Urs Stäheli (eds) Soziologie der Nachahmung und des Begehrens. Materialien zu Gabriel Tarde. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
  • Christian Borch (2009) “Niklas Luhmann: En verden af sociale systemer,” pp. 521–31 in Mogens Hansen (ed.) 50 Samfundstænkere. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
  • Christian Borch (2009) “Inklusion og eksklusion af kriminelle,” pp. 60–75 in Jørgen Elm Larsen and Nils Mortensen (eds) Udenfor eller indenfor. Sociale marginaliseringsprocessers mangfoldighed. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2008) “Kriminalitet og ondskab,” pp. 113–32 in Helle Dam Sørensen and Sara Normann Thordsen (eds) Ondskab – et politisk begreb. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
  • Christian Borch (2008) “Samfundets forsvar mod kriminelle. Træk af den kliniske kriminologis historie i Danmark,” pp. 97–120 in Svend Brinkmann and Peter Triantafillou (eds) Psykens historier i Danmark. Om forståelsen og styringen af sjælelivet. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
  • Christian Borch (2008) “Regional Urbanism,” pp. 62–63 in Peter Duelund Mortensen et al. (eds) Futures of Cities: Principles, Congress, Competition. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.
  • Christian Borch and Mikael Rask Madsen (2008) “En introduktion,” pp. 11–17 in Bruno Latour En ny sociologi for et nyt samfund. Introduktion til Aktør-Netværk-Teori. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2007) “Massernes æra,” pp. 54–57 in Gunver Kyhn (ed.) Carlsbergfondet Årsskrift 2007. Copenhagen: Carlsbergfondet.
  • Christian Borch (2006) “Niklas Luhmann: Magt som medium,” pp. 385–407 in Carsten Bagge Laustsen and Jesper Myrup (eds) Magtens tænkere. Politisk teori fra Machiavelli til Honneth. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetsforlag.
  • Christian Borch (2005) “Er kriminalprævention totalitær? Magtanalytiske og systemteoretiske betragtninger,” pp. 43–48 in Mia Söderbärj (ed.) Brottsprevention – Crime Prevention and Fängselsforskning – Imprisonment. Oslo: Nordisk Samarbejdsråd for Kriminologi.
  • Christian Borch and Lars Thorup Larsen (2003) “Magten uden årsag – om Foucaults og Luhmanns magtopfattelser,” pp. 149–79 in Christian Borch and Lars Thorup Larsen (eds) Perspektiv, magt og styring. Luhmann og Foucault til diskussion. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Lars Thorup Larsen and Christian Borch (2003) “Forord,” pp. 7–13 in Christian Borch and Lars Throup Larsen (eds) Perspektiv, magt og styring. Luhmann og Foucault til diskussion. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.


Miscellaneous articles (selected)

  • “Introduction to thematic section on ‘social theory in an age of machine learning’,” Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 24(2): 297–300.
  • Christian Borch (2019) “Postmetropolis,” in Anthony Orum et al. (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Christian Borch (2018) “Cool Trading,” Limn
  • Christian Borch (2017) “Le Bon, Gustave,” in Bryan S. Turner et al. (eds) The Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Christian Borch (2017) “Mass society,” in Bryan S. Turner et al. (eds) The Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Christian Borch (2016) “Redaktionelt forord: Temanummer om autoritær kapitalisme,” Samfundsøkonomen 1: 3–4.
  • Christian Borch (2015) “Tarde, Gabriel (1843–1904),” in George Ritzer (ed.) Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Christian Borch (2015) “Gestos: Ser singular-plural,” Cuadernos de Teoría Social1(2): 58–9.
  • Angèle Christin and Christian Borch (2015) “Using, Making, and Recovering the ‘Classics’: A Conversation between 2014 ASA Theory Section Award-Winners Angèle Christin and Christian Borch,” Perspectives 37(1): 4–8.
  • Christian Borch (2014) “Dansk sociologi i en velfærdsstatslig container,” Dansk Sociologi 25(3): 63–68.
  • Christian Borch and Holger Højlund (2014) “Critical Blind Spots: Limits to Critique in Luhmann and Foucault,” Embedded 4(1): 64–78.
  • Gernot Böhme, Christian Borch, Olafur Eliasson, and Juhani Pallasmaa (2014) “Atmospheres, Art, Architecture, A Conversation between Gernot Böhme, Christian Borch, Olafur Eliasson, and Juhani Pallasmaa,” pp. 90–107 in Christian Borch (ed.) Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture. Basel: Birkhäuser.
  • Christian Borch (2013) “Redaktionelt forord: Marxistisk samfundstænkning i dag,” Samfundsøkonomen 4: 3–4.
  • Christian Borch and Britta Timm Knudsen (2013) “Postmodern crowds: re-inventing crowd thinking,” Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 14(2): 109–113.
  • Christian Borch and Clemens Stubbe Østergaard (2011) “Redaktionelt forord,” Samfundsøkonomen 5: 3.
  • Christian Borch (2011) Miscellaneous entries: “Afkriminalisering,” “Elias Canetti,” “Imitation,” “Kontrolsamfund,” “Kriminalprævention,” “Steven Lukes,” “Manipulation,” “Neo-machiavellisme,” “Overvågningssamfund,” “Pastoralmagt,” “Pønologi,” “Somnambulisme,” “Gabriel Tarde” in Inge Kryger Pedersen and Steen Nepper Larsen (eds) Sociologisk leksikon. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Mikael Carleheden and Christian Borch (2010) “Editorial: Successive Modernities,” Distinktion 11(2): 5–8.
  • Henning Bech, Christian Borch, and Steen Nepper Larsen (2010) “Resistance, Politics, Space, Architecture: Interview with Nigel Thrift,” Distinktion 11(2): 93–105.
  • Tiina Arppe and Christian Borch (2009) “Editorial: The Sacred,” Distinktion 10(2): 5–9.
  • Christian Borch (2009) “Arkitektur og sociologi: en tiltrængt kobling,” ArkitekturMagasinet 1(6): 50.
  • Christian Borch and Marius Gudmand-Høyer (2009) “Om igen at glemme Foucault!,” Hvorfor 3: 36–38.
  • Christian Borch (2009) “Retten til rum, retten til skum,” Kulturo 28: 15–18.
  • Christian Borch (2008) “Hysteriske kællinger? Om masseadfærd på finansielle markeder,” Samfundsøkonomen 3: 36–39.
  • Kristin Asdal, Christian Borch, and Ingunn B. Moser (2008) “Editorial: The Technologies of Politics,” Distinktion 9(1): 5–10.
  • Christian Borch (2007) “Tarde, Gabriel (1843–1904),” in George Ritzer (ed.) The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology, online version. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Christian Borch (2006) “Gabriel Tarde,” Den Store Danske Encyklopædi, Supplementsbind 2. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
  • Christian Borch (2005) “Kriminalpolitik som biopolitik: Fra racehygiejne til kriminalprævention,” Social Kritik 98: 6–21.
  • Christian Borch and Urs Stäheli (2004) “Editorial: Gabriel Tarde,” Distinktion 5(2): 5–7.
  • Christian Borch (2002) “Interview with Edward W. Soja: Thirdspace, Postmetropolis, and Social Theory,” Distinktion 3(1): 113–20.
  • Michael Volkmer and Christian Borch (2000) “Interview med Dirk Baecker: Spørgsmål til den distinktionsteoretiske vending i systemteorien,” Distinktion 1(1): 123–31.


Book Reviews

  • Christian Borch (2014) “Masserepræsentation,” review of Stefan Jonsson (2013) Crowds and Democracy: The Idea and Image of the Masses from Revolution to Fascism. Reviewed in K&K: Kultur og Klasse 42(118): 303–6.
  • Christian Borch (2013) Review of Richard Jenkins (2012) Being Danish: Paradoxes of Identity in Everyday Life, 2nd Edition. Reviewed in Contemporary Sociology 42(6): 850–51.
  • Christian Borch (2008) Review of Theodor Geiger (2006): Gesamtausgabe, Abteilung IV, Band 2. Die Klassengesellschaft im Schmelztiegel, ed. Klaus Rodax. Reviewed in Acta Sociologica 51(1): 71–72.
  • Christian Borch (2006) Review of Bruno Latour (2005): Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Reviewed in Dansk Sociologi 17(1): 116–18.
  • Christian Borch (2005) Review of Michael King and Chris Thornhill (2003): Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Politics and Law. Reviewed in Retfærd 28(2): 91–94.
  • Christian Borch (2004) Review of Vincenzo Ruggiero (2003): Crime in Literature. Sociology of Deviance and Fiction. Reviewed in Acta Sociologica 47(2): 192–94.
  • Christian Borch (2003) Review of Jørgen Dalberg-Larsen (2001): Pragmatisk retsteori. Reviewed in Politica 35(1): 104–06.
  • Christian Borch (2002) Review of Gary Wickham and George Pavlich (eds) (2001): Rethinking Law, Society and Governance: Foucault’s Bequest. Reviewed in Retfærd 25(4): 94–98.
  • Christian Borch (2001) Review of Urs Stäheli (2000): Poststrukturalitische Soziologien. Reviewed in Distinktion 2(1): 123–25.



  • Christian Borch (2004) Bruno Latour: “Gabriel Tarde og det sociales endeligt,” Distinktion 5(2): 33–47.
  • Christian Borch and Lars Thorup Larsen (2004) Gabriel Tarde: “Hvad er et samfund?,” Distinktion 5(2): 9–27.
  • Ulrich Beck: “Ud over nationalstaten. Hen imod et kosmopolitisk verdensbillede,” Lettre Internationale 2, 2003: 13–16 (with Lars Thorup Larsen).
  • Lars Thorup Larsen and Christian Borch (2003) Chantal Mouffe: “Politik og lidenskaber: Hvad er der på spil i demokratiet?,” Distinktion 4(2): 119–27.
  • Lars Bo Larsen and Christian Borch (2003) Niklas Luhmann: “Beslutningens paradoks,” pp. 35–61 in Holger Højlund and Morten Knudsen (red.) Organiseret kommunikation – systemteoretiske analyser. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
  • Christian Borch (2003) Thomas Lemke: “Diskursens grænser – fra vidensarkæologi til magtens genealogi,” pp. 39–59 in Christian Borch and Lars Thorup Larsen (eds) Perspektiv, magt og styring. Luhmann og Foucault til diskussion. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2003) Urs Stäheli: “Populationernes opstand,” pp. 60–82 in Christian Borch and Lars Thorup Larsen (eds) Perspektiv, magt og styring. Luhmann og Foucault til diskussion. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch (2003) Mitchell Dean: “Kulturstyring og individualisering,” pp. 200–30 in Christian Borch and Lars Thorup Larsen (eds) Perspektiv, magt og styring. Luhmann og Foucault til diskussion. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Lars Bo Larsen and Christian Borch (2002) Carl Schmitt: Det politiskes begreb. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch and Lars Bo Larsen (2002) Ulrich Beck: Fagre nye arbejdsverden. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Christian Borch and Lars Bo Larsen (2002) Hans Joas: “Drømmen om det voldsfri moderne,” Distinktion 3(2): 91–100.
  • Lars Bo Larsen and Christian Borch (2001) Carl Schmitt: “Politisk teologi. Suverænitetens definition,” Distinktion 2(2), 2001: 29–33.
  • Christian Borch and Lars Bo Larsen (2001) Marcus Llanque: “Carl Schmitts dekonstruktion af demokratibegrebet,” Distinktion 2(2): 53–69.
  • Christian Borch and Lars Bo Larsen (2001) Friedrich Balke: “Politisk eksistens og ‘det blotte liv’. Carl Schmitts biopolitik,” Distinktion 2(2): 71–80.
  • Nils Mortensen and Christian Borch (2000) Niklas Luhmann: “‘Hvad er tilfældet?’ og ’Hvad lægger der bag?’ De to sociologier og samfundsteorien,” Distinktion 1(1): 9–25.


Dissemination, Communication, and Media Activities (selected)




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