Christine Svinth-Værge Põder

Christine Svinth-Værge Põder

  • Karen Blixens Plads 16

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Foundational theology, Luther's theology, dialectical theology, particularly Karl Barth's theology and theological method, lutheran theology in the 20th century, particularly the German Lutherrenaissance, Karl Holl, Rudolf Hermann, Regin Prenter. Dogmatical topoi: Christology, reconciliation, justification, creation, sin, ecclesiology, sacraments. Method in dogmatics, hereunder the relation between "law and gospel" as hermeneutical distinction (resp. between dogmatics and ethics), orientation- context- and practice-hermeneutical approaches, drawing also on feminist, postcolonial and liberation theological insights, green transition as case for these approaches.

Current research

  • The reception of Luther's early theology in the German Lutherrenaissance with particular regard to negative thought figures in Luther's Lectures on the Romans and their significance for lutheran doctrine of justification in the 20th century. Problems and potentials. Focus on Karl Holl's existence-dialectical approach to assurance of faith (variations of "resignatio ad infernum") and Rudolf Hermann's theology of language in his interpretation of sin and grace in Luther. 
  • Lutheran theology of the cross in the 20th century (Regin Prenter and H.J. Iwand
  • Theology of the cross in contemporary contextual theology (feminist, postcolonial, liberation and eco-theology) Theology of the cross and hemeneuics of orientation
  • Karl Barth's theology, theological method and implicit rhetorical strategy
  • Karl Barth's reception of Luther



2018-               Associate professor at Systematic Theology Section, The Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

2013-2018       Professor mso (with special responsibilities) at Systematic Theology Section , The Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

2008-2012       Carlsberg Foundation Postdoc scholarship at Section for Systematic Theology, The Faculty of Theology, Aarhus University

2002-2006       PhD-scholarship at Section for Systematic Theology, The Faculty of Theology, Aarhus University



2019                   Leading Research – a leadership course (3 modules, each 1-2 days), LUKU, Leadership Development at UCPH

2015-2016         The Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme (Universitetspædagogikum), TEACH, University of Copenhagen

2014-              Ongoing participation in various short courses/ workshops on leading, teaching, supervision

2007                PhD, Section for Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology, Aarhus University

2002-2007       PhD-student, Section for Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology, Aarhus University

2001-2003       Visiting scholar at Theologische Fakultät, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

2001                Cand. theol from Faculty of Theology, Aarhus University

1992-2001       Student of Theology at Aarhus University, including a year as exchange student at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, one semester at Institute for Art History at Aarhus University, and 10 months’ study at the University of Tartu, Estonia


Academic awards

PhD-prize of the Aarhus University Research Foundation, 2008, for the dissertation Doxological Hiddenness: The Fundamental Theological Significance of Prayer in Karl Barth's Work (Berlin: De Gruyter 2009)


Leading research, membership of boards and editorships

2024-                Content editor at the Danish National Encyclopedia (

2023-               Member of advisory board for DEI (diversity, equality, inclusion) at UCPH

2022                Member of Steering Committee of the Luther-Akademie Ratzeburg

2022-              Participant in LWF’s Lutheran Confessions project

2022                Participant in KUUR’s education strategy work, Mission Group on content, learning and wellbeing

2022                Membership of assessment committee for a PhD-dissertation (external)

2021-               Head of Systematic Theology Section, The Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

2020-2021       Planning and conducting international workshop European Crisis and Reorientation, October 2021 (funded by CEMES)

2020-               Member of editorial board of Svensk Teologisk Kvartalsskrift

2020                Chair of assessment committee for a PhD-dissertation

2019-               Member of planning committee for the 20th Nordic Conference on Systematic Theology (2022)

2019-               Member of advisory board, Kerygma und Dogma

2018-               Member of advisory board, Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift

2017-2021       Editorship of TEOL-information (journal of the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)

2017-2021       Editorship of the Publications of the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

2017                Chair of assessment committee for a PhD-dissertation

2017                Coordinator of conference seminar at the 13. International Congress for Luther Research, Wittenberg

2017-2018       Chair of committee for dropout and unemployment at at the Faculty of Theology (Board of Studies)

2016-2019       Member of planning committee for the 19th Nordic Conference on Systematic Theology (2019)

2015-2021       Member of Board of Studies, alternate

2014-15           Chair, Teologisk Forening

2014                Consultation between CPCE and the Anglican churches

2009-               Member of editorial board of Usuteaduslik Ajakiri, Akadeemiline Teoloogia Selts (Journal of Theology, Society of Academic Theology, Tartu University)


  • Faculty of Theology
  • Dogmatics, reformation theology, Karl Barth, Karl Holl, Rudolf Hermann, Regin Prenter, dialectical theology, Lutherrenaissance