David Dreyer Lassen

David Dreyer Lassen

M.Sc. (Econ), Ph.D.

  • Nørregade 10, Postboks 2177

    1017 København K


  • Source: Scopus
1996 …2023

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

  • social data science
  • political economics
  • public economics

Current research

  • economic behavior and economic and political inequality (DNRF grant)
  • choice, behavior and (educational) performance (ERC and EPRN grants)
  • predicting social and economic life trajectories using administrative and network data (Villum grant)
  • social data science: applied machine learning and prediction in the social science, text-as-data, privacy (SODAS)

Possible conflicts of interest

Member of the Board, Statistics Denmark; member of the Competition Recource Council; member of the Reform commission; member of the board, DEA; chairman for videnskab.dks Advisory Board; misc. reviewing for non-Danish foundations etc.


In 2015 I created, with a postdoc, the course Social Data Science, and have been teaching this, most recently called Introduction to Social Data Science, as well as Data Governance for the past five years. These courses are now part of the M.Sc. program in Social Data Science. Earlier I taught political economy, public economics and regulation, and microeconomics. 



Born October 5, 1973, in Rødovre, Denmark. 



2002                            Ph.D. in Economics, EPRU and Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen.

1999-2000                   Visiting student, Department of Economics, Harvard University.

1998                            M.Sc. in Economics, Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen.


Employment and positions

2021-                         Prorector for Research, U. of Copenhagen 

2017-2020.               Deputy Director, DNRF Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality

2016-2020                Center director, Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS)

2012-                          Professor of Economics, University of Copenhagen

2007-2012                   Career Professor of Economics, University of Copenhagen

2007                            Visiting scholar, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University

2004-2007                   Associate Professor of Economics, University of Copenhagen

2003                            Visiting researcher, Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences, Harvard

2002-2004                   Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Copenhagen


Consultancy and advisory activities for Government and Business

Nordic Council of Ministers, World Bank, IMF, Danish Economic Councils, KREVI, Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, Ernst & Young, BDO, McKinsey


Selected recent research grants and management experience

Villum Foundation Synergy Grant, 2020-, Joint PI 

ERC Advanced Grant, 2020-, co-PI

Danish National Research Foundation Center of Excellence (CEBI), 2017-, co-PI, deputy director

UCPH 2016 Interdisciplinary grant. “Social Fabric.” 2013-17. PI.

ERC Starting Grant, SH2, 2013-2017.PI.

Sapere Aude, Research Leader, Danish Independent Research Council 2011-4. PI.


Selected university and professional experience

Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF), chairman of the board, 2019-20

Danish Council for Independent Research | Social Sciences (FSE), member 2014-, Member of executive Committee and co-chair, 2016-7, chair 2018

Academic Council, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, member 2013-20

Rector’s Advisory Board, University of Copenhagen, member 2013-18

Danish Competition Council, member 2013-5


Teaching and Supervision experience

Ph.D. 14 completed, 7 on-going. Postdocs/assis profs: 4 completed, 1 current. Supervised 150+ M.Sc.


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • public economics
  • political economics
  • social data science

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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