Desirée Gijón Gómez

Desirée Gijón Gómez

  • Universitetsparken 5

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile

Short presentation

I am a PhD student in Number Theory, under the supervision of Fabien Pazuki, on Transcendence questions on values of modular forms.

I got my Bachelor's degree from the University of Málaga and my Master's degree from the University of Copenhagen. I wrote my Master's thesis on arithmetic holonomicity and its applications to the unbounded denominators conjecture for modular forms, supervised by Lars Kühne.

See my personal page here.

Current research

My PhD project is about transcendence properties of values of modular functions. In particular, about generalizations of Nesterenko's theorem to genus two curves, via the Igusa invariants. 


  • Faculty of Science
  • Number theory
  • Transcendental number theory
  • Modular forms
  • Diophantine approximation
  • Genus two curves
  • Diophantine geometry

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