Personal profile

Short presentation

Current research focus

I am leading the research group "Cellular and Molecular Pediatrics", at the section for Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (IVH), SUND, KU. Our research focuses on

1. Impact of perinatal complications (preterm birth, pre-/post-natal infection and inflammation) on immune development in early life.

2. Host, nutritional status and microbe interaction to determine health in early life.

3. Immunometabolic mechanisms in neonatal infectious diseases (neonatal sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis-NEC) and novel therapeutic approaches.

Our research platforms and tools are based on: 1) preterm pig model of neonatal sepsis and NEC; 2) observational studies in human preterm infant cohorts; 3) multi-omic analyses (transcriptomics, proteomics, gut microbiome); 4) External collaborations with Danish and international hospitals/research centers working with newborn infants, neonatal mice and preterm lambs.


For prospective MSc and PhD students, and postdocs

We are continuously looking for MSc students who are interested in biomedical/immunological research using animal models of neonatal diseases and immune cell in vitro models. Further, we constantly seek external grants for potential PhD students and Postdocs with similar research interests. 


Research profile

Nutrition, gastroenterology and infectious diseases in early life. I have worked extensively with animal and cell models for newborn infants, including preterm pig models of perinatal infectious diseases (prenatal infection, neonatal sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis), ex vivo intestinal tissue explant cultures, and in vitro intestinal epithelial cell models. Core analytical techniques include immune assays (flow cytometry, immune cell function), proteomics, transcriptomics, and milk protein analyses. My research also includes design and planning of clinical trials in preterm infants, data management and sample analysis. Main research focuses are:

  • Immune development and immunity against infectious diseases in early life.
  • Short and long-term outcomes of perinatal infection.
  • Interaction among early life diet, gut microbiota and functions and immunity.
  • Mechanisms and biomarkers of perinatal infections and gut failure.



2011-2014: PhD in Food Science and Nutrition, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2009-2011: MSc in Food Science and Technology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2003-2008: BSc in Food Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam



2020-present: Associate Professor, Cellular & Molecular Pediatrics, Comparative Pediatricsa & Nutrition, IVH, SUND, University of Copenhagen

2019- present: Research group leader, Cellular & Molecular Pediatrics, Comparative Pediatrics & Nutrition, Univ. Copenhagen

2017-2020: Assistant Professor, Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition, IVH, SUND, University of Copenhagen

2015-2016: Postdoc, Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition, IKVH, SUND, University of Copenhagen


Academic research network

  • Core member of NEOMUNE and NEOCOL research consortiums
  • Extensive collaboration with experts in the industry (Arla Foods, Medela, Glycom, Danone).
  • Wide collaborative network with academic institutions: Maastricht University (immune assays, sheep models), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (transcriptomics, epigenomics), Statens Serum Institute (transcriptomics), Havard Medical school (neonatal infection), Aalborg University (proteomics), Newcastle Clinical Service and hospitals in China (clinical trials).


Teaching and supervision

  • Lecturer in MSc courses (Milk processing, 2013-2014; Experimental Animal Nutrition and Physiology, from 2017), and BSc courses (Dairy Internship, 2014; Pathology and Pharmacology, from 2016)
  • Co-supervisor (daily supervision) of 3 PhD students (ongoing), 2 MSc students (2014 and 2017).

Research leadership and management

  • Formal leadership training courses at University of Copenhagen (2018-2019)
  • Project manager of STIMMUNE project (2016-2019) funded by Arla Foods for Health
  • Member of central management and steering groups of NEOMUNE (2013-2018) and NEOCOL (2017-2021) research consortiums, funded by Innovation Foundation Denmark


Research funding

2023-2026    PI, "Nutrition targeting systemic immune cell metabolism as therapy for neonatal infection", Project grant in Clinical and Translational Medicine, Novo Nordisk Foundation, 3.0 mio DKK

2021-2024    PI, "Effects of plasma proteins against neonatal sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis", Takeda Ltd, 6.3 mio DKK.

2021-2024    PI, "Phage the enemy: fecal bacteriophages to fight necrotizing enterocolitis", Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2.9 mio DKK.

2018-2022    Co-PI, “Fecal microbiota transplantation to support gut colonization and to prevent infection and antimicrobial resistance in newborn pigs”, Independent Research Fund Denmark, 5.5 mio. DKK.

2017- 2021   Co-PI and work package leader, management group member, “Colostrum for newborn infants, NEOCOL”, Innovation Foundation Denmark, 18.8 mio. DKK

2016- 2019   PI, “Bioactive milk to stimulate gut immune defense in infants born with perinatal inflammation, STIMMUNE”, Arla Foods for Health + co-sponsors, 10.2 mio. DKK

2011-2014    Project participant, “Bioactive milk proteins against gut inflammation”, Danish Dairy Research Foundation (MFF), 2.7 mio DKK


Possible conflicts of interest

The research has received grants from public/independent funding bodies (Novo Nordisk Foundation, Innovation Fond Denmark, Independent Research Fund Denmark), industry (Takeda, Biofiber-Damino, Arla Foods Ingredients, Arla Foods Amba, Danone), and joint research center between industry and public institutions (center of Arla Food for Health).

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or