Personal profile

Short presentation

Ellen Braae is professor of landscape architecture theory and method and head of the research group ‘Landscape Architecture and Urbanism’. Ellen is trained as an architect and landscape architect from the Aarhus School of Architecture, where she also got her PhD. Ellen has several years of practice experience, including her own office. 

Ellen's research interests include questions related to regenerative urban and landscape development. This entails special attention to planetary boundaries and living systems, the preservation and transformation of the postindustrial urban landscape, design and transformation, theory and practice of cultural heritage in general and 'green heritage' in particular, ecology and aesthetics, landscape architecture theories and methods, landscaping tools in a historical perspective, landscape theory, industrial culture, fordism and postfordism, spatial theory, design theory and landscape based urban development. From an overall perspective Ellen focus on how we may approach regenerative urban and landscape development, it’s meaning, appearance and function in a way that allows humans and more-than-humans to thrive.

For more information, please see CV.


Together with Henriette Steiner, Ellen is the editor of the forthcoming volume Routledge Companion to Landscape Architecture. The volume will contain twenty-five chapters and provide a comprehensive entry into state-of-the-art research in the field of Landscape Architecture. Questions of politics, ethics and sustainability will run through many of the contributions, so will questions of aesthetics and/or design. The list of contributors includes: Tom Avermaete (TU Delft), Peter Carl (London Metropolitan University), Lisa Diedrich (Swedish University of Agricultural Science), Christophe Girot (ETH Zurich), Eric Haldenby (University of Waterloo), Tim Ingold (University of Aberdeen), Gini Lee (University of Melbourne), Martin Prominski (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Anne Spirn (MIT).


Key research areas

Intersection of urban development, heritage and climate change. Transformation theory, heritage studies, transformation and preservation of the post-industrial urban landscape, theory and method of landscape architecture, planning, aesthetic and spatial theory, design theory, method and history.




PhD degree, The Aarhus School of Architecture (AAA), 2003


Cand. arch., Landscape Architecture, AAA, 1991


Grad. High School, Mathematics-physics, Aarhus Katedralskole, 1983



Other education

Yellow Research Course on ERC grants, 1 day, 2015

Research management course, Implement, 9 days, 2009-10


Project management course, Implement, 3 days, 2007


Professional jury membership course, 2010


Pedagogical course for Associate Professors, Aalborg University, 2004


Master Class, The Berlage Institute, 1997



Study abroad

Rome (1/2 year 1991 og 1993), China (1 mth. 1994), Paris (1/2 year 1995), Berlin (1 mth. 1996)



Previous employments

Professor MSO in Landscape Architecture and -Urbanism with special responsibilities in preservation and transformation of the post-industrial urban landscapes, Copenhagen University, 2009-13

Sick leave, June 2013-February 2014

Visiting professor, AHO, 2010

Associate professor in landscape architecture, AAA, 2006-9


Associate professor in urban design, Aalborg University, 2003-6


1 year scholarship, The Danish Arts Foundation, 2001


2 x 1 year (13+12 mths.) maternity leave, 1998-9 og 2000-1


PhD-fellow, AAA, 1996-2003


Assistant teacher, AAA, 1994-6


Schønherr Landskab, project developer and manager, 1991, 1993-6


Preben Skaarup’s Studio, project manager, 1992


Landskab og Rum, 1987-8 (1,5 year full employmency/student leave)




Cofounder and partner: IKAROS Press, 2009-


Cofounder and partner: Metopos. By- og landskabsdesign, 2005-8


Founder and owner: Sic! Design, 2000-2005


Cofounder / editor of the webmagazine, 1999-2002


Cofounder and partner: Berg & Braae ApS, 1995-


Founder and owner: Ellen Braae Landskab, 1993-1996


Large project management

PI on the research project Reconfiguring Welfare Landscapes 2016 – financed by the Danish Council for Independent Research

PI on the reserach project Sven Hansen – the Danish Welfare Modernist Landscape Architect, 2016-, finansed by The Danish Art Foundation and Dreyers Foundation

PI on the research project Bygningskultur 2015 at LIFE, 2011-2015 and finanzed by RealDania

PI on the research project: Green Cultural Heritage, 2012-2015, finansed by RealDania


Responsible for the full accreditation of the two educations BSc Landskabsarkitektur and MSc Landscape Architecture, UC, 2009-10


Restructuring and relaunchment of a new landscape architecture specialization programme at the Aarhus School of Architecture, DK 2007


Project management within the practices I have been involved


Reseach boards and councils

2015 Chairman of the evaluation committe for the Research Center for Cultural Landscapes and Urban Environments, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands

2015 Review panel member, Academy of Finland, Research Council for Culture and Society



2012-5 Chairman of the Danish EU initiated ”Cultural heritage and global change” panel

2011-5 Danish delegate member of the Executive Board and Steering Committee for the EU funded JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change


2011-5 Member of the The Danish Research Council’s Social Science and Humanties reference group


2011-5 Member of FKK (The Danish Research Council | Culture and Communication)


2009- Member of the Bibliometrical Committee 64, Architecture, design, product development and urban planning


1999 Member of The Public Research Council for Cities and Buildings



Editorial boards

2011- Member of the editorial board Nordic Journal of Architecture

1997-2000 Member of the editorial board Nordic Architectural Research Journal,


Journal reviews

2012- Landscape Research

2012 ACSA, American Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

2010- Journal of Landscape Architecture


2011 Nordic Journal of Architecture


2011 ECLAS, European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools



Honorary office

2013- Board member of ‘Hastrups legat’, 2013-

2012-4 Member of the Danish Landscape Prize Jury

2011-20 Appointed Fellow of the Danish Advisory Board for the State in Artistic Matters, ‘Akademiet’,


2010-2012 Committee member of ‘Selskabet til Bevaring af Industrimiljøer i Danmark’,


2010-2011-2012-2013 Admitted to ‘Who’s who in the World’


2010- Committee member of ‘Havekulturfonden’ (The Horticultural Foundation)


2009- Member of ‘Kunstnersamfundet’, The Danish Art Society


2006-11 Member of Vejdirektoratets Prisjury (The Road Dept. Jury)


2002-3 Member of the Architectural Association direction


1998 Member of Akademiraadets Stipendie og legatudvalg


1996, 1997, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Professional jurymember in National and International achitectural competitions



External examiner

2009- Appointed examiner in Urban Design, Aalborg University

2009- Appointed examiner in Architecture, the Danish Schools of Architecture

2006- Appointed examiner in Art history and Visual Culture



Larger pilotprojects

2004-5 Member of CUSAP, Copenhagen Urban Space Action Plan, The municipality of Copenhagen under the auspice of Jean-Pierre Charbonneau

2001-2 Member of curator group behind the exhibition FABRIK, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum,


1994-1998 Member of planning group ”The kindergartens of the future” six architectural competitions




2016 The Danish Art Foundation, Architecture, Sven Hansen – archive

2016 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, Sven Hansen – photo journey

2015 Velux Foundation, Visiting Velux Professorship, Tom Avermaete TU Delft

2014 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, World in Denmark 2014


2013 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, World in Denmark 2013


2013 The Danish Council for Technology and Innovation, PhD funding, Anna Aslaug Lund


2013 Gottlieb Paludan Architects, PhD funding, Anna Aslaug Lund


2013 RealDania, PhD funding, Anna Aslaug Lund


2012 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, World in Denmark


2012 Havekulturfonden, World in Denmark 2012


2012 The Danish Council for Technology and Innovation, PhD funding, Hanne Wiemann Nielsen


2012 Orbicon ApS, PhD funding, Hanne Wiemann Nielsen


2012 DRO Amsterdam, PhD funding, Hanne Wiemann Nielsen


2012 The Municiplality of Copenhagen, PhD funding, Hanne Wiemann Nielsen


2013 RealDania, PhD funding, Hanne Wiemann Nielsen


2011 RealDania, Bygningskultur 2015


2011 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, World in Denmark 2011


2011 Consortia of Cities in Waterbalance, PhD funding, Rosalina Wenningsted-Torgard


2010 Bergiafonden, publication


2010 Ny Carlsbergfondet, publication


2010 Statens Kunstfond, publication


2010 Fonden til genudgivelse af arkitekturværker, publication


2010 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, World in Denmark 2010


2009 The Faculty of Life Sciences, UC, PhD funding, Lisa Diedrich


2008 Statens Kunstfond, travel grant


2007 Statens Kunstfond, publication


2007 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, publication


2005 Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond, publication


2005 Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968, publication


2005 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, publication


2004 Toyota-fonden, publication


2004 Det Frie Forskningsråd for Kultur og Kommunikation, translation


2004 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, travel grant


2004 Statens Kunstfond, work grant


2003 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, work grant


2001 Novo Nordisk Fond for Kunsthistorisk Forskning


2001 Statens Kunstfond, One-year art scholarship


2001 KAB Fonden, work grant


2001 Danielsen og hustrus Fond, travel grant


2001 Statens Kunstfond, travel grant


1999 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, Six new Kinder Gardens, exhibition


1998 Knud Højgaards Fond, Six new Kinder Gardens, exhibition


1998 Statens Kunstfond, Six new Kinder Gardens


1998 Børnerådet, Six new Kinder Gardens


1998 Socialministeriet, Six new Kinder Gardens


1998 Dir. Danielsen og hustrus Fond, Six new Kinder Gardens


1996 Statens Kunstfond, Six new Kinder Gardens


1996 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, travel grant


1996 Bikubenfonden, grant for an appartment in Paris


1994 Havekulturfonden, travel grant


1993 Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond, Danish Institute for Art and Science in Rome


1993 Dr. Ingrids romerske Legat, Danish Institute for Art and Science in Rome


1992 Evers Fond, Danish Institute for Art and Science in Rome


1991 Statens Kunstfond, Danish Institute for Art and Science in Rome


1991 Dr. Ingrids romerske Legat, Danish Institute for Art and Science in Rome




Finished succesfully: six

2007 Lea Louise Holst Laursen, Schrinking Cities, Aalborg University, (principal supervisor until 2006)

2010 Stefan Darlan Boris, Urban Skov og landskabsinfrastruktur, Aarhus School of Architecture (project supervisor)


2011 Svava Riesto, Landscape Biography. Studying former industrial sites during urban development, Forest & Landscape, KU-Life (principal and project supervisor)


2013 Mads Farsø Rasmussen, Towards a new Landscape Architecture - To cultivate the City, Forest & Landscape, KU-Life(project supervisor)


2013 Lisa Diedrich, B(u)y the water. Landscape as vector for urban development in current harbour transformation projects in Europe, Forest & Landscape, KU-Life (principal and project supervisor)

2016 Lars Rolsted Mortensen, Transformation of postwar industrial areas, The Royal Academy for Architecture (additional supervisor)


On-going at UC, EB as principal supervisor: four


2011- Rosalina Wenningsted-Thorgard, Planning and Design of Fresh Water Management, Forest & Landscape, UC-Life (maternity leave)


2012- Hanne Nielsen, Large cities – quiet places, Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, UC-Science


2013- Anna Aslaug Lund, Arkitektonisk og rekreativ kvalitet i klimatilpasset urban infrastruktur, Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, UC-Science


2014- Johanne Heesche, Transformation of the Welfare City Industrial Areas in Loop City, Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, UC-Science (maternity leave)



PhD assessment committees

2016 Nils Björling, Sköra stadslandskap - utveckling av verktyg för lokal-regional planering, Chalmers University, Sweden

2015 Linde Egberts, Chosen Legacies. Heritage in the Construction of Regional Identity, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

2015 Rannveig Sødergaard Holm, Gravarealet som landskapsarkitektur. Variasjon, virkemidler og muligheter, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway


2015 Sidsel Nelund, Acts of Research Knowledge Production in Contemporary Arts Between Knowledge Economy and Critical Practice, UC, Faculty of Humanities, Denmark


2014 Silje Erøy Sollien, The Macuti House in Ilha de Moçambique: Transformation of the other side of a World Heritage site, The Royal Academy of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark


2013 Kristina Skåden, Vegarbeid: Transnasjonale relasjoner 1800–1942: Tre eksempler Oslo University, Norway


2012 Nel Janssens, Utopia-driven Projective Research, a design approach to explore the theory and practice of Meta-Urbanism, Chalmers-Sweden/Sint Lukas University-Belgium



2011 Maria Nilsson, Trädgårder och selvorganising, SLU, Sweden

2010 Rikke Munck Petersen, Landskabets Transformationer, The Royal Academy of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 Giambattista Zaccariotto, Integrated Urban Landscapes,Water Sensitive Design for the Città Diffusa of the Veneto Region, Universitá UIAU di Venezia, Italy,


2009 Rikke Stenbro (chairman) Bevaringsprocesser – perspektiver på arkitektur i forandring, The Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark


2008 Rune Christian Bach (chairman) Den grænseløse bys landskaber, The Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark



Assessment committees for academic posit.

(2016) Associate Professor (chairman) UC-Science, Denmark

(2015) Assoicate Professor, The Royal Academy of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark

(2015) Adj. Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark

(2015) Professorship, the Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark

(2015) Associate Professor, Uppsala, SLU, Sweden

(2015) Associate Professor (chairman) UC-Science, Denmark

(2014) Professorship, UMB, Ås, Norway,

(2014) Requested Professor (chairman) UC-Science, Denmark



(2014) Adj. Professor (chairman) UC-Science, Denmark

(2012) Adj. Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark,

(2012) Senior lecturer, SLU, Sweden

(2012) Professorship, SLU, Sweden

(2011) Assoc. Professor landscape architecture, UMB, Oslo, Norway,

(2011) Assist. Professor landscape architecture, KADK, Denmark,

(2011) Post Doc (chairman) UC-Life, Denmark


(2011) Professorship (chairman) UC-Life, Denmark,


(2010) Associate Professor (chairman) UC-Life, Denmark


+ a number of assessments for PhD-grants


Lectures and lecture series

Over the years I have lectured at multiple universities in Europe; Universitá UIAV di Venezia, Milan University Italy; Delft University and Vriej University (Amsterdam), The Netherlands; ETH Zürich, Switzerland; Leuven University, Belgium; Sheffield University, England; Sweden Agricultural University, Chalmers University, Sweden; Oslo University, Norways University for Life Sciences, Oslo Architectural School, Norway and at various Danish universities and schools of architecture. I have also lectured extensively outside academia. Furthermore:

Initiator of the public lecture series “Copenhagen Landscape Lectures”, University of Copenhagen, since 2012


Responsible for the international conference series ”World in Denmark”, biannually as a research conference over 10 years, my contribution starting in 2007 and ending 2014.

Responsible for the international conference Landscape and Landscape Architectural Research, The Aarhus School of Architecture, 2007



Exhibitions etc.

’Canarysect’ exhibition with Diedrich & Lee at [LAND]SKAPA, SLU, 2013

’The Travelling Transect’ exhibition with Lee & Diedrich at Nordes 13

“Velfærdsbyens landskaber – Albertslund” (The landscapes of the Welfare City – Albertslund), Albertslund Town Hall and Kroppedal Museum 2012


Three own works shown at an international juried exhibition, 4th Landscape Biennial Barcelona 2006


“Børns Rum” (Children’s Space), Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus, Exhibition in common for The Danish Art Foundation and The Ministry of Social Affairs, 1998


“Verbum – haven som argument” (Verbum – the garden as an argument), AAA and Danish Architectural Center, On Schønherr’s work. Responsible for the exhibition idea, design and management, 1993



Competition awards

(alone or in a collaboration)

2010 Natural Science Museum Denmark, with Drewniak and mbp-a, awarded

2009 Forny de gamle haller, Allested-Vejle, Bygge- og Anlægsfonden with Bæk & Simonsen, 1th prize

2009 Deichmannske Bibliotek, Oslo with Dahl&Uhre and 70°N, international competition, PQ

2005 Udsatte boligområder, Løget blomstrer, 1th prize

2005 Udsatte boligområder, – Integration vice versa, 1th priz

1998 Byplankonkurrence ved Gug og AUC, Aalborg Kommune, 3rd prize

1998 "De grønne multihuse", Kolding Kommune with JWHA, 2nd prize

1994 Billund bymidte with Schonherr, 2nd prize

1994 Fremtidens bypark with Schonherr, prisopgave, 4th prize

1994 Grafisk Højskole, København for CUBO/Schonherr, 1th prize


1993 Udflytning af de kunstneriske uddannelser til Holmen for CUBO/Schonherr, 1th prize


1993 Plejecenter og -boliger i Herlev for SHL/Schonherr, 1993 1th prize


1993 Fire byrum i Aarhus, Ingerslevs Plads og Boulevard with LN Boch, 2nd prize


1993 Fire byrum i Aarhus, Pustervig Torv with LN Boch, 1th prize


1991 Ny kirke i Allerød for Friis & Molkte/Schoonherr, 3rd prize


1991 Landskabs- og bebyggelsesplan, Bramdrupdam for SHL/Schonherr, 3rd prize



Art projects (selected, own)

Lakajgaarden, Frederiksborg Castle in parallel to Puk Lipmann for Statens Forsvarstjeneste, 2006

Antvorskov Kaserne for Statens Forsvarstjeneste, 2006

Hærhjemmeværnsdistrikt Herning, Ikast for Statens Forsvarstjeneste, 2005


Ellen's teaching and supervision focus on strategic design / transformation of urbanized areas with a special attention towards cultural heritage, urban development and climate change adaptation.

She supervises on bachelor, master and PhD level. Ellen is course responsible for the 15 ECTS MSc Urbanism Studio [] taught together with PhD-fellow Anne Madsbjerg and Professor Gertrud Jørgensen. Together with Associate Professor Svava Riesto Ellen is responsible for the 15 ECTS MSc course Theories and Methods in Landscape Architecture [], which they teach together with Associate Professor Peter Lundsgaard Hansen and this year also with Velux Visiting Professor from TU Delft, Tom Avermaete.

Within recent years Ellen have annually offered a PhD-course in collaboration with PhD-fellows and colleges from the Research Group for Landscape Architecture and Urbamism.


  • ???Landskabsarkitektur???
  • transformation
  • preservation
  • aesthetics
  • design
  • spatial theory
  • Urban landscapes
  • ecology
  • landscape based urban development
  • post-nature positions
  • natural and cultural heritage
  • site theory
  • Urban planning
  • landscape architecture theory
  • landscape architecture methodology
  • landscape architecture history

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or