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  • Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S


Personal profile


Experience from PhD supervision

  • Marie Wikman: Juridiske sandheder og social eksklusion. Om retsvæsents håndtering af sager om Politivold i Buenos Aires området. Center for Latinamerika Studier (co-supervisor), 2013-
  • Margit Pedersen: Enhanching the Self? An Ethnographical Study of Adolenscents’ Use of Medicine for Non-Diseas Conditions. Department of FARM, Life. (co-supervisor), 2012-2015             
  • Josefine Baark: Encountering the Object: Spaces and Voyages in Seventeenth Century Denmark. Department of History of Art at University of Cambridge and Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS at University of Copenhagen. (Danish supervision), 2012-2015
  • Stine Simonsen Puri: Gambling with destiny - An anthropological study of gambling mania in modern India. Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS at University of Copenhagen and Department of Anthropology at New York University. (main supervisor), 2009-2014.
  • Inge Høst Seiding: ‘Married to the daughters of the land’ – colonial marriages and families. Discourse and practice on intimate relations in Greenland from 1782 to late 19th century with a comparative perspective on Canada. Department of Culture and Modern History at Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland) and Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen. (co-supervisor), 2009-2013.
  • Lars Trans: New Sites of Government - Transnational Civil Society among Oaxacan Migrants in the United States. Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. (main supervisor), 2008-
  • Karen Vallgårda: Bringing Children into the Fold: Danish Missionaries in Colonial South India, 1864-1918. The SAXO Institute and Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Madras Institute of Development and Change, Chennai, India. (co-supervisor), 2007-2012.
  • Andreas Bandak: Sainthood and exemplarity among Christian Syrians in Damascus. Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Department of Anthropology at London School of Economics, London. (main supervisor), 2009-2012.
  • Helle Jørgensen: Tranquebar – Whose History? Transnational Cultural Heritage in a Former Danish Trading Colony in IndiaDepartment for History and Regional Studies at University of Aarhus, Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Madras Institute of Development and Change, Chennai, India. (co-supervisor), 2007-2010.
  • Frida Hastrup: Weathering the World. Recovery in Wake of the Tsunami in a Tamil Fishing Village. Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Madras Institute of Development and Change, Chennai, India. (main supervisor), 2006-2009.
  • Mikkel Bille: Negotiating Protection. Bedouin Material Culture and Heritage in Jordan. Department of Anthropology at Universtiy College London and Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen. (co-supervisor), 2005-2009.
  • Martin Petersen, Nationalmuseet: , “Collecting Korean Shamanism: Biographies & Collecting Device”. The Ethnographical Collections at the National Museum of Denmark and Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen. (main supervisor), 2004-2009.
  • Daniella Kuzmanovic: Refractions of Civil Society. Agency among Civic Activists in Turkey.Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Danish Institute of International Studies (DIS). (main supervisor), 2005-2008.
  • Kristian Morville: German Minds, Medina Hearts: Muslim Student Activism, Political Culture and Democratization in Indonesia. Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Department of Anthropology at Jakarta State University, Indonesia. (main supervisor), 2003-2007.
  • Trine Willert: Pupils mapping Europe. European awareness among pupils in compulsory education in Greece and DenmarkSection of Modern Greek Studies and Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen. (co-supervisor), 2003-2007.
  • Nicolette Makovicky, University College London: Material Moralities: Craft, Networks and Family Cosmology in Central Slovakia. Department of Anthropology at Universtiy College London and Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen. (co-supervisor), 2002-2006.
  • Bjørn Garberg: The Islamic Stranger – The Urban Hui in Beijing. Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and Department of History at Beijing University, China. (main supervisor), 2000-2004.


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Cultural understanding and misunderstanding
  • Cultural Encounters
  • India
  • Central Asia
  • Travel literature
  • Intercultural communication
  • Comparative Cultural Studies
  • Ethnographical methods