Personal profile

Short presentation

My research explores the relation between technological development and values within society.

Empirically I focus on software development within private sector markets. My work considers and contributes to themes such as markets and public spheres, brokerage, attention (economies), datafication, platforms, infrastructural power and dependency, and professional ethics and value. 

I have studied the attention economy within the app-market as part of my phd, and currently continue my work with developing new perspectives on attention, from the vantage point of anthropology.

In my most recent project i focus on the building of software and data infrastructures within the finance sector. This forms part of the project Datafied living by PI professor Stine Lomborg. 


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Software engineering
  • opmærksomhed
  • værdier
  • markedsgørelse
  • Infrastruktur
  • datafication
  • digitalisation