Research output per year
Research output per year
Master of Science, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of studies for the Bachelor’s studies in Exercise and Sport Sciences
Nørre Allé 51
2200 København N.
Nørre Allé 51
2200 København N
ResearcherID: D-4569-2015
Scopus Author ID: 6508249091
ResearcherID: D-4569-2015
ORCID: 0000-0002-4351-0137
Scopus ID: 6508249091
1980 - 1983 B.Sc. in biology, University of Copenhagen
1982 - 1984 B.Sc. in Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen
1984 - 1986 M.Sc. in Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen
July 2005 PhD degree: “Exercise training as a stimulus in osteogenic adaptation. From the perspective of the Female Athlete Triad - what can be learned?”
Post graduate training and courses
1997 PhD course at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Århus University; 6.-10. Oct.: Bone biology (knoglebiologi).
1998 PhD course at the Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Copenhagen; 27. Oct.-1. Dec.: Academic Writing in English.
1999 PhD course at the Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Copenhagen; 26. Nov. and 3. Dec.: Academic Communication - presentation of a Seminar.
2000 PhD course at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences; 21. Febr.-15. March: Science Theory.
PhD course at the Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Copenhagen; 27.-30. Nov.: Exercise Physiology and Sports Medicine Research.
2001 PhD course at the Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Copenhagen, Department of Biostatistics; 30. Jan.-6. April: Basic Statistics for health researchers.
Course at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen; 2. Sept- 16. Dec: The Didactis of Science.
2002 PhD course at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark; 12. - 14. Aug: Theory of Science across the Health Sciences.
Management courses:
2006 Desire for Leadership. Course at University of Copenhagen; 15.-16. March and 16.-17. May.
2008 Course for Heads of Studies (Studielederkursus), Copenhagen Business School and University of Southern Denmark; 29. Sept-2. Oct. and 18.-21. Nov.
2011 Leadership Education at University of Copenhagen; 3.-5. Feb., 13.-16. April and 8.-10. June.
Academic positions
1981 - 1991 Part-time Lecturer at the Danish State Institute of Physical Education
1986 - 1991 Teacher in physical education at Sankt Annæ High school (Gymnasium)
1991 - 2000 Academic position at The Danish State Institute of Physical Education (Danmarks Højskole for Legemsøvelser), which in 1997 was integrated into the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences (IFI)
2000 - Teaching associate professor at IFI
2007 - Director of the Bachelor Studies at Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.
Leadership, commitments and administrative assignments
1992-1994 Manager of the Section of Income Generated Activities at DHL
2001-2003 Faculty appointed member of the ”Didactic Guerilla Group” at the Faculty of Science.
2003 - Editorial work for the international scientific journals, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, British Journal of Sports Medicine
2004 - 2010 Minister appointed board member of Team Danmark. Chairman of Team Danmark’s Research Committee.
2004 - 2006 Board member of Anti Doping Danmark
2006 – 2008 Sport teaching coordinator at Dept. of Exercise and Sport Sciences
2007 Appointed by the Vice Dean of Education at the Faculty of Science to the task force, ”The Good Teacher” (Den Gode Underviser). (The report, ”Den gode Underviser – incitamenter og redskaber” af Ian Bearden, Søren Eilers, Marianne Ellegaard, Eva Wulff Helge, Christine Holm. The Faculty of Science 2007)
2007 - Director of the Bachelor Studies of Exercise and Sport Sciences at University of Copenhagen.
2009 Member of the organization committee for the international consensus conference, ”Performance in Top Sports involving intense exercise”, Copenhagen the 16.-18. Sept. 2009
2010 – 11 Appointed member of the “Faculty Exam project” (Eksamensformsprojektet).
2010 – 11 Initiation of the “TVÆRS-project”, aimed upon development of a new interdisciplinary bachelor course at the Faculty of Science.
2011 – 12 Appointed member of the Faculty working group “Study introduction program for new students 2012” (Studiestartsprojekt 2012).
2011 - Member of the managing group of the PhD program “Skeletal Science” under the PhD school at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Research and science out-reach, including scientific abstracts
1988 Research Project: Menstrual Disorders among Danish Elite Female Athletes. The Danish State Institute of Physical Education 1988.
1997 Research Project: Bone strength, fat percentage and hormones in female elite gymnasts.
1998 The 4th Scandinavian Congress on Medicine and Science in Sports, Nov. 5-8.: Bone Density and Muscle Strength in Female Elite Gymnasts. E Wulff Helge, Kanstrup IL. Scand. Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 1998; vol. 8 (5), 390.
2000 Research stay at Norges Idrettshøgskole, Professor, Dr. Scient. Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen, Jan - April.
The 47th Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, May 31.-June 3.: Bone Density, Muscle Strength and Sex Hormones in Female Elite Gymnasts. E Wulff Helge, Kanstrup I.-L. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2000; vol. 32(5), S299.
Invited speaker at the 3. Nordic Meeting on Eating Disorders. Copenhagen, Oct. 11.-13.: The Female Athlete Triad: Eating Disorders, Menstrual Disorders and Osteoporosis.
2001 Invited speaker at national conference on Doping and Eating Disorders. Gymnasieskolernes Idrætslærerforening (GI) and Dansk Idrætslærerforening (DI), Jan. 5.-6.: The physiological consequences of a negative energy balance – the effect on sex hormones and bone metabolism.
Invited speaker at meeting on sports medicine, Danish Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Feb. 1.: Training, amenorrhea and specific bone strength.
Invited speaker at Anti Doping Danmarks seminar for doctors, 24. Febr.: Eating Disorders in Sport – what, why – why not?
The conference “Investment in Women’s Sport - pays off ...”, Lillehammer 14.-16. May: The female athlete triad in female elite triathletes - restrictive diet and low bone mineral density in non-weight bearing bones. E Wulff Helge, Ottsen A, Waaddegaard M.
The 48th Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, May 30.-June 2.: Low or normal bone mineral density in female elite triathletes: relation to muscle strength and progesterone concentration. E Wulff Helge, Waaddegaard M, Ottsen A, Kanstrup I-L.
The 31. Hard Tissue Workshop, Sun Valley 6th - 10th August: Planning a longitudinal training intervention to increase bone formation in humans: how can we use results from animal studies?
Young Investigator Travel Award, The 31. Hard Tissue Workshop. Sun Valley, 6th August 2001.
2002 The 3rd International ISMNI Workshop on Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 30 May - 2 June: Low or normal bone mineral density in female elite triathletes: relation to muscle strength and biological bone markers. E Wulff Helge, Waaddegaard M, Ottsen A, Kanstrup I-L.
Invited speaker at Team Danmarks seminar “Sport nutrition” the 7. November: Bone density and menstrual disorders.
2003 The 50th Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco: Impact of eccentric exercise on bone mineral density. E.W. Helge, H. E. Kock, B. Kiens, I.-L. Kanstrup
The XVII International Puijo Symposium “Physical Activity and Health - Gender Differences across the Life Span”. Kuopio, 25 - 28 juni 2003: Impact of eccentric exercise on bone mineral density. EW Helge, HE Kock, I-L Kanstrup
2004 The 4rd International ISMNI Workshop on Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 27. – 30. May: Impact of eccentric exercise on areal BMD in female runners. E Wulff Helge, Andersen JL, Kanstrup I-L.
2006 ECSS’ annual meeting, Lausanne 5.-8. June: Maximal eccentric training has an osteogenic impact on areal BMD in bones habitually unexposed to large eccentric muscle contractions. E Wulff Helge, Kanstrup I-L.
2010 The 57th Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore: Recreational football training decreases risk factors for bone fractures in untrained premenopausal women. EW Helge et al.
2011 The 58th Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, Denver: Recreational Football (soccer) Improves Bone Mineral Density and Postural Balance in Homeless Males. EW Helge et al.
Teaching experience
1988 - Teaching at the bachelor in Exercise and Sport Sciences at the Danish State Institute of Physical Education and the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences as well as teaching at courses for primary and high school teachers in physical education. Main fields: Apparatus gymnastics, body basics, exercise and health, women and sport, the female athlete triad, the skeleton and physical activity.
1988 In cooperation with my colleagues, Mikkel Sørensen and Lis Engel at the Danish State Institute of Physical Education (DHL): Development of the concept ”Body basics” (kropsbasis). Since then body basics has been integrated as a compulsory course at the bachelor studies and is a well established term in Danish physical education. (Eva Wulff Hansen, Lis Engel, Mikkel Sørensen: The report ”Kropsbasis”, DHL 1988)
2005 - Lecturer at the master in Public Health: Eating disorders and bone health.
2005 - 06 Course developer and lecturer at the course ”Exercise on prescription” (Motion på Recept), for the Danish Medical Association (Lægeforeningen). Collaborators: Professor Flemming Dela, associate professor Hanne Rasmusen and associate professor Jørn Wulff Helge, The Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Copenhagen.
2006 – 07 Appointed by The National Board of Health (Sundhedsstyrelsen) to the working group focused upon a revision of the trampoline regulation for the primary school.
2007 Course developer and lecturer at Gymnasieskolernes Idrætslærerforenings (GI’s) courses directed towards the new compulsory Training Project in the third grade in high school. Collaborators: Mikkel Sørensen, Jørn Wulff Helge.
Public dissemination seminar at Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, 23. April: Exercise training and bone health
2008 - Responsible for the course, “Sport and Health”, at the master education, Sport and Wellfare, at the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences. This includes curriculum development, academic goal descriptions and assessment criteria
2008 Head of the organization committee of the meeting in “The Nordic network of Apparatus Gymnastics” (supported by Nordplus) in Copenhagen/Malmoe. Cooperators: the Apparatus Gymnastics Group at IFI and Mats Johnsson, Malmoe University Høgskola.
Public dissemination seminar at Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, 9. June: Eating Disorders in Elite Sport.
2010 Course for the Danish Osteoporosis Society, 3. Nov.: Bone training in Theory and Practice.
2011 Teaching at the PhD program “Skeletal Science” under the PhD school at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen (Oct. 2011)
Moreover supervision of master (60 ECTS) and bachelor (15 ECTS) theses as well as projects related to student internships (15 ECTS).
Academic prizes
2001 The Young Investigator Travel Award. The 31st International Sun Valley Hard Tissue Workshop.
2010 ”Teacher of the year” at Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.
Via gymnastics and other training activities it is studied how the skeleton adapt to intense physical activity. The aim is to contribute to establishment of research based training recommendations to prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures. The primary methods applied are DXA scanning and assessment of bone turnover markers.
In intervention studies including different age groups and sexes it is investigated how ball games (e.g. recreational football) as a training modality can stimulate and maintain bone mineral density and bone strength.
The Female Athlete Triad consists of relative energy deficiency, hormonal disorders and low bone mineral density, and in female athletes menstrual disorders is a frequent sign. The relative energy deficiency may be associated to eating disorders, but it must not necessarily be the case. In addition to the health-related consequences, a negative effect on performance is often seen.
The study of the Triad holds substantial perspectives related to our understanding of the interaction between sex hormones and mechanical loading in the regulation of bone turnover. This may have a significant importance in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Review › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Working paper › Preprint › Research
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Eva Wulff Helge (Member)
Activity: Membership types › Membership in research network
Eva Wulff Helge (Member)
Activity: Membership types › Membership in research network