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  • Source: Scopus
1997 …2024

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Current research

Gertrud Jørgensen is professor of urban planning in the Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning. She is a town-planning architect and holds a ph.d. degree in urban planning.


Keywords for Gertrud Jørgensens research are: urban development, urban regeneration; use and perception of the urban environment, urban policies and planning, development and planning in periphereal rural areas, climate adaptation, and strategic planning and design.




Ph.D., urban planning, Royal Academy of Fine arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen.
1985M. A. in Architecture (urban planning), Royal Academy of Fine arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen.





Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource management, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning. Professor of Urban Planning.


Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, University of Copenhagen. Professor of urban planning and head of division.


Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, KVL. Head of the division of Urban and Landscape Studies.

1997 - 2003

Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, Ministry of Environment Denmark Head of the Department of Urban and Regional Development.

1996 - 1997

Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute. Senior researcher, urban environment and planning.

1994 - 1996

Danish Building Research Institute, SBI. Senior researcher, urban design.

1992 - 1995

Own consultancy firm.

1988 - 1991

Danish Building Research Institute, SBI. PhD fellow

1985 - 1988

Consulting engineers, Dataplan A/S, Copenhagen. Junior consultant



Selected publications

Tietjen, A & Jørgensen, G 2019, Planning strategically in light of rural decline: Experiences from Denmark. i N Gallent & M Scott (red), Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. Routledge, Critical Concepts in Built Environment.

 Almahmood, M., Gulsrud, N. M., Schulze, O., Carstensen, T. A., & Jørgensen, G. Human-centred public urban space: exploring how the ‘re-humanisation’ of cities as a universal concept has been adopted and is experienced within the socio-cultural context of Riyadh. Urban Research and Practice

Almahmood, M. A. M., Schulze, O., Carstensen, T. A., & Jørgensen, G. (2018). The Sidewalk as a Contested Space: Women’s Negotiation of Socio-Spatial Processes of Exclusion in Public Urban Space in Saudi Arabia; The Case of Al Tahlia StreetPlanning Practice and Research33(2), 186-210.

Herslund, L. B., Backhaus, A., Fryd, O., Jørgensen, G., Jensen, M. B., Mtwangi Limbumba , T., ... Yeshitela, K. (2018). Conditions and opportunities for green infrastructure – Aiming for green, water-resilient cities in Addis Ababa and Dar es SalaamLandscape and Urban Planning180, 319-327.

Yu, Z., Xu, S., Zhang, Y., Jørgensen, G., & Vejre, H. (2018). Strong contributions of local background climate to the cooling effect of urban green vegetationScientific Reports8, [6798 ].

Tietjen, A., & Jørgensen, G. (2018). There is more to it than meets the eye: Strategic design in the context of rural declineTransactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning2(1), 9-31.

Fertner, C., Jørgensen, G., Nielsen, T. A. S., & Nilsson, K. S. B. (2016). Urban sprawl and growth management - drivers, impacts and responses in selected European and US citiesFuture Cities & Environment2, 1-13. [9].

Harada, Y., & Jørgensen, G. (2016). Area-based urban regeneration comparing Denmark and Japan. Planning Practice and Research31(4), 359-382. [1180572].

 Mette Fabricius Madsen, Søren Bech Pilgaard Kristensen, Christian Fertner, Anne Gravsholt Busck, Gertrud Jørgensen 2010:: Urbanisation of rural areas - a case study from Jutland, Denmark. Danish Journal of Geography 110 (1).


Selected projects

2018 - 2022Cities and Seal level rise. Research network. Realdania. 
2018 - 2021 Quality of Life in Peripheral Rural Areas. Participant. 
2004 - 2018

Center for Strategic Urban Research. Realdania and KRAKs Fond.  

2013 - 2017

Place based potentials as basis for development in rural periheral areas. Realdania.

2016 - 2017

Danish Chinese network on Sustainable Urban Development.

2010 - 2013

Climate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa. FP7.
2007 - 2010

PLUREL : Peri-urban land use relationships - strategies and sustainability assessment tools for urban-rural linkages. WP 2.4: Planning policies. EC, FP6.

2006 - 2007          Urban policies in the Nordic countries, Nordisk Ministerråd


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