Personal profile

Short presentation


In my research, I study the interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and its (physical and chemical) environment. To do so, I develop and apply models describing the processes in the terrestrial biosphere, and the impact of environmental changes on these processes. I want to understand the role of the terrestrial biosphere in the Earth system.

Ecosystem science is characterized by processes at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, and I have a particular interest in the transfer of these processes and impacts between the different scales. The upscaling of our knowledge from small-scale processes (e.g. as measured in the laboratory or in the field) to large-scale models is an important step towards assessing the role of the terrestrial biopshere in the Earth system.



I teach in the following courses:

Ecological modelling

Ecosystems, climate and climate change

Climate change: an interdisciplinary challenge

Field course physical geography (naturgeografisk feltkursus)

Global geosystems (globale geosystemer)




2014-presentAssociate professor, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
2010-2014Assistant professor, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University (Sweden)
2006-2010Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University (Sweden)
2002-2006PhD student, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (Hamburg, Germany)


2006PhD in Geosciences, University of Hamburg (Germany)
2002MSc in Crop Science, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

Current research

Current projects

Global Wetland Center (Novo Nordisk Foundation)
DRYTIP (Villum Fonden)



  • Faculty of Science
  • Earth System Science
  • Ecosystem analysis
  • Ecological modelling

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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