Personal profile

Primary fields of research

ResearcherID: B-7920-2015

Scopus ID: 6602217643

  • Ph.d. 1991
  • Dr.phil. 2002
  • Professor 2003

Current scientific book projects:

The forgotten Danish age of chivalry and its tournaments – a historical-sociological analysis (forthcoming, AarhusUniversitetsforlag)

A History of Danish Sports (agreed to be published, Gads Forlag, under preparation, approx. 400 pages)

J. P. Müller - The bodily modern breakthrough (vol. 2), in preparation.

The role of the body in processes of social change (approx. 250 pages, sole author, planned Oxford University Press).


Research education

Founder, fundraiser and leader of the cross-scientific research education program in sport (REPS), 2007-2011; Research group leader 2009-2013.

Main breakthroughs within research

1) Pioneer in the field of international research in masculinity, particularly masculinity and sport, culminating with PhD and internationally with the book: Masculinity, Sport, Politics (Routledge, 2010). 2) Research in the Danish right-wing Radicalism's use of personalty cult, mass seduction and control over young people’s bodies in the 1930's and during the German occupation culminating with the book Gymnastics and Politics from 2008 about the internationally renowned gymnastics pedagogue Niels Bukh. 3) The uncovering of the fact that Danish sport was the cultural sector that by far cooperated  most intensely with the Germans during the occupation of Denmark culminating in the book: Football with the Foe from 2008, 4) Identification of a contemporary gender representation culture including illegal affirmative action in the field of art and research culminating with three research articles between 2015 and 2016 (including in Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen: Scientific Journal of Law).

External cooperation

Primarily, this comprises continued work on developing The Sports Academy in Ollerup. Not least in recognition of my books, documentaries, exhibitions and multimedia on the world renowned gymnastics educator Niels Bukh from 2001 to date, the school has been widely recognized as an important part of the Danish cultural heritage. In view of this, the school’s superintendent, Uffe Standby, and I have ensured more than 150 million DKK from different funds (Ny Carlsbergfondet, Realdania Fonden, Nykredit, AP Møller Fonden) for new art, restorations and new state of the art innovative facilities. Contact person: Uffe Strandby: [email protected]

Books and multimedia in Danish (sole author)

Judo - Den milde vej (1989); Mandighed og sport (1991); Sport en moderne Kult (1993); Danmarks store ungdomsfører (2001); Ikaros fra Ollerup (2001); Kampen om ungdommen (2003); Fodbold med fjenden (2006); Niels Bukh - en politisk-ideologisk biografi (CD-rom, 2007); Oprøret i Parken (2008); Det ekstreme køn (2008); Fordi du fortjener det (2013); J.P. Müller – Danmarks store sundhedsapostel (planned); Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup - 100 års historie fra fortid til nutid (planned).

International research books (a still very significant practice in the humanities)

Gymnastics and Politics (2006, 376 s.); Niels Bukh - a Visual Documentation (DVD in English, Japanese and Danish (2007); Football with the Foe (2008, 272 s.); The Politics of the Male Body in Global Sport - the Danish Involvement (2010, 284 s.); Gymnastics and Politics (2006, 376 s.); Niels Bukh - a Visual Documentation (DVD in English, Japanese and Danish, 2007); Football with the Foe (2008, 272 s.); The Politics of the Male Body in Global Sport - the Danish Involvement (2010, 284 s.);  The Fight about Gymnastics over 100 years (2020).


The most used scientific expert in the media concerning sport and politics. Frequently used as an invited expert through feature articles, articles, books, TV, radio, exhibitions, documentaries, lectures and multimedia.


• HK's Ligestillingspris (Equal Status Prize) 1994;

• Årets Harald (Teacher of the Year) på Københavns Universitet 2004;

• Årets Historiebog 2006 (History Book of the year);

• Gerlevprisen 2007;

• Dansk Magisterforenings Forskerpris for Humaniora 2009 (research prize from the Danish Academic Union).

nomineret til Weekendavisens litteraturpris 2003;

Pris for Årets Historiebog 2006;

nomineret til Forskningskommunikationsprisen 2007;

DMs forskerpris for Humaniora 2009;

nomineret til Weekendavisens Litteraturpris 2020;

nomineret til Fonsmark-prisen 2021.

Carlsbergfondstipendium 1992-95;

post doc stipendium (Idrættens Forskningsråd) 1995;

Sports career

On the national team and Danish individual champion in judo in 1976, 1977 and 1981.

For more information see:

Kraks Blå bog:

Den store danske:


Current research

J.P. Müller
The internationally renowned Danish apostle of health
- A cultural historical biography of the great reformer of movement and diet.

For J.P. Müller the enlightenment only embraced half the perspective, "the spiritual emancipation". To be able to throw off the yoke of authorities and emerge as autonomous a bodily emancipation was equally important.

Johannes Lindhard
Sports Science founder
- Between physiology and the humanities

The most recent Olympic Games (Beijing, London, Sochi, Rio, Tokyo, Beijing) and WC in Qatar 
– Sport and politics especially concerning the opening ceremonies.

Sport halls of the future
- New sport facilities that open towards inclusion and an increased level of movement (TrygFoundation, in collaboration with PhD-student Anne Sofie Tannebek).


Mainly sports history and sports sociology which is essential for many of our students, who are frequently employed in the Danish college sector.

Selected master thesis themes  

  • The cultural history of health
  • Food and exercise through the ages
  • Olympics - sociology and history
  • Sport and international politics
  • Sport and national identity
  • The cultural history of football
  • Sport and gender/masculinity

Current research

J.P. Müller
The internationally renowned Danish apostle of health
- A cultural historical biography of the great reformer of movement and diet.

For J.P. Müller the enlightenment only embraced half the perspective, "the spiritual emancipation". To be able to throw off the yoke of authorities and emerge as autonomous a bodily emancipation was equally important.

Johannes Lindhard
Sports Science founder
- Between physiology and the humanities

The most recent Olympic Games (Beijing, London, Sochi, Rio) 
– Sport and politics especially concerning the opening ceremonies.

Sport halls of the future
- New sport facilities that open towards inclusion and an increased level of movement (TrygFoundation, in collaboration with PhD-student Anne Sofie Tannebek).



Mainly sports history (and sports sociology) which is essential for many of our students, who are frequently employed in the Danish college sector.

Selected master thesis themes  

• The cultural history of health

• Food and exercise through the ages

• Olympics - sociology and history

• Sport and international politics

• Sport and national identity

• The cultural history of football

• Sport and gender/masculinity

• Sports architecture



Hans Bonde, Professor, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport Sciences (NEXS), University of Copenhagen (UC), Nørre Allé 55, 2200 Copenhagen N.


  • 2002-2010: Chairman of the Danish Universities’ External Examiner Board for Sports Education
  • 2007-2013: Leader of the research group ‘Sport, politics and welfare’
  • 2002: Appointed as the first Danish Professor in sports history (and the first Danish professor in sports research in the humanities and social sciences), UC./
  • 2002: Dr. phil. in history.
  • 2000: Associate Professor at NEXS. (UC)
  • 1996-2000: Founder and leader of a new interdisciplinary study line on Cross-scientific Health Research at the Faculty of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
  • 1996: (May) Associate Professor at SDU.
  • 1995: Danish national research council grant from The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation for 1 year post doc scholarship into sports research.
  • 1992: (1/2) Carlsberg Research Foundation grants a three year scholarship.
  • 1991-1996: Employed as Assistant Professor at Institute of History, UC./- 1991: PhD in history.
  • 1987: (1/9) Employed as PhD-student in history at the University of Copenhagen.
  • 1987: (20/6) MA master degree in history.
  • 1976, 1977, 1981: Danish champion & on the national team in judo.


Other scientific qualifications

I have published 20 research based books on gender, sport and body culture culminating with four books in 2020.

1) Pioneer in international research in masculinity and especially masculinity and sport starting with Ph.D. in 1991 culminating internationally with the English-language research book Masculinity, Sport, Politics at Routledge in 2010 and organizationally with from 2009-2011 my appointment as the sole Danish member of the EU European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

2) Research into right-wing radicalism's use of a personality cult, mass seduction and control over young people's bodies during the interwar period and during World War II culminating in my dissertation and the English-language research book Gymnastics and Politics from 2008.

3) Revealing that Danish sport was the cultural sector that collaborated far most intense with the Germans during their occupation culminating in the English-language research book Football with the Foe from 2008,

4) Demonstration of a bodily-sensory revolt in the confrontation with Victorianism via the English-language research book on the world-famous international health and gymnastics educator, JP Müller - Danish Apostle of Health (2020).

5) Demonstration of the province's cultural potential via mobilization of body culture in the English book The fight about Gymnastics over 100 years from 2020.

6) Demonstration of an underlying narrative structure at the recent Olympics presented in international research journals.


Academic awards and honors

1994: HKs prize for equal gender opportunities from the Trade Union HK

2004: “Best Teacher of the year” at UC

2007History Book of the Year’

2007: received the sports prize, Gerlevprisen

2009: the Research Prize for the Humanities’ of DM: the Danish Academic Union

2021: nominated for the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen’s Literature prize


Management experience as well as supervision of students (PhD and Postdoc)

Throughout my career, I have tutored numerous MA-level post-graduate students as well as PhD doctoral students, from many scientific disciplines; ranging from as hightlights my first PhD-student – Simon S. Simonsen at SDU on “Masculinity, health and disease” to Kristian Rasmussens PhD about ‘Cycling and asceticism’ on UC.

I have lead many PhD courses and been chairman of numerous PhD evaluation committees. I have contributed to the education of many PhDs and postdocs not least through a) my leadership of the research group Sport, Politics and Welfare, b) my leadership of the cross-scientific Research Education School in Sport Science, Reps, (from 2007 to 2011, which attracted a lot of international PhD students.

In 2010 I initiated and secured the funding of a co-ordination-seminar of the Nordic PhD schools in sport sciences with representatives from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland.

I’m currently part of a group on Sport and Architecture - including René Kural, Director of Centre of Sports and Architecture. The Royal Danish Academy of Architecture. Recently, In January 2021 Christian Flindt defended his master-thesis and my most recent subscribed PhD student Anne Sofie Lund Tannebek will submit her PhD December 2021.


Funding id – PhD school:

In 2007 I secured 2.5 million Danish Kroner (DKK) (336,000 Euro) by the Danish Ministry of Science and Technology to establish and lead an interdisciplinary scientific “Research Education Program in Sport Science”. The program has organized courses at the highest international level for PhD students from the whole world. Since then I have secured additional funding from the Danish Ministry of Science to set up various stipends and by the Danish Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Copenhagen to run an elite-level PhD School.

I was also both scholarly and administrative head of the annual International Summer School for Young Researchers 2008 – Course for PhD students – at the Institute for Exercise and Sports Sciences that I have secured funding for, partly from the PhD school REPS: 87.600 DKK (11.770 Euro) for 2007 and 100.000 DKK (13.440 Euro) for 2009.


External relations. One example

The Gymnastics folk academy in Ollerup - DKK 150 million obtained by the principal Uffe Strandby and me (Documentation:


International relations

Through my international work, I have

1) created strong international ties, which is facilitated by the fact that I speak fluent English, German and Italian.

2) Held editorial and reviewing positions on many scholarly journals, including advisory editor for Men and Masculinities, SAGE (1998–2000), Nordic editor for the International Journal of the History of Sport, (1991–1995), and reviews editor ( Europe) for the International Journal of the History of Sport, Cass, London (2000–ca. 2016).

3) As a mark of my importance to international sports research, I was a) asked to write an entire thematic issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport for 2009 with exclusively my own (15) articles. b) in 2019 asked by the international sports history organization ISHPES to give a keynote on the significance of my research for international sports research at the World Congress in Madrid.

4) I have close contact with research communities at Italian universities in Rome, Bologna and Verona, where I also regularly give lectures in Italian for students and teachers. In particular, I collaborate with Italian researchers on exploring the culture of trust in resp. Danish and Italian sports and about the importance of the body in Roman history.

5) I also collaborate with Japanese research communities - especially in relation to Tokai University - and have been to Japan four times on research stays in relation to sociological studies of Japanese martial arts, which is a good ballast in our project's exploration of the Tokyo Games.

6) I am currently collaborating with German research communities including Professor Michael Krüger and PhD, dr. Daphne Bolz from the University of Münster. Thus, most recently in 2020, I gave a lecture in German on the international impact of Danish sports at a conference in Münster and most recently I contribute with two chapters as a Danish representative in a forthcoming book: ‘European Sports History in 100 Objects’.

Knowledge of languages

Proficient in Italian, German and English at research level (which is required for studying the socio-cultural studies of these contexts).



  • Faculty of Science
  • Sport and Politics
  • Sport and Urbanity
  • Sport and National Identity
  • Sport in Cultural History
  • Sport in Antiquity
  • Sport and Gender
  • Sport and Masculinity
  • Sport in Italy
  • Sport in Japan
  • Sport in Germany

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or