Hans Henrik Dietz
  • Grønnegårdsvej 15

    1870 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile



Hans Henrik Dietz, born 26 November 1952 in Aalborg, Denmark
Married, one son

DVM, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen 1981

hD (Ophthalmo-pathology) (lic.med.vet.), The Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural University, Copenhagen, 1987 

Current position

Head of Department, Department of Large Animal Sciences,
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
formerly known as The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural university) 2009 – present

Associate Professor, internal medicine 2006 – present

International Coordinator for the Veterinary Program,
University of Copenhagen 2007 - present

Previous positions

  • The Danish Ministry of Environmental Affairs 1978 - 1979
  • NOVO Foundation scholarship (“Protein losing enteropathy in horses”),
    The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen 1979 – 1980
  • Mixed veterinary practice 1981 – 1983
  • PhD-scholarship (Ophthalmology and Ophthalmopathology),
    The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen 1983 – 1986
  • Assistant Professor (Anatomy), The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural
    University, Copenhagen 1986 – 1987
  • Junior Research Officer, Danish National Veterinary Institute, Aarhus 1987 – 1990
  • Senior Research Officer, Danish National Veterinary Institute, Aarhus 1990 – 2004
  • Head of Section for Fur Animals, Wildlife, Zoo and Pet Animals 1995 – 2004
  • Responsible for diagnostic, research and advisory activities related to the
    above mentioned species including pathology, bacteriology, virology,
    parasitology and epidemiology.
  • Head of Department, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences,
    Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (formerly known as
    The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural university) 2004 – 2009
  • Head of the Group of Veterinary Departments, University of Copenhagen,
    Faculty of Life Sciences, 2006 - 2009
  • Acting Head of Department, Department of Large Animal Sciences,
    Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2007, 2008 – 2009
  • Head of Department, Department of Large Animal Sciences,
    Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2009 -

Other appointments

  • Board member, Vice President, Danish Veterinary Association, 1997 - 2004
  • President, Danish Veterinary Association 2000 – 2001
  • Chairman, The Disease and Health Committee, Nordic Fur Animal
    Research Association, 1999 - 2009
  • Chairman, Wildlife Disease Association (WDA), Nordic Section, 1993 – 2004

Main research activities (please see publication list)

  1. Pathology in fur animals, wildlife, zoo animals and pet animals
  2. Bacteriology and virology in fur animals, wildlife, zoo animals and pet animals
  3. Parasitology in fur animals, wildlife, zoo animals and pet animals

Research evaluation and supervision

  • Chairman, evaluation committee for doctoral theses in Oslo, Norway
  • Coordinator, project superviser and evaluator for many PhD-, Master- and Bachelor projects
  • Member of many evaluation committees for Professors, Associate and Assistant Professors

Teaching and supervision

Lectures, examinations, colloquia, field work, laboratory and clinical work within clinics, zoonoses, pathology, fur animal diseases, wildlife diseases

Presentations and congress participation

More than 140 oral presentation nationally and internationally

More than 120 participations in national and international congresses and scientific meetings

Participation in accreditation/evaluation visits to veterinary schools

From 2001 to present: University of Leon, Spain; University of Naples, Italy; University of Brno, Czech Republic; Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany; University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania; University of Georgia, USA; Veterinärmed. Universität, Vienna, Austria; University of Ankara, Turkey; University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania; University of Jerusalem, Israel; University of Bursa, Turkey; University of Konya, Turkey; University of Canary Islands, Las Palmas, Spain; Murdoch Vet. School, Perth, Australia; University of Timisoara, Romania; University of Bucharest, Romania; Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany; Sydney Vet. School, Sydney, Australia; University of Kaunas, Lithuania; Veterinärmed. Universität, Vienna, Austria; School of Veterinary Medicine, Glasgow; Faculty of Veterinary Science, Budapest, Hungary; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, The Netherlands; School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nottingham, UK; Faculty of Animal Production, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Wroclaw, Poland.

Participation in activities relating to university standards/accreditation

  • Member, European Joint Education Committee (evaluating all veterinary schools in Europe), 2000 – 2008
  • Representative of University of Copenhagen (formerly: The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University), Denmark in EAEVE (Warzaw 2005, Ghent 2006, Konya 2007, Copenhagen 2008, Hannover 2009, Wien 2010, Lyon 2011, Budapest 2012, Padova 2013, Murcia 2014), 2005 – present.

  • EAEVE delegate at the Global Accreditors Meeting, London 2004
  • EAEVE delegate at the Global Accreditors Meeting, Chicago 2007
  • EAEVE delegate at the Global Accreditors Meeting, Chicago 2011
  • EAEVE delegate at the Global Accreditors Meeting, London 2014

  • Representative of the Nordic-Baltic region in EAEVE, Executive Committee (European Association of Establishments in Veterinary Education) 2006 – 2012
  • International Coordinator in the EAEVE evaluation/accreditation programme 2010 - present

Main organizer of international meetings

  1. April 1993, Annual meeting in Wildlife Disease Association, Nordic Section, Aarhus.
  2. April 1997, Annual meeting in Wildlife Disease Association, Nordic Section, Fanø.
  3. April 2001, Annual meeting in Wildlife Disease Association, Nordic Section, Kaloe.
  4. January 2002, Annual meeting for fur animal veterinarians in Scandinavia, Finland and Holland, Pinenhus 25.
  5. May 2008, General assembly and Educational Seminar, EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education), København.


The scientific results are published in international, peer reviewed scientific journals, proceedings from scientific meetings or as other, eg. national popular articles and chapters in books (>140).

Publication list available on request.

Short presentation

Hans Henrik Dietz, born 26 November 1952 in Aalborg, Denmark
Married, one son

DVM, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen 1981

PhD (Ophthalmo-pathology) (lic.med.vet.), The Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural University, Copenhagen 1986

External positions

National Veterinary Laboratory



  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences