Hans-Jörg Trenz

Hans-Jörg Trenz

  • 14 Bygning 14 (Afsnit 2), 14-3-18

    2300 København S

Personal profile


Studied Sociology, criminology and Romance languages at Universität des Saarlandes (Diplom Soziologe, 1992), Universitá di Bari and Universidad de Barcelona

PhD in Social and Political Sciences (1998) from the European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy

Habilitation (2005) from Humboldt Universitaet Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften


European Commission, Brussels stage (1996)

Researcher: Muenchner Projektgruppe fuer Sozialforschung, Munich (1997-1998)

Senior Researcher: Humboldt Universitaet Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften (1998-2004)

Professor: ARENA, Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo (2005-2011)

Adjunct Professor: ARENA, Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo (2011-present)

Study Grants obtained

1988-1989: 10 months ERASMUS grant for studying at University of Bari/Italy

1990-1991: 10 months grant within the Master programme “Critical Criminology” (studied at University of Barcelona)

1993: Grant of the Instituto Camoes for a 6 weeks research stay at University of Lisbon

1993-1995: DAAD grant for pursuing a PhD at the European University Institute, Florence

1995-1996: PhD grant of the European University Institute, Florence

1996-1997: 12 months research grant of the Kulturwisenschaftliches Institut Essen

1997: 6 months research grant of the University of Aarlborg/Denmark (declined)

2001-2003: Habilitation grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Past and current research activities

9/1997-8/1999 : “Regieren jenseits öffentlicher Legitimation. Zur Transformation von Öffentlichkeit in der EU“ within the DFG-framework programme „EU-Governance“ (Prof. Beate Kohler-Koch, Mannheim) (two years grant by the DFG)

9/1999-8/2000 : „Von der Herausbildung europäischer Elitenöffentlichkeit zur Europäisierung nationaler Öffentlichkeit. Bedingungen und Wirkungen einer Expansion von Öffentlichkeit in Europa“ (Prof. Klaus Eder) within the DFG-framework programme „EU-Governance“ (Prof. Beate Kohler-Koch, Mannheim) (one year grant by the DFG)

9/2001-8/2003: „Die Strukturierung öffentlicher Kommunikation in der EU“. Coordinating research activities at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (two years grant by the DFG)

4/ 2003-12/2005: „Organised Civil Society in Europe“ (University Trento/Italy and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Two years grant by the EU FP5)

9/2005-12/2008: “Building the EU’s social constituency: exploring the dynamics of public claims-making and collective representation in Europe and assessing the implications for the EU’s legitimacy” (3 years grant by the DFG in coordination with an ESF programme including partner institutions in UK, Germany, Spain and Norway).

09/2004-08/2008: Member of the EU FP6 Network Project CONNEX

1/2007-12/2011: Coordination of the WP “Public Sphere and Civil Society”, EU-FP6 Project RECON: Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (2007-2012)

since 9/2007:   Coordination of the working area “The cognitive-cultural dimension of the transformation of political order”. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2007-2017)

9/2008-8/2010: EUROPOLIS  a deliberative polity making project (two years grant by the EU FP7)

2013-2018: Principal Investigator and coordinator of WP 3: Complex Diversity: the Social and Cultural Interpretations of Changing European and Global Order of the  transfaculty cooperation project EUROCHALLENGE, supported by the UCPH Excellence Programme for Interdisciplinary Research

2015-2018: TransSol: European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis: Conditions, forms, role-models and policy responses (Horizon 2020 Research Grant

2017-2020: Member of the Cost Action COST Action 16111 Ethnic Minorities and Migrants Survey Data (ETHMIGSURVEYDATA)

2017-2020: Member of PLATO: Post Crisis Legitimacy oft he European Union. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) financed by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme.

2019-2022: EU3D: EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy (Horizon 2020 Research Grant).

2018-2022: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Jean Monnet Network OpenEUDebate (http://openeudebate.eu/?page_id=356)

2019-2022: Partner of the Erasmus+ co-funded Jean Monnet Networ:Post-Truth Politics, Nationalism and the (De)Legitimation of European Integration (Coordinator: University of Iceland)

2020-2024: EnTrust: Enlightened trust: An examination of trust and distrust in governance – conditions, effects and remedies (Horizon 2020 Research Grant).

2020-2024: ValCon: Value Conflicts in a Differentiated Europe: The Impact of Digital Media on Value Polarisation in Europe (Research grant funded by the Volkswagen Foundation)

Knowledge of Languages

German (mother tongue)

English, French, Italian, Spanish (good oral and written comprehension)

Portuguese, Catalan, Dutch (sufficient oral and good reading comprehension)

Dansk (improving)

Norsk (forgetting)

Short presentation

Hans-Jörg Trenz is EURECO Professor for Modern European Studies with responsibilities both within CEMES (Centre for Modern European Studies) and at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication. He has a background in media and communication, political sociology and sociology of European integration with previous positions held in Norway, Germany and Italy. Hans-Jörg Trenz will offer regular courses on European Media and Public Sphere, European collective identities and European democracy and democratisation. He can be contacted for teaching and supervision on any related topic

Current research

For current academic activities in European Studies at CEMES, Center for Modern Euroepan Studies see


For current academic activities in European Studies at EURECO, University of Copenhagen see

http://eureco.ku.dk/english/about/ and www.eurochallenge.ku.dk/

For current research activities see my webprofile at www.eurochallenge.ku.dk/, www.arena.uio.no and www.reconproject.eu

Check also transsol.eu for transsol, European paths to transnational solidarity in times of crisis related research activities (Horizon 2020 grant)

Primary research areas: political communication, comparative media studies, journalism and news-making, public sphere, media and democracy

Teaching journalism, media institutions and organisations, media sociology, comparative media studies, political communication, transcultural communication


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • media and communication research
  • European integration
  • political sociology
  • Democratisation and civil societies, Ethnic conflict, Nationalism, Conflict resolution and Peace, Globalisation and International Migration, Ethnic minorities, Disporas engagment in conflict and peace in homeland politics
  • democratization
  • Political Theory
  • social theory

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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