Helle Stege
  • Grønnegårdsvej 2, 1870 Frederiksberg C

  • Grønnegårdsvej 2

    1870 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile


CV (updated April 2008) Helle Stege, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVPH & ECPHM Associate Professor of Swine Medicine Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen Department of Large Animal Sciences Groennegaardsvej 2 DK-1870 Frederiksberg C Denmark Phone: +45 2171 2350 [email protected]

Academic degrees

June 2006: Diplomate of the ECPHM (European College of Porcine Health Management) August 2003: Diplomate of the ECVPH (European College of Veterinary Public Health) September 11 th 2000: PhD (Veterinary Epidemiology). The Royal Danish Veterinary and Agricultural University (RVAU). Title of thesis: "Subclinical infection with Salmonella enterica in Danish slaughter pig herds. Prevalence and risk factors." February 6 th 1992: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), RVAU, Copenhagen, Denmark. Positions held June 2005 - present: Associate Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Department of Large Animal Sciences. Area: Diseases and production of Swine (research and teaching). May 2002 - June 2005: Veterinary epidemiologist in LVK (private practice, mainly swine). Area: Research, data analysis and advisory in swineherds - management factors/frequency of disease/drug use. Utilisation of register-data - VetStat, Zoonosis db, CHR-GLR, "LandmandsPortalen", measures of efficacy and status reports. Clinical trials and field studies of products - drugs, vaccines etc. Research and development of advisory tools for Swine Practitioners. November 2003 - June 2005: Data manager/Clinical trial advisor, DakoCytomation. Area: Diagnostic tests, cancer research. Design, project description, preparation of study protocols (for FDA approval), databases, data handling, analyses, reports and presentation December 2000 - May 2002: Danish Veterinary Institute (DVI, now DFVF), Zoonosis Centre. Research epidemiologist. Areas: Pharmaco-epidemiology - development, maintenance and research in the project VetStat (register of veterinary drug prescription - individual ID, product name, active ingredient(s), amounts, animal species, diagnosis groups etc.). June 1994 - February 2001: Scholarship from the Danish Research Academy. Workplace: DVI, Department of Pathology and Epidemiology. Ph.D. student at RVAU, Department of Animal Science and Animal Health. Following PhD: Research epidemiologist. Areas: Intestinal pathogens in Danish pig herds - prevalence and risk factors. Salmonella surveillance, swine and cattle. Epidemiological supervision and assistance in various projects - usually study design, data management/validation, statistical analyses and reports. August 1992 - June 1994: Veterinary officer, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (MFAF), Veterinary Service, Department of Preventive Medicine and Disease Control, Copenhagen, Denmark. Main area: Zoonoses, especially Salmonella. February 1992 - July 1992: Small animals practice, Copenhagen small animal hospital, Veterinary clinic of Avedøre. Postgraduate course activity November 26-27, 2007. Presentation techniques. KU, Copenhagen, Denmark. April 23-26, 2007. Use of register data in veterinary advisory service. Post graduation course for veterinary swine specialists, Svendborg, Denmark. Teacher. January 23-25, 2007. Advanced Epidemiology. Post graduation course for veterinary swine specialists, Korsør, Denmark. Teacher. September 27-28, 2006. Applied Epidemiology. Post graduation course for veterinary swine specialists, Århus, Denmark. Teacher. November 17-18, 2005. Applied Epidemiology. Post graduation course for veterinary horse specialists. Post graduation course. KVL, Denmark. Teacher February 23-25, 2005. Measurements of efficacy - an advisory tool for veterinary swine specialists. Master course. Århus, Denmark. Teacher. January 12-13, 2005. Basic Epidemiology for small animal practitioners. Post graduation course. Denmark. Teacher February 24, 2004. Basic Epidemiology. Post graduation course for veterinary practitioners, Århus, Denmark. Teacher February 9-10, 2004. Advanced Epidemiology. Post graduation course for veterinary swine specialists, Århus, Denmark. Teacher. September 16, 2003. Applied Epidemiology. Post graduation course for veterinary swine specialists, Slagelse, Denmark. Teacher. September 2003 - present. Writing protocols, reports and scientific papers - tutoring. September 10, 2003. VetStat - Workshop. "How to use VetStat". DDD, Nyborg, Denmark. Teacher. December 10-11, 2001. Optimising SAS programs. SAS Institute A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. June 18-19, 2001. SAS Macro language. SAS Institute A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark January 17 th, 2001. LEC: IT-seminar for the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (GLR, CHR). Copenhagen, Denmark. November 23-25, 2000. Declaring freedom from disease - Epidemiological and economic aspects. Enköping, Sweden. November 9-13, 1999: Analysis of High Dimensionality Epidemiological Data, Tune, Denmark. Assistant teacher. March 9-10, 1999: Word 97 DK - extended, Professional text, Denmark. January 19-21, 1998. SAS programming, SAS Institute A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. October 9-11, 1997: Repeated Measures Analysis in Veterinary Epidemiology, Oslo, Norway. May 6-15, 1996: Nordic Postgraduate Course in Veterinary Epidemiology, Part I, Norrtälje, Sweden. February - April 1996: Multivariate Analysis and Variance Components, PhD course, RVAU, Denmark. September 1995 - May 1996: Veterinary Epidemiology, PhD course, RVAU, Denmark May 24-31, 1995: Nordic Postgraduate Course in Advanced Veterinary Epidemiology, (Part III), Biri, Norway. January - March 1995: Basic statistics for veterinary and related sciences, PhD course, RVAU, Denmark November 28-30, 1994: SAS, basic course, UNI-C, Denmark. June 13-22, 1994: Nordic Postgraduate Course in Veterinary Epidemiology, Part II, Tune, Denmark. June 20 th, 1994: GLR/CHR System. LEC, Denmark.

August 25-26, 1993: Laboratory examination of Salmonella in pig herds, SVS/VD, Denmark.

Papers in peer-reviewed international journals

Stege, H., Bagger, J., Ersbøll, A. and Nielsen, J.P. Effect of breeding strategy and feeding system on the within-herd variation of lean mean percents in Danish slaughter pig herds. Submitted 2008. Stege, H., Jensen, T.B., Bagger, J., Keller, F. and Nielsen, J.P. Association between Lean Meat Percentage and Average Daily Weight Gain in Danish Pigs. Submitted 2008. Stege, H., Jensen, T. K., Møller, K., Vestergaard, K., Bækbo, P. and Jorsal, S. E., 2004. Infection dynamics of Lawsonia intracellularis in pig herds. Veterinary Microbiology 104: 197-206. Lo Fo Wong, D.M.A., Dahl, J., Stege, H., van der Wolf, P.J., Leontides, L. von Altrock, A., Thorberg, B.M. Sources of Salmonella in European pig herds: the role of feed. Veterinary Microbiology. Accepted 2005. Lo Fo Wong, D.M.A., Dahl, J., Stege, H., van der Wolf, P.J., Leontides, L., von Altrock, A. and Thorberg, B.M., 2004: Herd-lev el risk factors for subclinical Salmonella infection in European finishing pig herds. Prev Vet Med. 62: 253-266 . Stege, H., Bager, F., Jacobsen, E. and Thougaard, A., 2003. VETSTAT - the Danish system for surveillance of the veterinary use of drugs for production animals. Prev. Vet. Med. 57: 105-115. Alban, L., Stege, H. and Dahl, J., 2002. The new classification system for slaughter-pig herds in the Danish Salmonella surveillance-and-control program. Prev. Vet. Med. 53: 133-146. Nielsen, B., Alban, L., Stege, H., Sørensen, L. L., Møgelmose, V., Bagger, J., Dahl, J. and Baggesen, D. L., 2001. A new Salmonella surveillance and control programme in Danish pig herds and slaughterhouses. Berl. Munch. Tierärztl. Wschr.114, 323-326. Blackwell Wissenschaft-Verlag, Berlin. Stege, H., Christensen, J., Nielsen, J. P. and Willeberg, P., 2001. Data-quality issues and alternative variable-screening methods in a questionnaire-based study on subclinical Salmonella enterica infection in Danish pig herds. Prev. Vet. Med. 48: 35-54. Stege, H., Jensen, T. K., Møller, K., Bækbo, P. and Jorsal, S. E., 2001. Risk factors for intestinal pathogens in Danish finishing pig herds. Prev. Vet. Med. 50: 153-164. Stege, H., Jensen, T. K., Møller, K., Bækbo, P. and Jorsal, S. E., 2000. Prevalence of intestinal pathogens in Danish finishing pig herds. Prev. Vet. Med. 46: 279-292. Stege, H., Christensen, J., Baggesen, D.L., Enøe, C., Nielsen, J.P. and Willeberg, P. 2000. Prevalence of subclinical Salmonella enterica infection in Danish finishing pig herds. Prev. Vet. Med. 44: 175-188. Baggesen, D. L., Wegener, H. C., Bager, F., Stege, H. and Christensen, J., 1996. Herd prevalence of Salmonella enterica infections in Danish slaughter pig herds determined by microbiological testing. Prev. Vet. Med. 26: 201-213.

Other publications (mostly in Danish)

Alban, L., Nielsen, E.O. and Stege, H., 2008. Antibiotikaforbruget og resistens sat i perspektiv. Dyrlægen 2, april 2008. p. 32-37. Alban, L., Nielsen, E.O. and Stege, H., 2008. Antibiotikaforbruget og resistens sat i perspektiv. VetInfo nr. 0815, 31/3 2008. Stege, H, Bagger, J, 2007. Stor spredning i kødprocent = stor spredning i tilvækst. In Danish. Hyologisk Tidsskrift, November 2007, p. 6-7. Stege, H, Bagger, J, 2007. Mere ensartet tilvækst hos slagtesvin via avls- og fodringsstrategi. In Danish. Hyologisk Tidsskrift, November 2007, p. 8-10. Stege, H., 2006. Lawsonia - prevalence and infection dynamics. Presented at a meeting, arranged by Boehringer-Ingelheim. May, 2006 Vestergaard, K., Stege, H., 2003. Lawsonia intracellularis (LI): Smittedynamik i integrerede so/slagtesvine-besætninger. In Danish. Veterinær information, March 13 Stege, H., 2002. VetStat - kan det bruges til noget? In Danish. Dansk Avlsnyt 11, December 2002, p. 8-9. Veterinary use of drugs for production-animals. Presented at a meeting arranged by the Danish Society of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene. Referenced in "Dansk Veterinær Tidsskrift", May, 2002 Alban, L. Stege, H. Nielsen, B., Dahl, J., 2001. Salmonella niveau: Ny måde at inddele slagtesvinebesæt-ninger. In Danish. Veterinær information, May 2001. Alban, L. Stege, H. Nielsen, B., Dahl, J., 2001. Revideret udpegningsplan for Salmonella i slagtesvine-besætninger. In Danish. Zoonose-Nyt, No 3., June 2001, p. 6-8 Stege, H., 2000. PhD thesis: " Subklinisk infektion med Salmonella enterica i danske slagtesvinebesætninger. Prævalens og risikofaktorer". Presented September 11, 2000. Stege, H., Jensen, T. K., Møller, K., Bækbo, P. og Jorsal, S. E., 2000. Tarmpatogener hos ung- og slagtesvin - forekomst og mulige risikofaktorer. En epidemiologisk undersøgelse i 79 danske besætninger. In Danish. Veterinær information, April 2000. (In SVS-intern February 2000) Stege, H., Tarmpatogener hos ung- og slagtesvin - forekomst og mulige risikofaktorer. Presented at DVHS, May 4-5, 2000. Proceedings

Stege, H., Bagger, J. and Nielsen, J.P., 2008. The effect of breeding strategy and feeding system on the within-herd diversity of lean meat percents in Danish slaughter pigs. Proceedings of the 20 th IPVS Congress, Durban, South Africa, June 22-26, 2008.

Houe, H., Baadsgaard, N.P., Emborg, H.D., Enevoldsen, C., Ersboll, A.K., Forkman, B., Greiner, M., Jensen. T.B., Kristensen, A.R., Mark, T., Nielsen, L.R., Nielsen, S.S., Sandoe, P, Stege, H., Thomsen, P.T., Toft, N. and Tveit, G., 2006. Guidelines for database protocols on disease and welfare recording. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Cairns, Australia: ISVEE 11, 891, 2006

Nielsen, JP, Carstensen, L., Banga-Mboko, H., Stege, H., Bækbo, P. and Jorsal, S.E., 2006. Epidemiology of gastric ulcers in Danish sows. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Cairns, Australia: ISVEE 11, 569, 2006

Nielsen, J.P. and Stege, H.S., 2006. Consumption of prescribed antimicrobials after the growth promoter termination in Denmark. Proceedings of the 19 th IPVS Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 16-19, 2006.

Stege, H., Bagger, J., Keller, F. and Nielsen, J.P., 2006. Association between average daily weight gain and meat percent in Danish slaughter pigs. Proceedings of the 19 th IPVS Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 16-19, 2006.

Viekilde, K., Hassing, A.G., Stege, H., 2006. Effect of Enterisol Ileitis Vet. in a Danish pig herd. Proceedings of the 19 th IPVS Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 16-19, 2006.

Nielsen, J.P., Stege, H., 2005. Effects of the antibiotic growth promotor stop in Denmark. Proceedings AMENA symposium on Intestinal Health, Congreso Bienal AMENA 12, Puerto Vallerte, Mexico, October 25-28, 2005

Stege, H., Jensen, T. K., Møller, K., Vestergaard, K., Bækbo, P. and Jorsal, S. E., 2003. Infection dynamics of Lawsonia intracellularis in Danish pig herds. Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. November 17-21 Santiago, Chile

Bager F., Stege H. and Jacobsen E., 2001. VETSTAT - experience with implementing herd-level recording of all use of veterinary medicines in Denmark. Abstract. WHO Consultation on monitoring of antimicrobial usage in food animals for the protection of human health.

Stege H., Stryhn H., Baggesen D. L., Christensen J., and Nielsen J. P. 1998. Prevalence and diversity of Salmonella serotypes isolated from feed samples collected from the cribs in 96 Danish pig herds. Proceedings of the 15 th IPVS Congress, Birmingham, England, July 5-9: 95. Stege H., Baggesen D. L., Christensen J., Feld N. C. and Nielsen J. P. 1997a. Subclinical Salmonella infection in Danish finishing herds. Prevalence of S. enterica measured by bacteriological and serological examination. Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium on Epidemiology and Control of Salmonella in Pork. Aug. 20-22, Copenhagen, Denmark: 122-125. Stege, H., Carstensen, B., Christensen, J., Feld, N. C., Baggesen, D. L. and Nielsen, J. P., 1997b. Subclinical Salmonella infection in Danish finishing herds - association between serological and bacteriological testing. Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium on Epidemiology and Control of Salmonella in Pork. Aug. 20-22, Copenhagen, Denmark: 114-118.

Stege H., Christensen J., Baggesen D. L. and Nielsen J. P. 1997c. Subclinical salmonella infection in Danish finishing pig herds. The effect of salmonella contaminated feed. Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium on Epidemiology and Control of Salmonella in Pork. Aug. 20-22, Copenhagen, Denmark: 81-84.

Stege H., Dahl J., Christensen J., Baggesen D. L., Nielsen J. P. and Willeberg P. 1997d. Subclinical Salmonella infection in Danish finishing herds. Risk factors. Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium on Epidemiology and Control of Salmonella in Pork. Aug. 20-22, Copenhagen, Denmark: 148-152. Stege H., Feld N. C., Baggesen D. L., Nielsen J. P., and Willeberg P. 1997e. Subclinical Salmonella infection in Danish finishing pig herds - association between serological and bacteriological testing. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. July 8-11, Paris, France, 07.13.1-07.


August 2008, Board member of "Svineafgiftsfonden" April-June 2008. Chair of assessment committee - defence of PhD thesis by DVM Tina Birk Jensen, title: "Aspects of Animal Health Economics in the finisher pig production - with emphasis on leg disorders" November 2007 Member of assessment committee for applicants to a position as Senior Researcher at Foulum (Århus University) October 2006 Scientist of the Month " Anvendt Svineforskning", Forskerforum nr. 198, October 2006, p. 19. May 2006-present Board member of the Danish Society of Veterinary Hyologists (DVHS) March 2001-present: Peer reviewer for the journals Preventive Veterinary Medicine and (since January 2003) Epidemiology and Infection. Appointed to editorial board of Preventive Veterinary Medicine April 2004 Areas: o Register data (utilisation and research) o Analysis and advisory in swineherds o Pharmaco-epidemiology o Epidemiology (prevalence, surveillance, risk factors etc). o Salmonella/other pathogens in pigs. March - September 2002: Board member - Danish Society of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (DSVPH).

1999 - 2004: Accountant for the Nordic Society for Veterinary Epidemiology (NOSOVE).

Supervision, Veterinary Dissertations (in Danish): Vibjerg, M. V., V9255. Omphalitis hos pattegrise. Et feltstudie med fokus på effekt af prolongeret Ceftiofur som metaphylakse mod omphalitis og undersøgelse i relation til hernia umbilicalis. Hansen, K.K., V9123. Antibiotisk behandling ved øresår hos smågrise. Effekt i et randomiseret, kontrolleret forsøg i en problembesætning. Jensen, I.M., V9176. Øresår hos smågrise i en dansk besætning - udvikling, forekomst og risikofaktorer. Brøgger, M., V9030. March 30, 2007. Undersøgelse af Lawsonia Intrallularis smittedynamik i en besætning, samt forekomst i miljøet. Andersen, A.A., V8896. Dec. 21, 2006. Fravænningsdiarré - med fokus på pattegrises foderoptagelse og fravænningsalder. Kristensen, P.J., V8823. July 7, 2006. Maternal immunity to Lawsonia intracellularis. Hvidt-Nielsen, S., V8889. April 28, 2006. Patologiske læsioner i pars esophagea ventriculi hos svin. Pedersen, K.V., V8975. March 24, 2006. Feltstudie om effekten af Enterisol Ileitis Vet. på tilvækst, mortalitet og antibiotikaforbrug i danske svinebesætninger inficeret med Lawsonia Intracellularis. Bach, J.E., V8901. March 22, 2006. Effect of an additional iron injection in a PMWS positive herd in respect to haematocrit, haemoglobin, growth rate and differential blood cell count.


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