No photo of Helle Tegner Anker
  • Source: Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation


Cand.jur. (LLM) 1991 and ph.d. (environmental law) 1996, Aarhus Universitet.


Professor of law (2002-), University of Copenhagen. Associate professor (1999-2002), School of Law, Aarhus University, Assistant Professor (1996-1999), CESAM, Aarhus University.

Research interests

Environmental and planning law, including access to justice, public participation, EIA/SEA, urban development, nature protection, water resources, agriculture, GMOs and renewable energy.


Environmental and Planning Law, EU Law, Environmental Management in Europe, Univ. of Copenhagen

Master in Environmental and Energy Law, Aarhus University 


External positions

Chairperson of the Planning Appeals Board

1 Feb 2021 → …


  • ???Jord, vand og arealanvendelse???
  • ???Landbrugslovgivning???
  • ???Lovgivning/jura???
  • ???Miljø og naturressourcer - økonomi og forvaltning???
  • ???Miljøøkonomi og -lovgivning???
  • ???Politik, lov og forvaltning vedr. naturressourcer???

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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