Henrik Hansen

Henrik Hansen

Professor, Head of Department

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

Personal profile

Short presentation

I am the head of the department and a professor at the Department of Economics. I am associated with the institute's Development Economics Research Group (DERG) and affiliated with the Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research (COPE) research network.

You can find my writings through the Scholar Google research counter: http://scholar.google.dk/citations?user=5GPHH9EAAAAJ&hl=en.

Primary fields of research

My research interests are in development economics. I have written about the macroeconomic effects of development aid, among other things. In recent years, I have worked with firms and household surveys from several countries in the Global South. After many years as head of studies, I have developed an increasing interest in education research.


I am course responsible for the subject "Applied Research Methods" in the Global Development program.

I supervise development economics and applied econometrics.



  • MSc (Cand. Polit) 1991, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen.
  • Ph.d (Economics) 1995, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen.


  • Head of Department, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (1/3 2023 - )
  • Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (1/1 2013 - )
  • Head of Studies, Economics, University of Copenhagen (1/7, 2016 - 30/6, 2019)
  • Head of Studies, Global Development, University of Copenhagen (1/8, 2014 - 31/1, 2019 and 1/1 2021 - 1/1 2023)
  • Professor, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (1/6 2007 - 31/12 2012)
  • Danida advisor, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences  (1/6 2005 - 31/5 2007)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
  • Chief advisor, Statistics Denmark
  • Associate Professor, Institute of Economics, forestry and Landscape, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Development Economics
  • Developing Countries
  • Development aid
  • Econometrics