Personal profile

Primary fields of research

  • Sustainable forest management for bioenergy
  • Carbon cycling in forest ecosystems and climate change mitigation
  • Forest ecosystem and soil carbon inventory and modelling
  • Nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems and site fertility
  • Forest and bioenergy certification and governance
  • Productivity of forests and short rotation forestry and coppice systems


  • Ecology and Ecosystems Science in relation to Environmental Economics, course responsible with Lars Vesterdal and Morten Ingerslev (Water resource management and sustainable bioenergy) (M.Sc.) 
  • Ecosystem Services from Forest and Nature (production, carbon and nutrient cycling) (M.Sc.) (course contributor)
  • Climate Change Impacts, Adaption and Mitigation (CCIAM) (forests and climate change mitigation) (M.Sc.) (course contributor)
  • Forest and Nature Management Planning (forest carbon management and climate change mitigation) (M.Sc.) (course contributor)
  • Natur, Miljø og Samfund (bioenergy and it role in climate change mitigation) (B.Sc.) (course contributor)

Fields of interest

Other responsibilities

  • Guest editor of a special issue in ‘Energy, Sustainability and Society’: “Governing sustainability of bioenergy, biomaterial and bioproduct supply chains from forest and agricultural landscapes” (current)
  • Alternate NTL for Denmark in Task 45 “Climate and Sustainability Effects of Bioenergy within the broader Bioeconomy”, 2019-2021.
  • Main organiser of the international conference: “Governing sustainability of bioenergy, biomaterial and bioproduct supply chains from forest and agricultural landscapes”, Copenhagen, 17-19 April 2018, funded by IEA Bioenergy Task 43 “Biomass feedstocks for bioenergy markets”, Nordic Forest Research, The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research under the network activity “Effect of bioenergy production from forests and agriculture on ecosystem services in the Nordic and Baltic landscapes”, and CAR-ES III “Centre of Advanced Research on Environmental Services from Nordic Forest Ecosystems”.
  • National Team Leader (NTL) for Denmark in IEA Bioenergy Task 43 “Biomass Feedstocks for Energy Markets”, 2013-2018.
  • Main organiser of the international conference “Managing Forests to Promote Environmental Services, Copenhagen”, 3- 5 November, 2015, under CAR-ES, funded by CAR-ES II “Centre of Advanced Research on Environmental Services from Nordic Forest Ecosystems”.
  • Coordinator of research network under Nordic Forest Research CAR-ES II “Centre of Advanced Research on Environmental Services from Nordic Forest Ecosystems”, 2012-2015.

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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