Personal profile

Short presentation

Irene Tamborra is Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute and leader of the Particle Astrophysics group. She is also Mercator Fellow (equivalent of Visiting Professor) at the Max Planck Institutes for Physics and Astrophysics in Garching, Germany. 

Irene’s research activity is at the interface between astrophysics and particle physics. Her work focuses on the violent universe, especially on stellar explosions and transient astrophysical events, aiming at unveiling what can be learnt by adopting neutrinos, photons and gravitational waves as probes of the physics of these sources. She is also interested in modeling (quantum) particle transport and particle acceleration in astrophysical outflows, physics beyond the Standard Model, and nucleosynthesis of the heavy elements. She is the recipient of several international awards for her research, including the MERAC Prize from the European Astronomical Society, the Duggal Award from the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, and the European Research Council Consolidator Award.  

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