Research output per year
Research output per year
Thorvaldsensvej 40
1871 Frederiksberg C
Short biography:
2006- Professor of Plant Nutrition
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
2005- Head of Plant and Soil Science Section, Univ. Copenhagen
2000-2005 Research Council Professor (Plant Nutritional Physiology)
1995-1996 Visiting professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
1989-1999 Associate professor, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, DK
1985-1988 Assistant professor, Technical University of Denmark
Research expertise:
Plant nutrition and the influence of mineral elements on plant growth, stress adaptation and quality of plant products for food, feed and biomaterials.
Has published 200+ papers in international journals, 16 book chapters, 69 other publications and 1 patent. H-index (ISI-WoS) is 72/ Google Scholar 89.
Boards and memberships:
- The International Plant Nutrition Council (member since 2001; President 2013-2017)
- The Danish Research Council | Technology and Production (2013-)
- Novo Nordic Foundation committee for biotech-based synthesis and production (2012-)
- Novo Nordic Foundation committee for interdisciplinary synergy (2014 -)
- The Hofmansgave Foundation (2008-)
- The International Plant Nutrition Council (Member since 2001 -; President 2013-2017)
- Subject Area Editor Physiologia Plantarum (1998-)
- Associate Editor Frontiers in Plant Nutrition (2011-)
For further information please go to curriculum vitae and list of publications.
University of Copenhagen (KU), Faculty of Science
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark Email: [email protected]; Phone: +45 35 33 34 95
1980 M.Sc. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), DK 1985 Ph.D. University of Lund, Sweden & KVL, DK
1998 D.Sc. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural Univ., DK
Current position
Professor of Plant Nutrition, Plant and Soil Science Section, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Professional career
2006- Professor of Plant Nutrition, University of Copenhagen (UCph)
2005- 2018 Head of Plant and Soil Science Section, UCph
2012-2015 Vice-Head of Department (Research), Plant & Environ.Sci., UCph
2010-2012 Leader of the Elite Research Area Plant Biosystems, UCph
2000-2005 Research Council Professor (Plant Nutritional Physiology), UCph
1995-1996 Visiting professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
1989-1999 Associate professor, Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University
1985-1988 Assistant professor, Technical University of Denmark
1980-1985 Ph.D. Fellowship, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
Research expertise
The research expertise covers processes involved in nutrient acquisition and utilization by higher plants and the functions of mineral elements in plant metabolism, plant environment interactions, plant productivity and stress tolerance. The work spans disciplinary expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, crop physiology and biotechnology.
The list of publications includes 200+ articles published in peer-reviewed journals, 16 book chapters, 69 other publications and 1 patent. The total number of citations received by the peer reviewed articles exceeds 10000. The average number of citations per paper is 80+ and the H-index is 69 (Web of Science)/85 (Google Scholar).
Research funding
In total received >12 mill. € in external grants
Research projects:
2014-2017 Plant root diffusional barriers – genesis and implications for nutrient efficiency and stress tolerance (ROOT BARRIERS). ERA-CAPS (partner)
2012-2017 B21st: Biomass for the 21 st century: Integrated biorefining technologies for shipping fuels and bio-based chemicals (HTF, 2012-2016; co-ordinator of Biology platform)
2011-2015 NUTRIEFFICIENT: Improved agricultural sustainability using molecular strategies to optimize nutrient use efficiency in cereals (DSF; 2011-2013; co-ordinator)
Foliar nitrogen fertilization of wheat crops (FTP; 2009-2013)
Development of genetically modified cereals adapted to increased atmospheric CO 2 (DFFE; 2010-2014)
Biotechnology for Bio-fuel Crops (DSF; 2010-2013).
META-PHOR: Metabolomics for Plants, Health and Outreach (EU-FP6; 2007-2010)
PHIME: Public Health Impact of long-term, low-level mixed element exposure in susceptible population strata (EU-FP6; 2006-2011)
NitroEurope: The nitrogen cycle and its influence on the European greenhouse gas balance (EU-FP6; 2006-2011)
Cisgenetic barley and wheat for animal feed (DFFE; 2007-2011)
iKORN: Improved Quality and Disease Resistance in Cereal Crops (DSF; 2008-2012)
Equipment grant from the Carlsberg Research Foundation (2008)
A Danish Plant Research Network: Supporting the foundation for iron and zinc biofortification (DANIDA & the international HarvestPlus Biofortification program; 2004-2008)
FTP large research project (Post-genomic crop science from models to targets: Loading of zinc into the developing barley grain (2005-2008; co-ordinator)
Patents and innovation
Patent (2005): High capacity ammonium/ammonia transporter
Co-founder of spin-out company NutriNostica (2006-)
Agro Business Park Innovation Prize (2005): Early diagnosis of Mn deficiency in cereal plants. Agro Business Park Innovation Prize (2010): PhytoPhos: Exact measurement of plant available phosphorus in soil
Awards and prizes
Distinguished Visiting Professor Award, University of South Australia (2015)
Agro Business Park Innovation award: Exact measurement of plant-available P in soil (2010)
Agro Business Park Innovation award: Early diagnosis of Mn deficiency (2005)
Ulrich Brinchs Honorary Award (1999)
Ellen, Anders and Christian Petersen Foundation (1997)
PhD supervision
Main supervisor of 25+ completed PhD projects and 5 ongoing. Member of the Advisory Board of the Research School for Biotechnology (2008-2012)
Teaching areas and experience
Plant Science, Plant Nutrition and Plant Ecophysiology. A large experience in course planning, examination, lecturing and laboratory exercises at under-graduate, graduate and postgraduate level. Supervision of >50 M.Sc. projects and >30 B.Sc. projects
Participation in Councils, Boards and Committees
Member of The Danish Research Council | Technology and Production (2013-2018)
Member of the Novo Nordic Foundation Committee for Interdisciplinary Synergy (2014-2018)
Member of the Novo Nordic Foundation’s Committee for Biotechnology Based Synthesis and Production (2012-2019)
Board of the Hofmansgave Foundation (2009-)
Member of The International Plant Nutrition Council (2002-)
Elected President of the Federation of the European Societies of Plant Biology (2006-08)
Elected President of the Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society (2000-08).
Editorial work
Editor since 1998 of the international journal Physiologia Plantarum; associate editor of the journal Frontiers in Plant Nutrition. Regular reviewer for >10 journals
Research evaluation
Evaluator for the European Research Council (2011-); Member of the LIFE-Sciences Evaluation Panel for EU Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (2005-present) and the EU-INTAS programme (2004-2006). Evaluator for National Research Councils in the UK, Germany, Norway, Spain, Qatar and Cyprus (2006-present). Member of the evaluation panel for the ERA-NET Plant Genomics (2006-2007)
University management and administration
Vice-Head of Department for Research (2012-2015); member of the Academic Council and the Research and Innovation Board of the Faculty of (Life) Sciences University of Copenhagen (2007-2012). From 2004-2007 member of the Supreme Governing Board (Bestyrelsen) of University of Copenhagen and the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (RVAU), DK. Chairman/member of numerous committees appointing new academic staff at national and international universities.
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Review › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Comment/debate › Research
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media