No photo of Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox
  • Source: Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

My research is located at the interfaces between philosophy, art and medicine to investigate humanistic, existential and ethical aspects in illness, treatment and health. In this research, I focus on medical ethics, especially clinical ethics (ethical challenges in the clinic) and humanistic health research, especially the development of a narrative, philosophical and aesthetic approach to health practice. I work ethnographically with participatory art and philosophy projects particularly in pediatrics, disability and chronic disease rehabilitation and personalized medicine. A particular point of attention is method development that can support and grow creative, critical and dialogic environments within the health care sector (for health care professionals and patients).

Theoretically, I primarily draw on existential phenomenology and hermeneutics, philosophy of existence and dialogue, moral and value theories, ancient philosophy and Stoicism. Engaged in arguing both theoretically and empirically, I participate in research interventions that study the beneficial impact of philosophy and art on well-being and self-care after illness and/or trauma. The goal is to develop ways in which research and practice mutually fertilize each other and to support a holistic patient understanding.

Concepts of special interest:

Death, mortality, the self, being, time, hope, vulnerability, creativity, intersubjectivity, resonance, hope, the good death, the good life, art of living and dialogue.

Current research


2028-2023 – WP in MORPHEUS

MORPHEUS is a European Horizon research project that includes France (PI), Spain and Denmark. The purpose of the project is to predict the risk of unprovoked venous blood clots in specific patient groups and to develop a tool for 'joint decision-making' that will ensure patients' involvement in decisions about treatment and prevention. My ethnographic work consists of observations of clinical interactions and conducting interviews with clinicians and patients as a starting point for developing a model for ‘shared decision-making.’ The qualitative element for which I am responsible aims to 1) collect, describe and analyze patients' experiences and perceptions of unprovoked blood clots and treatment; and 2) identify patients' and clinicians' expectations and concerns in connection with testing the project's developed decision support tool. The field work will be held at Aabenaa hospital, which is MORPHEUS' Danish partner.


2026-2024 – PI for DET: Det Eksistentielle Teater: The good life for young adults with cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis through drama, music and dialogue.

DET: The Existential Theater combines drama improvisation, the sound images of music and the immersion of existential dialogue. DET is based on personal stories and consists of 9 workshops for a group of young adults with CP and 9 workshops for a group with MS. By incorporating young adults' big questions about a life with a lifelong disability, the project engages in a dialogue with central themes that the healthcare and social system rarely or never address. The project collaborates with the patient associations CP Danmark and the Sclerosis Association. Empirical material is obtained through participant observation in the project's activities and in the project's user panel, as well as 16 in-depth semi-structured interviews after the intervention has been completed. Follow-up interviews will take place six months after completion to assess the impact of participation on everyday life. Professional artists and a philosophical facilitator are associated with the project. A filmmaker will make a documentary of the participants' experiences and process.


2024-2017: Research and Ethics Lab coordinator in the research project 'Personalized medicine in the Danish welfare state' (MeInWe), where 12 interdisciplinary researchers study the ethical, organizational and legal issues in the implementation of personalized medicine in Denmark. My research focus: Studying ethical themes and the development of a structure for ethical dialogue (i.e. the ethical laboratories) with representatives from the medical and social sciences, clinical practice and research, public and private organizations in the healthcare sector. In the ethical laboratories, MeInWe's researchers and its collaborators explore conceptual, empirical and normative questions in our work with personalized medicine. The participants experience greater moral awareness and less professional tunnel vision through the Ethics Lab's two exercises: first, participants reflect by themselves and later reflect together but with a dialogue partner on a chosen theme. Financed by Semper Arden grant from the Carlsberg Foundation, awarded to professor Mette Nordahl Svendsen (PI). Link to MeInWe:


2024-2023: WP contributor in the research project REDESIGN, a European ERA PerMed project co-financed by the European Commission: I am responsible for organizing and implementing the Ethical Laboratories. The Ethical Laboratories bring together practitioners and representatives from patient organizations to jointly investigate the moral issues that arise in the integration of patient-derived organoids (PDOs) in precision oncology.


Read about previous projects under CV


My academic background is in Continental Philosophy, Copenhagen University. Additional degrees in Theater Studies and Religious Studies, Copenhagen University.  Diploma in Philosphical Practice, University of Oslo and the Norwegian Society of Philosophical Practice & certified Socratic dialogue facilitator, the Norwegian Society of Philosophical Practice.

Before I came to the Section for Health Services Research, I taught for a long time at different departments and universities (especially at the University of Copenhagen, DIS and St. Olaf College in the United States) as well as at university colleges (especially at SUND / Kleo UCC). Simultaneously, I worked with independent research projects, especially in the field of health care and has been affiliated with different research centers (Center for Ethics and Law and Søren Kierkegaards Research Center). I have previously worked as a dramaturg and assistant stage director in an American based theater company in Paris and as a counselor in the Danish Psychiatry Foundation.



Member of the Clinical Ethics Committee for Pediatrics, the Juliane Marie Center, the University Hospital, Copenhagen (2012-)

Member of the Board for The Danish Society for Clinical Ethics (2020- ; 2012-2018, vice-chairman 2014-2018)

Member of the Board for The Danish Society for Philosophical Practice (2006-2018, chairman 2011-2018) 

Member of the Steering Committee for PROSPER (Precision Symtom Care Research Network), the University Hospital, Rigshospitalet (2023- )

Member of the Steering Committee for the Nordic Network for Narratives in Medicine (2016-)

Member of the Steering Committee for Nordic Network of Kierkegaard Research (2011-2016)


Research Studies and Visits after 1998:

Pilotproject with professor Rita Charon on the use of Socratic dialogue among doctors and staff (current). Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics (The Narrative Medicine Program), the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City, USA - 2019

Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics (The Narrative Medicine Program), the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City, USA - 2018

Department of Medical Humanities, Free University of Amsterdam (VUmc), Holland - 2014

Department of Anthropology, University of Southern California, USA - 2014

Center for Biomedical Ethics & Humanities, University of Virginia, VA & Center for Clinical Ethics samt forskning på Bioethics Research Library, both at Georgetown University, Washington D. C., USA – 2010

The Ethics Committee, the University of Minnesota Medical Center/Fairview & Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota, USA - 2006.

Center for Bioethics, Columbia University, New York; Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania; Center for Clinical Ethics & The Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA - 2003.

Fellowship, The Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, MN, USA - 1999.


Selected publications


  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard (eds.): The Arts in Philosophical Practice: Perspectives, Prospects and Practices. Anthology accepted for publication by Lexington Publishers NYC. Expected in 2024.
  • Di Nucci, Thybo Jensen & Knox (eds.): 8 cases i medicinsk etik. Munksgaard, 2020.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Requiem for the Living, a collection of poems. No Frills Buffalo Publishing, 2018.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Thinking in Action, Re-thinking Life. Socratic Dialogue with People in Cancer Rehabilitation, Dissertation, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, 2015
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard & Friis, Jan Kyrre Berg (eds.): 5 Questions: Philosophical Practice, Forlaget Automatic Press, 2013
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox & Sørensen, Merete (eds.): Filosofisk Praksis i sundhedsarbejde. Frydenlund, 2011
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Er døden en regnbue? A childrens book. Illustrator Pia Thaulov. Frydenlund, 2011 (published in Czech in 2017 at Cesta Domu)
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: At tænke er at gå på opdagelse. Om at filosofere med børn. Frydenlund, 2011 (published in Czech in 2017 at Cesta Domu)
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Etisk konsultation på neonatalklinikken på Rigshospitalet – en rapport; København: neonatalkliniken, Rigshospitalet, 2010
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Gabriel Marcel - Håbets filosof, fortvivelsens dramatiker. Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2003
  • Broberg, Margareta & Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard (eds.): Dignity. Ethics and Law. International bibliografi. Center for Ethics and Law, 1999
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: The Resurrection of the Self in Silence. A Kierkegaardian Critique of the Modern and Postmodern Approach to the Human Self. Dissertation, the Department of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen, 1998.


  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: English translation of Begrebet Angst hos Søren Kierkegaard by Arne Grøn, Gyldendal, 1993: The Concept of Anxiety in Søren Kierkegaard, Mercer University Press, 2008
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Danish translation of Donner la mort by Jacques Derrida, Métailié-Transition, 1992: Dødens gave, Anis 2007

Book chapters/prefaces

  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Socrates and Sickness: on philosophizing through narrative". In the anthology Narrativ medicin - for læger, sygeplejerskere og andre sundhedsprofessionelle, eds. Anders Juhl Rasmussen, Anne-Marie Mai & Helle Ploug Hansen, Gads forlag, 2021. Published in a Danish and an English edition.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard; Di Nucci & Thybo Jensen: "Forord" (preface), in 8 cases i medicinsk etik. Munksgaard (an antology), 2020.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "At behandle i grænselandet mellem liv og død." In the anthology 8 Cases in Medical Ethics. Munksgaard. 2020.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "The Wisdom in Tragedy: Building a Flourishing Life in the Face of Hardship," in New Frontiers in Philosophical Practice, ed. Lydia Amir. Cambridge Scholars, 2017.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Socratic Dialogue in a Dramatic Setting," in The Socratic Handbook. Methods and Manuals for Philosophical Practice and Applied Ethics, ed. Michael Noah Weiss. Lit Publishing, 2015
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: ”At plante virkeligheden i tanken og nære frihedens ånd,” in Filosoffen på arbejde. En introduktion til anvendt filosofi, Forlaget Mindspace, 2013
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Preface to 5 Questions: Philosophical Practice, an anthology. Automatic Press, 2013
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard & Sørensen, Merete: Preface to Filosofisk praksis i sundhedsarbejde, an anthology. Frydenlund, 2011
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: ”Den dødeliges alvorlige betragtning – en tentativ skitse til eksistentiel rehabilitering,” in Filosofisk praksis i sundhedsarbejde, Frydenlund, 2011
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: ”Medicinsk etik i praksis: refleksioner over og erfaringer med etisk konsultation på en neonatalklinik” in Filosofisk praksis i sundhedsarbejde, Frydenlund, 2011
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: ”Gabriel Marcel: The Silence of Truth,” i Kierkegaard’s Influence on Existentialism, vol. 9 in the series Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, Ashgate, ed. Jon Stewart, 2011
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: “Moliére: An Existential Vision of Authenticity in Man Across Time,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and  Modern Traditions, vol. 5, tome III in the series Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, Ashgate, ed. Jon Stewart, 2009
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Preface to the translation of Dødens gave (Donner la mort) by Jacques Derrida, ANIS 2007
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: Preface for the bibliography Dignity. Ethics and Law, Center for Ethics and Law, University of Copenhagen, 1999

Peer-reviewed articles

  • Gjøldsbøl, Iben, Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard, Skovgaard, Lea & Svendsen, Mette Nordahl: “Population Curation: The Construction of Mutual Obligation between Individual and State in Danish Precision Medicine,” forthcoming in Social Studies of Science.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Impromptu Drama: Human Flourishing among Children and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy" in Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health, vol. 5 online December, 2023.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard & Svendsen, Mette Nordahl: “The Fertility of Moral Ambiguity in Precision Medicine,” Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 26: 465-476, 2023.
  • Rosenberg, Raben & Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: “Kliniske etiske komiteer” [Clinical Ethics Committees]. Danish Medical Journal, 185: VO3230149, 2023.
  • Boelsbjerg, Hanne Bess & Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: “Narrativ medicin som del af fremtidens palliation” [Narrative Medicine as Part of the Future of Palliative Care]. Omsorg, 1, 2023.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Kierkegaard, Cancer and Narrative: The Concrete Drama of Sophia's Self-Becoming." Philosophical Practice 17, 2: 2899-2909, 2022.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard & & Svendsen, Mette Nordahl: "The Ethics Laboratory: An Educational Tool for Moral Learning." International Journal of Ethics Education. Online May 25th 2022. DOI:
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "The Ethics Laboratory: A Dialogical Practice for Moral Deliberations in Cross-Fields" HEC Forum- Online september 24th 2021.
  • Szabat, Marta & Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Shades of Hope: Gabriel Marcel's Notion of Hope in End-of-Life Care," Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, online June 25, 2021.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "The Vitality of Mortality: Being-towards-Death and Long-term Survivorship," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, online 2. juni 2020. DOI: 10.1093/jmp/jhaa010
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Stories of Despair: a Kierkegaardian Read of Suffering and Selfhood in Survivorship," in Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, 23(1), 61-72, 2020 (online May 2019).
  • Boelsbjerg, Hanne Bess & Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard & Hansen, Helle Ploug: "At digte om døden - fra forskning til folkelig formidling". I Omsorg, nr. 4, 2019.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Developing a novel approach to existential suffering in cancer survivorship through Socratic dialogue," in Psycho-Oncology, vol. 27, issue 7, pp. 1865-1867. DOI: 10.1002/pon.4750, 2018.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Cancer Survivor Responses to Socratic Dialogue: An Explorative Study of the Experiences with Participation in an Innovative Intervention," in Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund, årgang 14, nr. 27, 127-144, 2017.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Ethical Competence Training for Members on Clinical Ethics Committees (CEC): Experiences from Denmark," in International Journal of Ethics Education, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 203-213, 2017.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Facing Life after Facing Death: The Moral Occasion of Cancer," in Philosophical Practice, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2016.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Staging and Performing Dialogue: Employing the Theater Metaphor as a Methodological Strategy for Facilitating a Socratic Dialogue Group," in Journal Of Humanities Therapy, Vol. 6, No. 2, December 2015.
  • Uldall, Andersen, Greisen, Hagelund Hansen, Holte Kofoed, Bresson Ladegaard Knox, Nabe-Nielsen, Petersen, Ploug & Sehested: "Landets første klinisk etiske komite for pædiatri," in Ugeskrift for Læger, 177: V10140579, 2015.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard & Svendsen, Mette Nordahl: "Authoring Experience: The Significance and Performance of Storytelling in Socratic Dialogue with Rehabilitating Cancer Patients," in Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, No. 18, vol. 3, 2015.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Hverdagens Etik," in Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis, 04 april 2015.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Sculpting Reflection and Being in the Presence of Mystery: Perspectives on the Act of Philosophizing in Practice with People Recovering from Cancer," in HASER International Journal on Philosophical Practice, No. 6, 2015.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "The 4C Model: A Reflective Tool for the Analysis of Ethical Cases at the NICU, The University Hospital Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet", in Clinical Ethics, vol. 9(4), 2014.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "Being in Dialogue with Colleagues and Clinics across Countries," in EASME Newsletter: European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics, no. 37, September 2014.
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: “Philosophy as the Art of Living. Situating the Method of Socratic Dialogue within a Framework of ”Care of the Self””, in HASER International Journal on Philosophical Practice, No. 5, 2014
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: "The Exigency of Being Parrhèsiastic: On Truth-telling in Socratic Dialogue Groups with Survivors of Cancer," in Journal Of Humanities Therapy, Vol. 4 December 2013
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: “Some Remarks About the French Reception of Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments,” in Kierkegaard Studies. Yearbook 2004, eds. Cappelørn, Deuser & Stewart, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York, 2004
  • Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard: “Transcender la Transcendance. Une critique kierkegaardienne du projet de Luc Ferry,” in Kierkegaardiana 22,  C. A. Reitzels, 2002


  • "Dramaets potentiale for børn og unge med cerebral parese" [The Potential of Drama for Children and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy] a commentary in Bibliotek for Læger, p. 328-329, December 2023.
  • “At spørge om døden …” [To Ask about Death …], a commentary in Bibliotek for Læger, p. 240-241, September 2023.
  • “Danmark bør styrke sit etiske beredskab på hospitaler,” feature article in the Danish Medical Journal, August 22, 2022. Cowritten with Raben Rosenberg.
  • "Sundhedspersoner har ikke nok tid til etiske overvejelser," feature article in Altinget May 12th 2022. Co-written with Anne Bendix Andersen.
  • “Sundhedshumaniora i sygepleje” in ’Fag og Forskning’ in Sygeplejersken 4, 2021. Co-written with Associate Professor Anders Juhl Rasmussen (SDU), Professor Hilde Bondevik (Oslo University) and Associate Professor Katarina Bernhardsson (University of Lund).
  • "Sundhedsprofessionelle bliver udbrændte af covid-19", feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad March 16th, 2021. Co-written with Raben Rosenberg.
  • "Af cancer og Covid-19 kan vi lære at slippe kontrollen", feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad May 15th, 2020. Co-written with Lotte Seheim.
  • "Narrativ medicin: et stærkt svar på øget dehumanisering", Op-Ed in Dagens Medicin April 7th, 2017. Co-written with Anders Juhl Rasmussen.
  • "Etik er kommet for at blive", feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad October 3, 2016. Co-written with the board of the Danish Society for Clinical Ethics. 
  • ”Er jeg stadig mig selv, hvis jeg får et andet navn?l” in the magazine Skolestart, vol. 43. March, 2013
  • ”Det undersøgte liv i klasselokalet,” feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad May 11, 2011
  • ”Medicin for sjælen. Kræftramte filosoferer sammen,” feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad, November 26, 2009
  • ”Den tragiske livsførsel,” feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad, November 22, 2008
  • ”Hospitaler mangler en etisk praksis,” feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad, August 13, 2007
  • ”Danmark kan lære af hospitalsetikken i USA,” feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad, January 13, 2007
  • ”Filosofisk omsorg for patienten,” feature article in Berlingske Tidende, October 8, 2006
  • “Samtalens kompas - giv hjælp til livets grænseløse valg,” kronik i Berlingske Tidende, den 2. april 2004
  • ”Grænsernes etik,” interview with Peter Kemp in the magazine SALT, 13/2, 2004
  • “En død filosof - en levende filosofi: Gabriel Marcel,” feature article in Kristeligt Dagblad, October 7, 2003



Filmmaker Esben Frese has made a short film about my pilot project Face2Face: the potential of drama and music for children and young adults with cerebral palsy:

The short film has been shown at Theater Batida, Lund University and the Cinematheque, among other places.


I have been interviewed and/or consulted by:


Previous research projects (selected):

2022-21: PI on the pilot project Face2Face. The pilot project investigated how the use of drama can benefit children and young adults with cerebral palsy. Drama exercises dealt with topics such as self-acceptance, well-being and stigmatization. By increasing participants' imagination through role-playing and music, the project demonstrated how artistic methods supported a greater courage to be in their bodies and minds which benefited their personal and social identity. However, the project also revealed serious and unmet existential needs which needs to be investigated in a larger research project (under development). The project took place at the Elsass Foundation. Responsible for the artistic aspect was actress and director Lotte Arnsbjerg. Financed by Helsefonden and Beckett Fonden. Link to a 10-minute film about the project’s final show:

2019: PI on project collaboration on Socratic dialogue; with professor, MD and PhD Rita Charon, head of the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics (The Narrative Medicine Program), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City, USA. Socratic dialogue strives to form an investigative community that openly and curiously deals with philosophical questions in practice. The training program in Socratic dialogue facilitation is expected to be implemented among doctors and healthcare professionals at the Presbyterian Hospital, New York City. The purpose is to create a forum for philosophizing about important ethical themes for medical practice, for example burnout and moral injury in a safe and confidential forum. Funded by Columbia University. Paused due to the Covid pandemic. To be resumed.

2018-2016: PI on an individual research project: Sequelae and Survivorship: Being in Life after Cancer? There is a tacit assumption when cancer treatment is successful that the person has recovered and can continue their life where it was left off. However, several studies show that it is problematic to return to status quo. The cancer experience caused an upheaval of existence, and this fundamental upheaval often causes major questions, e.g. the meaning of life and who am I now, and yet survivors are left to their own devices after treatment ends. However, shouldn't this existential upheaval be understood as a serious sequelae? The project investigated whether and how illness narratives mark long-term survival. Through 16 interviews with cancer survivors, the project studied how the previous illness experience lingers many years later (5-10-15 years). As notions and thoughts about death and mortality, selfhood and identity emerged as central thematic axes from the interviewees, a primary lens of interpretation became Heidegger's analysis of death and Kierkegaard's concept of the self and despair. Funded by the Danish Cancer Society under the ‘Knæk Cancer’ program.

2015-2012: PI on an individual research project: Thinking in Action, Re-thinking Life – Socratic Dialogue with People in Cancer Rehabilitation. The project was an empirical-philosophical study of the very act and art of philosophizing with people who had either just finished or were about to finish their cancer treatment, or who were chronically but not currently ill with cancer. The project studied the practice and benefit of Socratic dialogue among these people through sessions with three groups. I acted as a Socratic facilitator in the groups and investigated the ethical practice of 'self-care' in the tradition of Socrates and Foucault, in order to offer a conceptual clarification of conditions and aspects of Socratic dialogue groups within cancer rehabilitation. The project showed that the participants rediscovered themselves as person vs. patient, while simultaneously experiencing their existence being situated in a larger existential perspective (helicopter view, which was both concrete and abstract). Finally, the project showed how the loneliness experienced by many cancer patients was broken and a strong community created by listening to fellow participants' personal stories with a philosophical question, e.g. what is a good life? Funded by the Danish Cancer Society.

2013-2012: PI on the research project: Ethical decision-making – development and investigation of a model for ethical reflection in connection with decisions about life and death at University Hospital’s neonatal clinic (Rigshospitalet). Based on ethnographic work at the neonatal clinic, I developed a reflection model for investigating the ethical landscape in challenging situations. It exists in both a large and a small version, respectively for use in a Clinical Ethics Committee and in the clinic. The model contains four aspects of ethical decision-making: context, concerns, consequences and conflicts (and is therefore called the 4C model). It is intended as a structuring and systematic reflection tool that can inspire and give rise to ethical discussion and cooperation on ethical issues.


You can read more about the projects and their findings in articles and chapters that I have written: See under CV and publications.

Introductory remarks on publicationslist

Please find full list of publications under CV.

Please find examples of my articles in Research Gate.


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Health Services Research
  • Health and philosophy
  • Medical ethics
  • Clinical ethics
  • Narrative medicine
  • Intervention research
  • Implementation
  • Death
  • Mortality
  • the Self
  • Dialogue
  • Art of living
  • Continental philosophy
  • Ancient Philosophy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Palliative care
  • Survivorship

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or