Jeanette Kristensen
  • Source: Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

PhD in evidence based use of data from the Danish national database VetStat on cattle medicine use: VetStat-cattle


2019 (june) – 2020 (february): Official Veterinarian at The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration in the veterinary section: “VeterinærØst”.

2017 (march) – 2019 (may): DVM in a mixed veterinary practice with primarily cattle related work.

2017 (january):, University of Copenhagen (DVM)

Possible conflicts of interest

The PhD study is partly financed by the Danish Cattle Levy Fund.

Jeanette will collaborate with the Danish Veterinary and Food administration during the project. In addition, she will collaborate with private farmers and vets as well as the Danish cattle industry, including SEGES which is a part of The Danish Agriculture & Food Council.

Jeanette is an employee at the University of Copenhagen and does not receive remunerations from collaborative partners.

Education/Academic qualification, University of Copenhagen

Award Date: 26 Jan 2017