No photo of Jesper Cairo Westergaard
  • Højbakkegård Allé 13, 2630 Taastrup

Personal profile


2012-now: PLEN (Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences)

  • 2021-now: Official title: IT Officer. Employed in Plant Facilities and Workshops, Taastrup Campus.
    2014-2021: Official title: Research IT Coordinator. Employed in the Section for Crop Scienses, Taastrup Campus.
    • Responsibilities: Research/development: Project The MATRIX: Focus on the abundant but poorly studied interactions between plants and microbes above the ground (responsible for the proximal hyperspectral sensing of winter wheat as well as the UAV flights in the Denmark-based parts of the field trials). Project 6P/NPPN: Flying/imaging with drones. Developing a platform for data extraction from orthomosaics. Developing data management in projects 6P3, the MATRIX and RootAccess.
    • Research support: Coordinator of data infrastructure on Phenolab.
  • 2014-2021: Member of the department’s IT committee.
  • 2012-2014: Official title: Research IT Coordinator. Employed in the Section for Crop Scienses, Taastrup Campus.
    • Responsibilities: Readiness Coordinator, IT Security Coordinator, misc research IT advice/consulting, IP telephony (Lync), cell phone acquisitions, chairman of the departments IT committee, primary contact for the faculty's IT department regarding service level agreements negotiations and other issues (incl. member of the departments IT Contact Comittee).

2005-2012: Webmaster at IGM (Department of Basic Sciences and Environment, Frederiksberg Campus).

1998-2005: IT-support for students, teaching in IT-LearningCenter. Misc tasks with programming, building/maintaining websites and IT-support at several departments (Frederiksberg Campus).


Short presentation

I work at the Section for Crop Sciences at the Taastrup Campus (map).

For the project Microbiome Assisted Triticum Resilience In X-dimensions (The MATRIX):

  • Responsible for the proximal hyperspectral sensing of winter wheat as well as the UAV flights in the Denmark-based parts of the field trials

For the Public Private Partnership - Plant Phenotyping Project (6p):

  • Authored and responsible for 6P1's work package 1: "Development of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure" (2015-2018).
  • Authored and responsible for 6P2's work package 3: "Image/Sensor data extraction solution, GIS Inclusion, Data Management protocols and procedures". (2018-2021)
  • Authored and leader for 6P3's work package 1: "Data Management". (2021-2023)
  • Flying/imaging with drones (both at our research fields in Taastrup and for/with our project partners).
  • Developing a platform (named PlotCut, now going into version 3 and in QGIS) for data extraction from the research plots in the orthomosaics we get from our aerial imaging.
  • Partaking in arranging workshops and courses within the Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network (NPPN).

Other responsibilities:

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or