Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Research interests

Generally medicinal chemistry and the development of new methodology for the construction of compound classes of relevance to medicinal chemistry. Using these tools we are trying to develop new probes and tools that will help us to elucidate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the regulation of different pharmacological targets: Ion channels, enzymes and GPCR’s.

Please see group web-page for more informantion.

 - Member of the Horizon2020 “Click-It” consortium receiving 6 mio. Euro (2015-2020) where we are developing a new imaging technology based on in-vivo click-chemistry.

 - Member of the Marie Curie ETN "AlphaSy" consortium receiving 4.1 mio. Euro (2018-2022) where we are developing a new imaging agents to diagnose Parkisons disease at an early stage.

 - Coordinator of the ETN-EID project SAFER receiving 1.3 mio. Euro (2017-2021). SAFER aims to identify functionally Selective Agonists for the 5-HT2A Serotonin Receptor.


 Education and employment

  • Cand. pharm. in 1998
     - including 6 months research with Prof. Dieter Hoppe ïn Münster.
  • Ph.D from Danish University of Pharmaceutical Scienes in 2001
     - including 6 months research with Prof. Barry Trost at Stanford University
  • Medicinal Chemist at lundbeck 2001-2002
  • Assistant professor at DFU 2002-2005
  • Associate proffessor at UCPH 2005-2017
  • Professor WSR at UCPH 2018-2021
  • Professer at UCPH 2021-present
  • CSO and founder @ (2018-present)

Possible conflicts of interest

Founder and CSO @ Lophora (

External positions

CSO, Lophora


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Medicinal chemistry
  • neuroscience
  • Imaging Biomarkers

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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