Josef Parnas primarily works on the following projects:
- Phenomenologically oriented interviews with first admission schizophrenia spectrum patients, with special emphasis on early, non-psychotic anomalies of self-awareness.
- Phenomenological and conceptual analyses of the empirical data collected from first onset schizophrenia spectrum patients with the purpose of defining anomalies of self-awareness, illustrated by prototypical cases, delineation, and differential-diagnostic guidelines. The purpose of this work is to construct a reliable psychometric research instrument to register anomalies of self-experience.
- Statistical analyses of empirical data from relevant groups of patients and cohorts with high familial risk for developing schizophrenia in order to examine relations between different aspects of anomalies of subjective experience, other psychopathological features and extra-clinical measures (e.g. family disposition to schizophrenia, disorders of attention and eye movement).
- Preparing a new study aiming at first onset schizophrenia spectrum patients with the purpose of examining the correlation between anomalies of self-experience and non-clinical measures such as profiles of neuropsychological dysfunctions, structural and functional brain alterations, and EEG-patterns with or without perceptual stimulation.
- Continuation of Copenhagen Infant Follow-up Study, a longitudinal interdisciplinary prospective study of offspring of schizophrenic mothers, followed from birth until their current age of 13-14.
- Preparation of a 4-year follow-up of a group of 155 patients (approximately 100 within the schizophrenia spectrum) in order to assess course, predictive value of disorders of self-awareness and correlations between psychopathological and neuropsychological variables.
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
Date of birth: April 24, 1950
Place of birth: Lublin
- 1974
MD, University of Copenhagen - 1983
Specialist in Psychiatry, National Healt Service - 1986, University of Copenhagen
Academic employment
- 1981-2000
Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Copenhagen - 1988-1990
Associate Research Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. - 1995-1996
Visiting Professor at the University of Lausanne - 1989-2000
Medical Director, Department of Psychiatry, Hvidovre Hospital - 2000-
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Copenhagen
Connected to / on the Editorial Board of
- Referee for: Archives of General Psychiatry; Comprehensive Psychiatry; Schizophrenia Bulletin; Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica; Psychopathology.
- Associate editor: Psychopathology; Phenomenology and Cognitive Science.
- Member of the editorial board: Psychiatria Polska
Member of
- Member of the Danish Psychiatric Association
- Member of Society of Life History Research in Psychopathology
- Member of the WPA section "Liaison psychiatry"
- Member of the Association for Phenomenology and Cognitive Science
- Member of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology
- Member of the Research Committee at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen
- Member of the Board, Graduate School of Neurosciences, Medical Faculty, University of Copenhagen
Total number 101 of which 70 are original articles in peer-refereed international English-language journals (listed in the electronic databases).
Original empirical ("data") publications
- Parnas J, Flachs H, Gram L, Würtz-Jørgensen A. Excretion of antiepileptic drugs in sweat. Acta Neurol Scand 1978; 58: 197-204.
- Sørensen JB, Parnas J. A clinical study of 44 patients with juvenile amaurotic family idiocy. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1979; 59: 329-343.
- Gram L, Flachs H, Würtz-Jørgensen A, Parnas J, Andersen B. Sodium valproate, correlation between serum level and clinical effect: A controlled study. Epilepsia 1979; 20:303-312.
- Gram L, Flachs H, Würtz-Jørgensen A, Parnas J, Andersen B. Sodium valproate, antiepileptic effect - serum level. A controlled study (In Danish with an English summary), Ugeskr Læger (Danish medical journal) 1979; 141: 1833-1837* (se ref. # A.3)
- Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Schulsinger H, Mednick SA, Teasdale TW. Behavioral precursors of schizophrenia spectrum: A prospective study. Archives Gen Psychiat 1982; 39: 658-664.
- Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Teasdale TW, Schulsinger H, Feldman PM, Mednick SA. Perinatal complications and clinical outcome within the schizophrenia spectrum. British J Psychiat 1982; 140: 416-420.
- Parnas J, Korsgaard S, Stigaard Jensen P, Krautwald O. Chronic psychosis in epilepsy: A clinical investigation of 29 patients. Acta Psychiat Scand 1982; 66: 282-293.
- Parnas J, Teasdale TW, Schulsinger H. Continuity of character neurosis from childhood to adulthood: A prospective longitudinal study. Acta Psychiat Scand 1982; 66: 491-498.
- Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Petersen T E, Schulsinger H, Teasdale T W, Mednick S A, Møller L. Cerebral ventricular size in offspring of schizophrenic mothers: A preliminary study. Archives Gen Psychiat 1984; 41: 602-606.
- Parnas J, Teasdale TW, Schulsinger H. Institutional rearing and diagnostic outcome in children of schizophrenic mothers: A prospective high risk study. Archives Gen Psychiat 1985; 42: 762-769.
- Parnas J. Mates of schizophrenic mothers: A study of assortative mating from the American-Danish high risk study. British J Psychiat 1985; 146: 490-497.
- Parnas J, Schulsinger H. Continuity of formal thought disorder from childhood to adulthood in a high risk sample. Acta Psychiat Scand 1986; 74:246-251.
- Parnas J, Teasdale TW. Treated versus untreated schizophrenia spectrum cases: A matched paired high risk population study. Acta Psychiat Scand 1987; 75: 44-50.
- Burman B, Mednick SA, Machon RA, Parnas J, Schulsinger F. Children at high-risk for schizophrenia: Parent and offspring perceptions of family relationships. J Abnormal Psychololgy 1987; 96:364-366.
- Jørgensen Å, Teasdale TW, Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Mednick SA. The Copenhagen high-risk project: The diagnosis of maternal schizophrenia and its relation to offspring diagnosis. British J Psychiat 1987; 151: 753-757.
- Parnas J. Assortative mating in schizophrenia. Psychiatry 1988; 51:58-64.* (se ref. # A. 11)
- Parnas J, Jørgensen Å, Teasdale TW, Schulsinger F, Mednick SA. Temporal course of symptoms and social functioning in relapsing schizophrenics: A six year follow-up. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1988; 29:361-371.
- Silverton L, Mednick SA, Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Harrington ME. Genetic risk for schizophrenia: birthweight and ventricular enlargement. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1988; 97:496-498.
- Randløv C, Parnas J. The concept of "borderline" conditions among Danish psychiatrists: A questionnaire study. Nordic J Psychiatry 1988; 42:39-44.
- Cannon TD, Fuhrmann M, Mednick SA, Machon RA, Parnas J, Schulsinger F. Third ventricle enlargement and reduced electrodermal responsiveness. Psychophysiology 1988; 25:153-157.
- Parnas J, Jørgensen Å. Characteristics of maternal schizophrenia: Impact on diagnostic outcome in the children. J Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1989; suppl 10:79-88.
- Parnas J, Jørgensen Å. Premorbid psychopathology in schizophrenia spectrum. British J Psychiat 1989, 155: 623-627.
- Cannon TD, Mednick SA, Parnas J. Genetic and perinatal determinants of structural brain deficits in schizophrenia. Archives Gen Psychiat 1989; 46:883-889.
- Jørgensen Å, Parnas J. Copenhagen High Risk Study: Premorbid and clinical dimensions of maternal schizophrenia. J Nervous and Mental Disease 1990; 178: 370-376.
- Cannon TD, Mednick SA, Parnas J. Antecedents of predominantly negative- and predominantly positive-symptom schizophrenia in a high risk population. Archives Gen Psychiat 1990; 47: 622-632.
- Erel O, Cannon TD, Hollister JM, Mednick SA, Parnas J. Ventricular enlargement and premorbid deficits in school occupational attainment in a high risk sample. Schizophrenia Research 1991; 4: 49-52.
- Lunn S, Skydsbjerg M, Schulsinger H, Parnas J, Pedersen C, Mathiesen L. A preliminary report on the neuropsychological sequelae of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Archives Gen Psych 1991; 48:139-142.
- Dykes KL, Mednick SA, Machon RA, Præstholm J, Parnas J. Adult third ventricle width and infant behavioral arousal in groups at high and low risk for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 1992; 7: 13-18.
- Parnas J, Cannon T, Jacobsen B, Schulsinger H, Schulsinger F, Mednick SA. Life-time DSM-IIIR diagnostic oucomes in offspring of schizophrenic mothers: The results from the Copenhagen High Risk Study. Archives Gen Psychiat 1993; 50: 707-714.
- Cannon TD, Mednick SA, Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Præstholm J, Vestergaard Å. Developmental brain abnormalities in the offspring of schizophrenic mothers: 1. Contributions of genetic and perinatal factors. Archives Gen Psychiat 1993; 50: 551-564.
- Parnas J. Enfants de mère schizophrène: Suivi longitudinal prospectif de 1962 à 1989. Problèmes méthodologiques et résultats diagnostiques de l'enquête dano-americaine. L'information Psychiatrique 1993; 5: 479-486* (se ref # A.29).
- Cannon TD, Mednick SA, Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Præstholm J, Vestergaard Å. Developmental brain abnormalities in the offspring of schizophrenic mothers: 2. Structural characteristics of schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder. Archives Gen Psychiat 1994; 51: 955-962.
- LaFosse JM, Mednick SA, Præstholm J, Vestergaard A, Parnas J, Schulsinger F. The influence of socioeconomic status on CT studies of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 1994; 11: 285-290.
- Tyrka AR, Cannon TD, Mednick SA, Haslam N, Schulsinger F, Schulsinger H, Parnas J. The latent structure of schizotypy: I. Premorbid indicators of a taxon of individuals at risk for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1995; 104: 173-183.
- Olin SS, Raine A, Cannon TD, Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Mednick SA. Childhood behavior precursors of schizotypal personality disorder. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1997; 23: 93-103.
- Sirugo G, Pakstis AJ, Kidd KK. Matthysse S, Levy D, Holzman PS, Parnas J, McInnis M, Breschel T, Ross CA. Detection of a large CTG/CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion in a Danish schizophrenia kindred. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 1997; 74: 546-548.
- Zorilla LTE, Cannon TD, Kronenberg S, Mednick SA, Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Præstholm J, Vestergaard A. Structural abnormalities in schizophrenia: A family study. Biol Psychiatry 1997: 42: 1080-1086.
- Higgins J, Gore R, Gutkind D, Mednick SA, Parnas J, Shulsinger F. Effects of child-rearing by schizophrenic mothers: a 25-year follw-up. Acta Psychiat Scand 1997; 96: 402-404.
- Bredkjær SR, Mortensen PB, Parnas J. Epilepsy and non-organic non-affective psychosis: national epidemiologic study. Brit J Psychiatry 1998; 172: 235-238.
- Olin SS, Mednick SA, Cannon TD, Jacobsen B, Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Schulsinger H. School teacher ratings predictive of psychiatric outcome 25 years later. Brit J Psychiatry 1998; 172, Suppl. 33: 7-13.
- Parnas J, Jansson L, Sass LA, Handest P. Self-experience in the prodromal phases of schizophrenia: A pilot study of first admissions. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 1998; 6: 107-116.
- Carter JW, Parnas J, Cannon TD, Schulsinger F, Mednick SA. MMPI variables predictive of schizophrenia in the Copenhagen High Risk Project: a 25 years follow-up. Acta Psychiat Scand, 1999; 99 432-440.
- Kidd JR, Pakstis AJ, Zhao H, Lu RB, Okonofua FE, Odunsi A, Grogorenko E, Bonne-Tamir B, Friedlaender J, Schulz LO, Parnas J, Kidd KK. Haplotypes and linkage disequilibrium at the phenylalanine hydroxylase locus (PAH) in a global representation of populations. American J Human Genetics, 2000, 66:1882-1899.
- Parnas J, Vianin P, Sæbye D, Jansson L, Larsen AV, Bovet P. Visual Binding abilities in the initial and advanced stages of schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scand, 2001: 103; 171-180.
- Schiffman J, Abrahamson A, Cannon T, LaBrie J, Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Mednick S. Early rearing factors in schizophrenia. Int J Mental Health, 2001; 30: 3-16.
- Carter JW, Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Cannon T, Mednick SA. A multivariate prediction model of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, in press.
- Schiffman J, LaBrie J, Carter J, Cannon T, Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Mednick S. Perception of parent-child relationships in high-risk families and adult schizophrenia outcome of offspring. J Psychiatric Res 2002; 36: 41-47.
- Parnas J, Handest P. Phenomenology of anomalous self-experience in early schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry. In press.
- Osier MV, Pakstis AJ, Soodayll H, Comas D, Goldman D, Odunsi K, Okonoufa F, Parnas J, Schulz L, Bertranpetit J, Bonne-Tarmer B, Ku R-B, Kidd KR, Kidd KK. A global perspective on genetic variation in the ADH genes reveals unusual patterns of linkage disequilibrium and diversity. Am J Human Genetics. 2002; 71: 84-99.
- Vianin P, Posada A, Huhues E, Franck N, Bovet P, Parnas J, Jeannerod M. Reduced P300 amplitude in a visual recognition task in patients with schizophrenia. NeuroImage. In press.
- Parnas J, Carter J, Watson J, Urfer A, Mednick SA. Intellectual functioning and the long-term course of schizophrenia-spectrum illness. Archives of General Psychiatry. Submitted
- Jansson L, Handest P, Nielsen J, Sæbye D, Parnas J. Exploring boundaries of schizophrenia: a comparison of ICD-10 with other diagnostic systems. World Psychiatry. 2002, in press.
Original conceptual publications
- Parnas J, Gram L, Flachs H. Psychopharmacological aspects of antiepileptic treatment. In G. A. Kerkut & J. W. Philips (eds): Progress in Neurobiology vol. 15 no. 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, N.Y. 1980, pp. 119-138.
- Parnas J, Gram L. Aspectos psiquiatricos de la epilepsia. Actas Lusoespañolas de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Ciencias Afines 1985; 13: 329-338.
- Parnas J. Comment on "Stress and schizophrenia: A review", by Christopher Tennant. Integrative Psychiatry 1985; 3: 248-261.
- Parnas J. Risk factors in the development of schizophrenia: Contributions from a study of children of schizophrenic mothers 1986, Lægeforeningens Forlag, København. (doctoral dissertation).
- Parnas J. Risk factors in the development of schizophrenia: Contributions from a study of children of schizophrenic mothers. Danish Medical Bulletin 1986; 33: 127-133* (se ref. # B.4)
- Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Mednick SA, Teasdale TW, Schulsinger H. Heredity-environment interaction and schizophrenia. J Psychiat Res 1987; 21: 431-436.
- Parnas J. Therapeutic implications of the concept of autism: A phenomenological perspective (in Danish). Nordic J Psychiatry 1990; 44: 449 -455.
- Parnas J, Bovet P. Autism in schizophrenia revisited. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1991; 32: 1-15.
- Matthysse S, Parnas J. Extending the phenotype of schizophrenia: Implications for linkage analysis. J Psychiat Research 1992; 26: 329-344.
- Bovet P, Parnas J. Schizophrenic delusions: A phenomenological approach. Schizophrenia Bulletin 1993; 19: 579-597.
- Parnas J, Bovet P. Negative/positive symptoms of schizophrenia: Clinical and conceptual issues. Nordic J Psychiatry (suppl. 31) 1994; 48: 5-14.
- Parnas J. The concept of borderline conditions: a critical comment on validity issues. Acta Psychiatrica Scand (suppl. 379) 1994; 89: 26-31.
- Parnas J, Bovet P. Vulnerability to schizophrenia: Research implications. In: R. Fog, J. Gerlach, R. Hemmingsen (eds) Schizophrenia: An Integrated View. Alfred Benzon Symposium # 38, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1995; pp. 420-428.
- Parnas J, Bovet P. Research in psychopathology: Epistemological issues. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1995; 36: 167-181.
- Parnas J, Bovet P, Innocenti G. Schizophrenic trait features, binding and cortico-corticalconnectivity: a neurodevelopmental pathogenetic hypothesis. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 1996, 4: 185-196.
- Parnas J. The boundaries of the schizotypal disorders and schizophrenia. (Plenary Lecture). In J. Lopez-Ibor (ed) The Highlights of X-th World Congress of Psychiatry. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 1998.
- Mishara A, Parnas J, Naudin J. Forging the links between phenomenology, cognitive neuroscience and psychopathology. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1998. 11: 567-573
- Zahavi D, Parnas J. Phenomenal consciousness and self-awareness: A phenomenological critique of representational theory. Journal of Consciousness Studies 1998, 5: 687-705.
- Parnas J. From predisposition to psychosis: Progression of symptoms in schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica (Suppl. 395), 99: 20-29.
- Parnas J. On defining schizophrenia. In: World Psychiatric Association's series on Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry Vol. II: Schizophrenia, M. Maj, N Sartorius (eds). 1999; Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 43-45.
- Sass LA, Whiting J, Parnas J. Mind, self and psychopathology. Theory and Psychology. 2000; 10: 87-98.
- Parnas J, Zahavi D. The link: philosophy-phenomenology-psychopathology. In: D. Zahavi (ed) Exploring the Self: Psychopathological and Philosophical Perspectives on Self-awareness. Philadelphia, J Benjamin's Publishing Company, 2000, pp. 1-16.
- Parnas J. The Self and Intentionality in the pre-psychotic stages of schizophrenia: A phenomenologic study. In D. Zahavi (ed) Exploring the Self: Psychopathological and Philosophical Perspectives on Self-awareness. Philadelphia, J Benjamins Publishing Company, 2000, pp. 115-147.
- Parnas J. Genetics and psychopathology of spectrum phenotypes. Acta Psychiatrica Scand, 2000; 101: 413-415.
- Parnas J. Naturalizing phenomenology. J Consciousness Studies. 2001; 8: 69-71
- Parnas J, Zahavi D. The role of phenomenology in psychiatric classification and diagnosis. In M. Maj, W. Gaebel, JJ Lopez- Ibor, N. Sartorius (eds) Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification. World Psychiatric Association's series in Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2002; pp.137-162.
- Parnas J, Sass LA. Solipsism, self, and schizophrenic delusions. Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology. In press
- Sass LA, Parnas. Self, consciousness, and schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin. Submitted.
- Innocenti G, Ansermet F, Parnas J. Schizophrenia, neurodevelopment and corpus callosum. Molecular Psychiatry. In press.
- Parnas J, Bovet P. Autism and anomalous subjective experience in schizophrenia: clinical and research implications. World Psychiatry. In press
- Parnas J. Selbstsein und Affektivität. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, in press.
Review articles
- Parnas J, Flachs H, Gram L. Psychotropic effect of antiepileptic drugs. A review. Acta Neurol Scand 1979; 60: 329-343.
- Parnas J, Korsgaard S, Knop J. Visual hallucinations in blindness and pathological processes of the CNS. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 1981; 35: 358-359.
- Parnas J, Mednick S A, Moffit TE. Perinatal complications and adult schizophrenia. Trends in Neurosciences 1981; 4: 262-264.
- Gram L, Bendtsen KD, Parnas J, Flachs H. Controlled trials in epilepsy. A review. Epilepsia 1982; 23: 491-519.
- Gram L, Bendtsen K D, Parnas J, Flachs H. Review of controlled trials of antiepileptic drugs. British J Clin Pract 1982; Suppl 18: 159-163.* (see ref. # C.4)
- Parnas J, Korsgaard S. Epilepsy and psychosis. A review. Acta Psychiat Scand 1982; 66: 89-99.
- Mednick SA, Parnas J, Schulsinger F. The Copenhagen High-Risk Project. 1962-1986. Schizophrenia Bulletin 1987; 13: 485-495.
- Parnas J. Interaction des facteurs genetiques et d'environnement dans la schizophrenie. Entre Vues 1991; 17: 57-68.
- Parnas J, Mednick SA. Early predictors of onset and course of schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum. In H. Haefner & W.F. Gattaz (eds): Search for the Causes of Schizophrenia II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp. 34-47.
- Simonsen E, Parnas J. Personality research in Denmark. J. Personality Disorders 1993; 7: 187-195.
- Parnas J. High-risk studies: enquêtes longitudinales sur des enfants ou adolescents considérés à haut risque pour le développement de la schizophrénie. Lettre de la Schizophrénie, 1996; 4: 2-4
Congress publications and "non-original" book chapters
- Gram L, Flachs H, Würtz-Jørgensen A, Parnas J, Andersen B. Sodium valproate; relationship between serum level and therapeutic effect. A controlled study. In S. I. Johannesen et al. (eds): Antiepileptic therapy: Advances in drug monitoring. Raven Press, N.Y. 1980; pp 247-252.* (see ref. # A. 3)
- Gram L, Flachs H, Würtz-Jørgensen A, Parnas J. Sodium valproate, serum level and clinical effect in epilepsy. In J. A. Wada (ed): Proceedings of the 10th Epilepsy International Symposium. Raven Press, N.Y. 1980; pp 109-112. * (see ref. # A. 3)
- Gram L, Bendtsen K D, Parnas J, Flachs H. Clinical trials in epilepsy: Methods and results. In M. Dam et al. (eds): Advances in epileptology: XIIth Epilepsy International Symposium. Raven Press, N.Y. 1981; pp 105-112.* (see ref. # C.4).
- Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Schulsinger H, Teasdale T W, Mednick S A. Fattori rischio e predittiva. In C. L. Cazullo (ed): La schizofrenia in eta evolutiva. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, Roma 1984; pp 11-20.
- Schulsinger F, Parnas J, Schulsinger H, Teasdale TW, Mednick SA. Recent trends from nature- nurture research in schizophrenia. In N.C. Stefanis (ed): Schizophrenia: Recent Biosocial Developments. Human Sciences Inc. NY, 1988, pp. 39-53.
- Cannon TD, Mednick SA, Parnas J. Two pathways to schizophrenia in children at risk. In L. Robins & M. Rutter (eds): Straight and Devious Pathways from Childhood to Adulthood. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989, pp. 328-350* (see ref # A.25).
- Parnas J, Schulsinger F, Mednick SA. The Copenhagen high-risk study: major psychopathological and etiological findings. In E.R. Straube & K. Hahlweg (eds): Schizophrenia - Concepts, Vulnerability, and Intervention. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp 45 - 56.
- Schulsinger F, Parnas J. Risk factors in schizophrenia: Interaction between genetic liability and environmental factors. In: Recent Advances in Schizophrenia. A, Kales, C.N. Stefanis & A. Talbott (eds): Springer Verlag, New York, 1990, pp 117-129.
- Schulsinger F, Mednick S.A, Parnas J. An interactional approach to research in schizophrenia. In C.N. Stefanis, C.R. Soldatos & A.D. Rabavilas (eds): Psychiatry: A World Perspective Vol. 2. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990, pp. 53-65.
- Jacobsen B, Parnas J. 26 year follow up of children of schizophrenic mothers. In C.N. Stefanis, C.R. Soldatos & A.D. Rabavilas (eds): Psychiatry: A World Perspective Vol. 2. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990, pp 82 - 86.
- Parnas J. Schizophrenia: Etiological factors in the light of longitudinal high risk research. In E. Kringlen, N.J. Lavik & S. Torgersen (eds): Etiology of Mental Disorder. Vindern, Oslo, Norway, 1990, pp 49 - 61.
- Schulsinger F, Mednick, S.A., Parnas J. Ein interaktive Ansatz zur Untersuchung der Schizophrenie. In H. D. Brenner und W. Böker (eds.): Verlaufprozesse schizophrener Erkrankungen. Göttingen, Hans Huber Verlag, 1992, pp. 129-140.
- Parnas J, Jacobsen B, Schulsinger H. Diagnostic outcome in children of schizophrenic mothers and its relationship to diagnostic methodology. In F. P. Ferrero, A. Haynal, and N. Sartorius (eds.): Schizophrenia and Affective Psychoses. Nosology in Contemporary Psychiatry. Roma: John Libbey CIC, 1992, pp 237-245.
- Hemmingsen R, Parnas J, Sørensen T, Bolvig T, Gjerris A, Reisby N. (editors): Klinisk Psykiatri. (Clinical Psychiatry, a textbook) København, Munksgaard, 1994. (this is the new official Danish textbook of psychiatry, for both pre- and postgraduate students).
- Parnas J. Det skizofrene spektrum (The schizophrenia spectrum disorders). In Hemmingsen R, Parnas J, Sørensen T, Bolvig T, Gjerris A, Reisby N. (eds): Klinisk Psykiatri (Clinical Psychiatry, a textbook). København, Munksgaard, 1994, pp 33-100.
- Parnas J. Paranoide tilstande (Paranoid conditions). In Hemmingsen R, Parnas J, Sørensen T, Bolvig T, Gjerris A, Reisby N. (eds): Klinisk Psykiatri (Clinical Psychiatry, a textbook). København, Munksgaard, 1994, pp 101-114.
- Hemmingsen R, Parnas J. Det kliniske interview (The clinical interview). In Hemmingsen R, Parnas J, Sørensen T, Bolvig T, Gjerris A, Reisby N. (eds): Klinisk Psykiatri (Clinical Psychiatry, a textbook). København, Munksgaard, 1994, pp 551-576.
- Parnas J, Hemmingsen R. Psykopatologiske referencerammer og sygdomsopfattelse (Psychopathology: theoretical frameworks and concept of disease). In Hemmingsen R, Parnas J, Sørensen T, Bolvig T, Gjerris A, Reisby N. (eds): Klinisk Psykiatri (Clinical Psychiatry, a textbook). København, Munksgaard, 1994, pp 21-32.
- Parnas J. Basic disorder concept from the viewpoint of family studies in schizophrenia. In G. Gross (ed): Perspektiven psychiatrischer Forschung und Praxis. Stuttgart, Schattauer Verlag, 1994, pp 65-68.
- Parnas J, Cannon T, Schulsinger F, Mednick SA. Early predictors of onset and course of schizophrenia: Results from the Copenhagen High-Risk Study. In: H. Häfner & W.F. Gattaz (eds): Search for the Causes of Schizophrenia, Vol. III. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1995; pp. 67-86.
- Parnas J, Handest P. (eds.) Bonn Scale for the Assessment of Basic Symptoms (Bonner Skala für die Beurteilung von Basisymptomen, by G. Gross, G. Huber, J. Klosterkötter, M. Linz; authors). P. Handest, M. Handest (transl.). Copenhagen: Synthélabo Scandinavia A/S, 1995.
- Parnas J. Epistemological issues in psychiatric research. In S. Matthysse, D. Levy, J. Kagan and F.M. Benes (eds): Psychopathology: The Evolving Science of Mental Disorder. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996, pp. 511-538.
- Mednick SA et al (Parnas J) (15 authors) A two-hit model of the etiology of schizophrenia. In MF Lenzenweger & RH Dworkin (eds): Origins and Development of Schizophrenia. Advances in Experimental Psychopathology. Washington DC, American Psychological Association, 1998, pp 27-66.
- Parnas J. Phenomenology of schizophrenic autism. In M. Rossi & G. Stanghellini (eds.) Psicopatologia della schizophrenia. Prospettive metodologiche e cliniche., Milan, Rafaello Cortina Editore, 1999, pp. 137-152.
- Zahavi D, Parnas J. Phenomenal consciousness and self-awareness: A phenomenological critique of representational theory. In S. Gallagher & J. Shear (eds) Models of the Self. 1999, Imprint Academic, pp. 253-272. (* se ref. B 18).
- Hemmingsen R, Parnas J, Gjerris A, Reisby N, Kragh-Sørensen (red) Klinisk Psykiatri. 2 REVIDERET udgave. København, Munksgaard, 2000 (forfatter til kapitlerne vedr. det skizofrene spektrum og paranoide tilstande; medforfatter til kapitlet om psykiatrisk interview).
- Parnas J. Self-disorders in schizophrenia: a clinical perspective. In T. Kircher, A. David (eds). The Self and Schizophrenia: A Neuropsychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press, in press.
- Parnas J, Carter JW. High-risk studies and developmental hypothesis. In: Häfner H, F Resch F, (eds.) Risk and Protective factors in schizophrenia: Towards a conceptual disease model. Berlin, 2002, Springer Verlag. In press
Other publications
- m. fl., Parnas J. (arbejdsgruppen). Skizofreni. Hvad ved vi i dag ved om en af de alvorligste sindslidelser. København, PsykiatriFondens Forlag, 1997.
- Parnas J. New views on the psychopathology of schizophrenia. Current Approaches to Psychoses 1997; 6: 10-12.
- Parnas J, Parnas M. Hvad er mening med "mening"? Teoretiske vinkler på begrebet "mening". I R. Hemmingsen (ed) Menneskets Bevidsthed. København, Munksgaard, 1998, pp. 157-186.
- Parnas J. Skizofreni - sygdomsbegreb og -udvikling. I: Jørgensen P, Larsen K, Rosenbaum B (Red): Tidlig indsats ved skizofreni. København, FADL, 2000, pp. 11-22.