Personal profile

Short presentation

Literature is a resource to the change of society. When a society's power fields are closed, and the internal struggles are inert, the unavoidable critics must go elsewhere, and either losing relevance or vegetating until chinks occur to allowing critics to penetrate and influence.

In the 18th century France this is the situation and critics must seek to an emerging intellectual field.

Here non-accepted common sense is gathering together with opinions lacking legitimacy, e.g. from science because the field is so young that neither the delimitations nor doxa are settled.

The empiricism for the analysis is Voltaire's literary production – beyond traditional literary genres – and in his engagement in questions of philosophical or societal interest. He showed the characteristics the "intellectual", he was extremely productive with wide width and he had a very large French and European network.

Education/Academic qualification

MA, French, University of Copenhagen

Award Date: 20 Feb 2018

Business language, French, Copenhagen Business School

Award Date: 15 Jun 2000

Ph.D., Danmarks Tekniske Unversitet

Award Date: 15 Mar 1980

Engineer, chemistry, Danmarks Tekniske Unversitet

Award Date: 15 Jan 1976

External positions

SVP & Managing Director, Drug Information Association (DIA)

Jan 2013Dec 2015

CEO, Lægemiddelstyrelsen

Aug 2000Oct 2012

Director, Mercuri Urval


Director of department, Hovedstadens Trafikselskab (HT)


Consultant, Mercuri Urval


Director of department, Københavns Kommune


Expert, Miljøministeriet


Ph.D. fellow, Technical University of Denmark



  • Faculty of Humanities