Personal profile

Short presentation

Office hours are:

Danish and Comparative Politics students (DAK 1): Tuesdays after lectures in Chr Hansen. 

Mondays 8-9 via zoom Send an email to get password. 


I hold a cand.scient.pol. (MA) from 1999 and a PhD from 2003 from the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

I study parties and elections, currently in particular party membership, party organizational development, candidate recruitment and  the character, explanations and consequences of harassment, intimidation and violence in politics. 

Keywords: Political parties, party organizations, party membership, elections, campaigning, comparative methods, empirical analysis, parliament, party systems, political behavior, political communication, electoral systems, democracy, political violence, political recruitment.

I'm a member of the 'Danish and Comparative Politics' (DAC) core research group, as well as the 'Gender & Politics' research group and the Center for Voting and Parties (CVAP), which I coordinate. I sit on the Department’s Faculty board for the Gender & Politics research group. 

I have been study board chair 2022-2025, and will stand for election to continue in 2025-2028. 

I teach ‘Danish and Comparative Politics I' for our great first semester students and MA courses within my research fields. I supervise at all levels. 


Current research

Ongoing research projects

  • The Mental Load of Gender-based Anger in Politics. Financed by the University of Copenhagen. 2024-2025. Co-PI.
  • The Democratic Implications of Political Harassment and Sexism (DIPAS). Financed by the Danish Research Council. 2022-2025. PI.
  • Comparative Candidate Survey. Danish PI since 2018.
  • Political Parties Data Base (PPDB) led by Susan E. Scarrow, University of Texas, Paul Webb, Sussex University, and Thomas Poguntke (Duesseldorf). Danish PI since 2011.
  • Candidate surveys at municipal, regional and parliamentary elections. Co-PI with Kasper M. Hansen. Since 2011.
  • Online Harassment. Financed by Data+ University of Copenhagen. Co-PI with Hjalmar Bang Carlsen. 2022-2025.

Finished research projects since 2014

  • KV20 Harassment in local politics. 2020-2021. PI.
  • Members and Activist of Political Parties (MAPP) led by Emilie van Haute, ULB Brussels. 2010-2020. Danish PI.
  • Modern Party Membership (MOPA). 2010-2017. Financed by Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv. PI.
  • Youth party members. Financed by Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd. 2014-2018. PI.
  • EngageEU pilot study. Co-PI with Kristina Weissenbach. 2022.
  • Digitalization of political recruitment. Financed by University of Sydney and University of Copenhagen. Co-PI with Anika Gauja. 2018-2019.
  • Elections, parties and public opinion. Financed by the Universities of Copenhagen and Manchester. Co-PI with Marta Cantijoch, Ed Fieldhouse, and Kasper M. Hansen.
  • Nordic Party Membership Linkage, Co-PI with Knut Heidar, Oslo Universitet, and Marie Demker, Göteborg Universitet. 2016-2019.



  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Danish politics
  • Political parties
  • Referendums
  • The Danish parliament
  • Comparative methods
  • Empirisk analyse
  • Elections for parliament
  • Local elections
  • Parliaments
  • Partysystems
  • Political activism
  • Political communication
  • Elections
  • Electoral systems
  • Democracy
  • Eleciton campaigns

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or