Personal profile

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Ph.D. Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen

Professor Ecosystem Services and Functions

Research Director Ecosystems and Biomass Sciences

Study Director Nature Management - Landscape, Biodiversity and Planning


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CV Professor PhD. Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen


Affiliation: Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Faculty of Science,

University of Copenhagen.

E-mail: [email protected]

Personal home page:

Date of birth: June 1st, 1957.                 

Citizenship: Danish

Education: MSc. (Horticulture) 1984; Industrial PhD. 1986; PhD. (Forest Soil Science) 1991.



2011-             Professor (Ecosystems services and function), Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen.

2009-             Professor II (10% full professor), Forest Ecology, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway.

1996-2012     Director of Research, Forest &Landscape, University of Copenhagen (2004-2007 Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, 1996-2004 Forest and Landscape Research Institute).


Expert tasks and duties

2013-             Member of Academic Council, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

2011-             Study Director, MSc. Nature Management (Landscape, Biodiversity and Planning). 

2010-             Member of steering committee, Constructed Wetlands, HedeDanmark and Orbicon.

2010-             Member of Institute Study-committee (Chairman in 2012).

2007-             Member of the board, Museum of Forestry and Hunting.

2006-2011     Chairman of the board, REFOLA (Research School for Forest, Landscape and Planning).

2007-2010     Cost Action 639. Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use (BurnOut). Member of management committee.

2007-2010     COST Action 601. Forest Management and the Water Cycle (FORMAN). Member of management committee.

2006-2011     Member of the board, RECETO (a PhD. program on Environmental Chemistry, Microbiology and Toxicology.

2004-2006     Member of IUFRO Task Force “The Role of Forests in Carbon Cycles, Sequestration and Storage”.

2005              Member of evaluation committee of the Swedish Energy Agency’s 5-year research programme “Bioenergy and Environment” including more than 50 researchers.

2002-2005     Member of IUFRO Task Force “Water and Forests”.

2001-2008     Member of the board: Land use strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A Swedish research programme (65 mill. SEK).

1996-2003     Member of scientific advisory group, EU.

1994-1997     Member of Scientific committee "Terrestrial Environment, Groundwater and Air", Swedish Environmental Protection Board.

1994-1997     Danish representatives in "Forest soil expert panel", ECE/EU.

1990-             Journal referee (European Journal of Soil Science, Forest Ecology and Management, Applied Geochemistry, Environmental Pollution, Geoderma, Environmental Science and Technology, Annals of Forest Science, Water Management, Global Change Biology, Ecology and Society).



Teaching and Supervision

2012-             Responsible together with Prof. Henrik Vejre for the course: Landscape and Restoration Ecology.

2011-             Scientific supervisor of formal post doc teaching training module.

2005-             Responsible together with Prof. Bo Larsen for the 15 ECTS credit Thematic course: Ecology and Management of Forest and Nature.

2005-             Contributor to the course: Land-use, element cycling and environmental impacts.


Ph.D. students ongoing:

  • Petros Georgiadis. Environmental consequences of intensive biomass production
  • Anders Tærø Nielsen. Short rotation coppice biomass - production optimization and environmental impact.                
  • Seid Muhle Dawud. Functional Forest biodiversity effects on Soil C and N: impacts of pure versus mixed trees stands of most common European tree species.


Ph.D. students finalised:

2012              Lisbeth Sevel. Short rotation willow on agricultural soils in Denmark.

2011              Mette Overballe Petersen. Succession and anthropogenic impact in Denmark – nature or culture?

2011              Hreinn Oscarsson. The effect of nutrient application on tree seedlings during afforestation in Iceland.

2008              Lise Dalsgaard. Transpiration and water budgets of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) dominated beech stands in relation to canopy structure

2003              Ingeborg Callesen. Transfer functions for carbon sequestration, nitrogen retention and nutrient release capability in forest soils based on soil texture classification

2002              Martin K. Andersen. The effect of afforestation on heavy metal mobilisation and retention in soil

1997              Lars Vesterdal. Forest floors as affected by tree species, thinning intensity, and soil properties. Chemistry, element contents, and rates of turnover.


Ph.D. evaluation

2008              Chairman of committee, University of Copenhagen

2000              Member of committee, University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

1998              Member of committee, Technical University of Denmark

1997              Chairman of committee, Royal Veterinary and AgriculturalUniversity, Copenhagen.


Recent and major projects

2013-             Ecological restoration of upper River Øle Å and nearby landscapes, Bornholm Denmark. Financed by Velux Foundations. Co-coordinator.

2013-             EvRest – Evaluation of Ecological restoration in the North. Danish PI. Financed by Nordic Council of Ministers.

2012-             BIORESOURCE - Increasing the biomass resource, its quality and sustainability. Financed by The Strategic Research Council. Member of core group.

2012-             Consequences of large scale bioenergy production in Denmark on biodiversity, forestry, and agriculture in the context of sustainable development. Financed by Velux foundation, Denmark. Work package leader and member of core-group.

2012-2013     Evaluation of Biodiversity in Danish Forests. Ministry of the Environment, member of steering committee.

2010-             FunDivEUROPE - Functional significance of forest biodiversity in Europe. EU FP7 financed research project focussing on the functional role of biodiversity. PI, Task leader.  

2009-2012     RENO – Restoration of damaged ecosystems in the Nordic countries. A Nordic network of restoration researchers. Danish PI. Financed by Nordic Council of Ministers.

2008-             Ecological consequences of increased biomass removal from forests in Norway. Financed by Research Council of Norway.

2006-             Forest Monitoring in Denmark. Member of steering committee.

2004-2010     Eforwood - Tools for Sustainability Impact Assessment of the Forestry-Wood Chain. Integrated Project financed by EU FP6. Work package leader (Environmental Services).

2002-2008     Wildlife and Landscape, project 4: Forestry operation and landscape management in relation to the interests of game. I was overall project responsible and member of the programme steering committee, but not active part of research. Financed by Forest and Nature Agency.

2000-2003     ”Forest stand structures and water balance, micro climate and growth”. Project leader. Financed by Danish Research Council.

1999-2005     Wood-en-Man – Wood for Energy, a contribution to the development of sustainable forest management. Financed by EU FP5. Coordinator for the entire project, work package leader (soil effects).

1998-2001     Research program: Structures, processes and dynamics of natural forests - a reference for nature-based forestry. Responsible for biogeochemistry and member of core group. Financed by Danish Research Council.

1998-2002     Nature-based management of beech in Europe - a multifunctional approach to forestry. Work package leader. Financed EU FP4.

1996-2000     MEMO - Effects of afforestation of agricultural land on heavy metalmobility in soil.

Work package leader. Financed by EU FP4.

1995-1999     Nordic soil database project: Effects of climate change and air pollution on soil carbon and nitrogen stores and on forest productivity. Project leader. Financed by Nordic Council of Ministers.



My list of publication contains: 44 refereed journal papers of which 35 are indexed in ICI and 4 are in review; 5 scientific book chapters; 79 other scientific papers and reports; 836 ICI citations, H-index=17 (unique ICI search by use of Raulund*). 


List of Publications

Professor Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen


Scientific journal publications (referee system)

  1. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1989. Aluminium contamination and other changes of acid soil solution isolated by means of porcelain suction-cups. Journal of Soil Science, 40, 95-101.
  2. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1989. Effects of artificial acid rain and liming on the base status in an acid forest (Picea abies (L), Karst.) soil (typic haplohumod). Scandinavi­an Journal of Forest Research, 4, 417-425.
  3. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1989. Porcelain cups as a source of error in soil acidification studies. Meddelelser fra Norsk Institut for Skogforskning, 42, 95-100.
  4. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1991. Aluminium contamination of acid soil solution isolated by means of porcelain suction-cups: A reply to a paper by Hughes & Reynolds (1990) and an inter­pretation of aluminium release. Journal of Soil Science, 42, 271-276.
  5. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1991. Soil acidity and soil acidifica­tion, fundamental concepts and status for five Danish forest soils. Folia Geographica Danica, Tom. XIX, 70-82.
  6. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1993. Pedological and mineralogical characterization of five Danish forest soils. Forest & Landscape Research, 1, 9-33.
  7. Hansen, H.C.B., Raben-Lange, B., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., & Borggaard, O.K., 1994. Monosilicate adsorption by ferrihydrite and goethite at pH 3-6. Soil Science, 158, 40-46.
  8. Hansen, H.C.B., Wetche, T.P., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., & Borggaard, O.K., 1994. Stability constants for silicate adsorbed to ferrihydrite. Clay Minerals, 29, 341-350.
  9. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Vejre, H., 1995. Effect of tree species and soil properties on nutrient immobilization in the forest floor. Plant and Soil, 168-169, 345-352.
  10. Vesterdal, L., Dalsgaard, M., Felby, C., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., & Jørgensen, B.B., 1995. Effect of thinning and soil properties on accumulation of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the forest floor of Norway spruce stands. ­Forest Ecology and Management, 77, 1-10.
  11. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Borggaard, O.K., Hansen, H.C.B., & Olsson, M., 1998. Effect of natural organic soil solutes on weathering rates of soil minerals. European Journal of Soil Science, 49, 397-406.
  12. Vesterdal, L. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1998. Chemical properties and element contents of forest floors as effected by seven tree species and a fertility gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 28, 1636 - 1647.
  13. Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Gundersen, P. & Stryhn H., 1999. Nitrate concentration in soil solution below Danish forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 114, 71-82
  14. van der Salm, C., de Vries, W. Olsson, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1999. Impacts of atmospheric deposition, nutrient cycling and soil weathering on the long-term sustainability of nine forest ecosystems. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 109, 101-135.
  15. Ingerslev, M., Mäkönen, E., Nilsen, P., Nohrstedt, H.-Ö., Oskarson, H. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Main findings and future challenges in forest nutritional research and management in the Nordic countries. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 6, 488-501.
  16. Skyllberg, U., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Borggaard, O. K., 2001. pH buffering in acidic soils developed under Picea abies and Quercus robur - effects of soil organic matter, adsorbed cations and soil solution ionic strength. Biogeochemistry, 56, 51-74.
  17. Strobel, B.W, Hansen, H.C.B., Borggaard, O.K., Andersen, M.K. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Cadmium and copper release rates from unpolluted soil. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 1233-1242.
  18. Strobel, B.W, Hansen, H.C.B., Borggaard, O.K., Andersen, M.K. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Composition and reactivity of DOC in forest floor soil solutions in relation to tree species and soil type. Biogeochemistry, 56, 1-26.
  19. Vejre, H., Ingerslev, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Fertilization of Danish forests: A review of experiments. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 6, 502-513.
  20. Andersen, M.K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Strobel, B.W. & Hansen, H.C.B., 2002. Evaluation of PTFEporous cups soil solution samples for heavy metal monitoring. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31, 168-175.
  21. Andersen, M.K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Strobel, B.W. & Hansen, H.C.B., 2002. Heavy metal distribution and fractionation in pairs of arable and afforestated soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 53, 491-502.
  22. Andersen, M.K. Rebsgaard, A., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Strobel, B.W. & Hansen, H.C.B., 2002. Content, distribution, and solubility of cadmium in arable and forest soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 66, 1829-1835.
  23. Vesterdal, L. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2002. Availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in norway spruce forest floors fertilized with nitrogen and other essential nutrients. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34, 1243-1251.
  24. Callesen, I., Liski, J., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Olsson, M.T., Tau-Strand, L., Vesterdal, L. & Westman, C.J. 2003. Soil carbon stores in Nordic well-drained forest soils – relationsships with climate and texture class. Global change biology. 9, 358-370.
  25. Vejre, H., Callesen, I. Vesterdal, L.& Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2003. Carbon and Nitrogen in Danish forest soils - soil type determined contents and distribution. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 67, 335-343.
  26. 26.    Andersen, M.K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Strobel, B.W. & Hansen, H.C.B., 2004.  The effect of tree species on the solubility of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Ni in soils. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 154, 357-370.
  27. 27.    Callesen, I. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. , 2004. Base cation, aluminium, and phosphorus release potential in Danish forest soils. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 176, 169-176.
  28. Jönsson, A.M., Ingerslev, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2004. Frost sensitivity and nutrient status in a fertilized norway spruce stand in Denmark. Forest Ecology and Management. 201, 199-209.
  29. 29.    Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Lazdins A. & Pärn, H. 2005. Nutrient release capability in sandy parent material in Baltic and Danish forest soils. Forestry Studies. 42, 58-65.
  30. Strobel, B.W. Hansen, H.C.B., Borggaard, O.K. Andersen, M.K. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2005. Dissolved organic carbon and decreasing pH mobilize cadmium and copper. European Journal of Soil Science. 56, 189-196.
  31. 31.    Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Jørgensen, B.B. & Kvist-Johansen, V. 2006. Growth of beech, oak, and four conifer species along a soil fertility gradient. Baltic Forestry. 12, 14-22.
  32. 32.    Gundersen, P., Schmidt, I.K. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2006. Leaching of nitrogen from temperate forests – effects of air pollution and forest management.Environmental Reviews. 56, 1-57.
  33. 33.    Oskarsson, H., Sigurgeirsson, A. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2006, Survival, growth and nutrition of tree seedlings fertilized at planting on andisol soils in Iceland: six years results. Forest Ecology and Management. 229, 88-97.
  34. Callesen I., Ingerslev, M., & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2007.Dissolution of granulated wood ash examined by in situ incubation – effects of tree species and soil type. Biomass and Bioenergy  31, 693-699.
  35. 35.    Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Westman, C.J., & Tau-Strand, L. 2007. Nitrogen pools and Carbon:Nitrogen ratios in Nordic well drained forest soils. Boreal Environment Research. 12, 681-692.
  36. 36.    Stupak, I.; Asikainen A.; Jonsell, M.; Karltun, E.; Lunnan A.; Mizaraite D.; Pasanen, K.; Pärn, H.; Raulund-Rasmussen, K.; Röser, D. Schroeder, M.; Varnagiryt, I.; Vilkriste, L.; Callesen, I.; Clarke, N.; Gaitnieks, T.; Ingerslev, M.;  Mandre, M.; Ozolincius, R.; Saarsalmi, A.; Armolaitis, K.; Helmisaari, H.;  Indriksons, A.; Kairiukstis, A.; Katzensteiner, K.; Kukkola, M.; Ots K.; Ravn, H.P. & Tamminen, P. 2007. Sustainable utilisation of forest biomass for energy—Possibilities and problems: Policy, legislation, certification, and recommendations and guidelines in the Nordic, Baltic, and other European countries. Biomass and Bioenergy, 31. 666-684.
  37. Jensen, J.K.; Rasmussen, L.H.; Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Borggaard, O.K. 2008. Influence of soil properties on the growth of sycamore (Acer Pseudoplatanus L.) in Denmark. European Journal of Forest Research. 127, 263-274.
  38. Sevel,L., Hansen,H.C.B. & Raulund-Rasmussen,K. 2009. Mass Balance of Cadmium in Two Contrasting Oak Forest Ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38, 93-102.
  39. Duncker,P.H., Raulund-Rasmussen,K., Gundersen,P., De Jong,J., Katzensteiner,K., Ravn,H.P. Eckmuellner,O & Spiecker,H.. 2012. How forest management affects ecosystem services including timber production and economic return: Synergies and trade-offs. Ecology and Society. 17, 50.
  40. Sevel,L., Nord-Larsen, T. & Raulund-Rasmussen,K. 2012. Biomass production of four different clones of short rotation willow coppice grown on two soil types in Denmark. Biomass and Bioenergy, 46, 664-672.
  41. Hagen.D., Svavarsdottir, K., Nilsson, K., Tolvanen, A., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Aradóttir, A.L., Fosaa, A.M. & Halldórsson, G.  A regional assessment of ecosystem restoration: A case study on the Nordic countries. Ecology and Society. In review.  
  42. Lessons from the past: Insights from Palaeoecology to forest management and conservation. Overballe-Petersen, MV, Raulund-Rasmussen, K; Buttenschøn, RM & Bradshaw, RHW. Biodiversity and Conservation. In review.
  43. Thomasen, J., Frandsen, IS. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Restoration of Danish nature: How does actions co-financed by EU (LIFE-Nature) fit with the principles of restoration ecology?  Ecology and Society, In review.
  44. A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of forest tree diversity in Europe. Baeten L, Verheyen K, Wirth C, Bruelheide H, Bussotti F, Finér L, Jaroszewicz B, Selvi F, Valladares F, Allan E, Ampoorter E, Auge H, Avacari¿ei D, Barbaro L, Barnoaiea I, Bauhus J, Beinhoff C, Benavides R, Benneter A, Berger S, Berthold F, Boberg J, Bonal D, Brüggemann W, Carnol M, Castagneyrol B, Charbonnier Y, Checko  E, Coomes D, Coppi A, Dalmaris E, Danila G, Dawud S.M., de Vries W, De Wandeler H, Deconchat M, Domisch T, Duduman G, Fischer M, Fotelli M, Gimeno T.E., Granier A, Grossiord C, Guyot V, Hantsch L, Hattenschwiler S, Hector A, Hermy M, Holland  V, Jactel H, Koricheva J, Lexer M, Müller S, Muys B, Nguyen D, Nichiforel L, Paine T.C.E., Pollastrini M, Radoglou K, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Ruiz Benito P, Stenlid J, Vesterdal L, von Wilpert  K, Zavala M.A., Scherer-Lorenzen M. In Review.
  45. Sevel,L., Ingerslev,M., Jørgensen,U., Nord-Larsen,T. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Fertilization of SRC willow: Part I: The response in biomass production from mineral fertilizer, animal manure and sewage sludge fertilization. Global Change Biology, Bioenergy, manuscript. To be submitted.
  46. Sevel L., Holm PE., Ingerslev M., Jørgensen U., Nord-Larsen T. & Raulund-Rasmussen K. Fertilization of SRC willow: Part II: Soil water leaching and nutrient balance response from inorganic fertilizer, animal manure and sewage sludge application. Global Change Biology, Bioenergy, manuscript.
  47. Sevel, L.; Nord-Larsen, T. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Biomass production in commercial grown SRC willow in Denmark and factors affecting growth. Biomass and Bioenergy. Manuscript.
  48. Raulund-Rasmussen,K. & Larsen J.B.  Forest Restoration in Denmark: Does close-to-nature forest management realize the principles of ecological restoration? Ecology and Society, Manuscript.



Scientific books and book chapters

  1. Vose, J.M., Geron, C., Walker, J. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2005 Restoration effects on N cycling pools and processes. In: Stanturf, J. & Madsen, P. (eds.). Restoration of Temperate and Boreal Forests. CRC Press. 77-94.
  2. Hahn, K., Emborg, J., Vesterdal, L., Christensen, S., Bradshaw, R.H., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., & Larsen, J.L. 2007. Natural forest stand dynamics in time and space – a synthesis of research in Suserup Skov, Denmark. Ecological Bulletin, 52, 183-194.
  3. Lunnan,A., Stupak,I., Asikainen,A. & Raulund-Rasmussen,K. 2008. Introduction to sustainable utilisation of forest energy. In: Sustainable use of forest biomass for energy. A synthesis with focus on the Baltic and Nordic regioun (eds D.Röser et al.), pp. 1-7. Springer, Dordrecht.
  4. Pasanen,K., Stupak,I., Röser,D., Asikainen,A. & Raulund-Rasmussen,K. 2008. Enertree - decision support tool to analyse forest biomass extraction scenarios. In: Sustainable use of forest biomass for energy. A synthesis with focus on the Baltic and Nordic regioun (eds D.Röser et al.), pp. 235-256. Springer, Dordrecht.
  5. Raulund-Rasmussen,K., Stupak,I., Clarke,N., Callesen,I., Helmisaari,H.-S., Karltun,E. & Varnagiryte-Kabasinskiene,I. 2008. Effects of very intensive forest biomass harvesting on short and long term site productivity. In: Sustainable use of forest biomass for energy. A synthesis with focus on the Baltic and Nordic region (eds D.Röser et al.), pp. 29-78. Springer, Dordreecht.



  1. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1986. Effekten af kunstig sur nedbør på basestatus i en sur skovjord og kalknings virkning på eventuelle skader i skovøko­systemet som følge af dettes forsuring. Rapport over erhvervsforsker-uddannelse. Akademi­et for de Tekniske Viden­skaber, 168pp.
    1. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1989. Karakterisering af aluminiumspecies reaktivitet i jordvæske, Al(III)-citrat, Al(III)-Tiron og Al(III)-EDTA systemerne ved hjælp af kation om­bytterresin. Støttefagsop­gave til Ph.D. uddannelse ved Kemisk Institut, K.V.L., 39 pp.
    2. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1991. Jordbundsforsuring i relation til mineralforvitring i skovjorde. Ph.D. Diss.



Other scientific publications

  1. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Petersen L., 1987. Arealanvendelse og jordbundsudvik­ling - jordbundsudvikling ved marginalisering af sandede jorde. Teknikerrapport, 10, Marginaljorde og Mil­jøinteresser, 122pp. Skov- og Naturstyrelsen.
    1. Petersen, L. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1987. Jordbundsudvikling under ager og nåleskov. Geografisk Tidsskrift, 87, 65-67.
  2. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1989. Effects of artificial acid rain and liming on the base status in an acid forest soil. Meddelelser fra Norsk Institut for Skovforskning, 42, 177-178.
  3. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Morsing, M. & Leth, S., 1990. Vekselvirk­ning mellem jordbund og skovbevoksning­. Ugeskrift for Jord­brug, 135, 49-53.
  4. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Larsen, J.B., 1990. Jordbundsforsuringens årsager og virkninger i skove - med særlig henblik på effekten af luftforu­rening og skov­dyrknings­praksis. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidsskrift, 75, 1-41.
  5. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1991. Cation release due to chemical weathering of soil minerals. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning. Rapporter och meddelanden, 69.
  6. Raulund-Rasmuusen, K. & Borggaard, O.K., 1991. Grundvand under skovene. Ugeskrift for Jordbrug, 136, 838-841.
  7. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Jørgensen, K.L. & Borggaard, O.K., 1993. Mobilization of calcium, magnesium and potassium due to dis­solved organic carbon induced chemical weat­hering. Poster præsenta­tion ved "8th North American Forest Soil Conference", Florida maj 1993.
  8. Larsen, J.B., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Saxe, H., & Skjoldby, N., 1993. "Røde  rødgraner" - systemøkologiske aspekter. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidskrift, 78, 163-175.
  9. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Gundersen, P., & Vesterdal, L., 1994. Jordbund, humus og skovdyrkning. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidskrift, 79, 281-291.
  10. Borggaard, O.K. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1995. Weathering processes and rates in relation to acidification and vulnerability of forest ecosystems in northern Europe. Final EU-report.
  11. Callesen, I., Thorman, A., & Raulund-Rasmussen, K.,1996. Nitratkoncentrationen i jordvæske under danske skove. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidskrift,. 81, 73-94.
  12. Hansen, K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Gundersen, P. (eds.), 1996. Skovdriftens effekter på dyrkningsgrundlag, grund- og overfladevand. Skovbrugsserien, Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, 18, 79pp.
  13. Gundersen, P., Emmett, B.A., Kjønaas, O.J., Tietema, A. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1997. Nitrate leaching from European forests. Journal of Conference Abstacts, 2(2), 189.
  14. Larsen, J.B. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1997. Træartsvalget og en bæredygtig udvikling af skoven. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidsskrift, 82, 8-26.
  15. Ingerslev, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1998. Diagnostic foliage analysis of Norway spruce. In: Hansen, K. (Ed.), Monitoring Forest Damage in the Nordic Countries 1998. Proceedings from a combined SNS Ad hoc group meeting on Monitoring of Forest Damage and the 4th - 17th June 1998, Denmark. Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, Hoersholm, pp. 27-31.
  16. Andersen, M.K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Strobel, B.W. & Hansen, H.C.B., 1999. Evaluation of poly(tetraflouroethene) porous cup soil solution samplers for heavy metal monitoring. In: Wenzel, W.W., Adriano, D.C., Alloway, B, Doner, H.E., Keller, C., Lepp M Mench, N.W., Naidu, R. & Pierzynski, G.M. (eds.), Proceedings of extended abstracts, 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Vienna, Austria, p. 830-831.
  17. Strobel, B.W., Hansen, H.C.B., Andersen, M.K., & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1999. DOC induced release of cadmium and copper from soil. In: Wenzel, W.W., Adriano, D.C., Alloway, B., Doner, H.E., Keller, C., Lepp M. Mench, N.W., Naidu, R. & Pierzynski, G.M. (eds.), Proceedings of extended abstracts, 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Vienna, Austria, p. 372-373.
  18. Callesen, I., Liski, J., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Alriksson, A., Olsson, M.T., Tau-Strand, L., Vesterdal, L. Westman, C.J. & Abrahamsen, G., 2000. Carbon storage in forest soils in the Nordic countries - effect of climate and soil type. In: Apps, M.J. & Marsden, J. (eds.) The role of boreal forests and forestry in the global carbon budget, Abstracts from IBFRA conference, Edmonton, Canada.
  19. Ingerslev, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2000. Nutrient status for fertilization of Danish Norway spruce ecosystems - previous results and future aspects. http\
  20. Larsen, J.B., Jakobsen, M., Raulund-Rasmussen, K, Kjær, E.D. Agger, P. & Jensen, T.S., 2000. Den økologiske basis for bæredygtig skovdrift. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidsskrift, 85,  171-188.
  21. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2000.  Udnyttelse af skovene til grundvandsbeskyttelse. Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi, 187, 136-141.
  22. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Gundersen, P., 2000. Forest management induced leaching of nitrogen from temperate forests. In. Forest and Society: The role of research. Abstracts of group discussions. IUFRO World Congress Organising Commitee, 393.
  23. Andersen, M.K., Strobel, B.W., Hansen, H.C.B. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. The effect of tree species on the solubility of Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils. ICOBTE, Canada.
  24. Emborg, J., Larsen, J.B., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Rune, F., 2001. Hvad er naturskov. Forslag til revideret terminologi. Skoven, 33 292-296.
  25. Ingerslev, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K.,  2001. Gødskningsforsøg i dansk skovbrug - fortid, nutid og fremtid. Skoven, 33, 358-361.
  26. Madsen, E.M., Jensen, F.A., Madsen, P.A., Norup, P., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Skov, J., Thorsen, B.J. & Madsen, P., 2001. Kulturmanifest 2001 - plantning. Skoven, 33, 1-12 (tillæg til nr. 6/7).
  27. Ritter, E., Vesterdal, L. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Biogeochemical processes in gaps in temperate deciduous forests. Poster presented at the Gordon Conference, USA.
  28. Saxe, H., Freeman, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Gødskning kan påvirke rødgrans vandforbrug. Skoven, 33, 240-243.
  29. Strobel, B.W., Borggaard, O.K., Hansen, H.C. B., Andersen, M.K. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Dissolved organic compounds in forest floor soil solutions. 8th Nordic IHSS Symposium on Humic Substances – Characterisation, Dynamics, Transport and Effects. Frederiksberg.
  30. Andersen, M.K, Hansen, H.C.B. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2002. Skovrejsning og cadmiumudvaskning. Vand og Jord, 9, 103-106.
  31. Callesen, I., Ingerslev, M., Johannsen, V. K. and Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2002. Manipulating the nutrient status of Danish Norway spruce forest ecosystems. Poster and poster abstract. In Björk, L. (Ed.), 2002. Sustainable Forestry in Temperated Regions. Proceedings of the SUFOR International Workshop April 7-9, 2002 in Lund, Sweden. Reports in ecology and environmental engineering, Lund University, Sweden. Report 1:2002: 156.
  32. Ingerslev, M., Callesen, I., Johannsen V. K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2002. A synthesis of 55 Danish Norway spruce fertilizer experiments: Correlations between growth response, changes in foliar nutrient concentrations and soil chemistry. Poster and poster abstract. Final meeting of FAIR CT98-4124 RECOGNITION "Causes and consequences of increased forest growth in Europe", 28.8.2002 Copenhagen, Denmark. A side event of the IUFRO conference "Forestry Serving Urbanised Societies". In Konijnendijk, C. C. and Hoyer, K. K. (Ed.), 2002. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Supplement (2002): 80.
  33. Vesterdal, L., Jørgensen, F.V., Callesen, I. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2002. Skovjordes kulstoflager – sammenligning med agerjorde og indflydelse af intensiveret biomasseudnyttelse. DJF rapport, markbrug 72, 14-28.
  34. Callesen, I. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K.2003. Carbon and nitrogen pools and C:N ratios in nordic well drained forest soils. Poster at Conference: Towards the sustainable use of Europe’s forest. Abstract book, 83. Tours France.
  35. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2003. Forest management induced leaching of nitrogen form temperate forests. Presentation at Conference: Towards the sustainable use of Europe’s forest. Abstract book, 12. Tours France.
  36. Pedersen, L.B., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Riis-Nielsen, T. 2003. Afforestation in Denmark: Effect of weed control on nutrient leaching and growth response. Poster presentation at Workshop in Davos. In Peterson, C., Gadow, K.v. & Kräuchi, N. (eds). Large scale field experiements. 249. Davos, WSL and IUFRO.
  37. Ingerslev, M., Møller, I.S., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Johansen, V.K. & Callesen, I. 2003. Correlations between foliar nutrient concentrations, growth and soil chemistry. In. Nielsen, P. (ed). Proceedings from a Nordic – Baltic workshop on forest nutrion dynamics and management. Aktuelt fra Skogsforskningen, 8, 15-19.
  38. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Hansen. K. (eds) 2003. Grundvand fra skove – muligheder og problemer. Skovbrugsserien 34, 122pp.
  39. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Andersen, M.K. & Hansen, H.C.B. 2003.Forsuring og mobilisering af metaller, specielt cadmium ved skovrejsning. I. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Hansen. K. (eds) 2003. Grundvand fra skove – muligheder og problemer. Skovbrugsserien 34, 61-68.
  40. Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Clarke, N., Lazdins, A. & Varnagiryte, I. 2005. Base cation release capability in 23 Nordic and Baltic forest soils by dilute nitric acid extraction. Poster presentation ved Acid Rain, Praha.
  41. Pedersen, L.B., Riis-Nielsen, & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2005. Skovrejsning ved Nørager – natur-og miljøeffekter. Dansk Vand, 73, 190-195.
  42. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2005. Vand i og fra skove. In: Baardsen, S., Usenius, A., Fröblom, J., Berg S., Högbom, L., Thorsen, J.B. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. (eds). Verdikjeder i skogsektoren. Rapport til Nordisk Samforskning. 74-78.
  43. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Carnus, J.M. Senerby-Forsse, L. 2005. Forest and water and biodiversity. Presentation at IUFRO-Congress, Brisbane Australia. In press.
  44. Raulund-Rasmussen, K.; Katzensteiner, K.; Klimo, E.; Loustau, D.; Gundersen, P.; Humphrey, J. and De Jong, J. 2006.  State of the art report on operational defined indicators to assess impacts of management on key EU forest environmental services including carbon sequestration, protection of water quantity and quality, maintenance of soil fertility, biodiversity conservation. Internal Eforwood Report (PD2.2.1).
  45. Raulund-Rasmussen, K (Ed).; Hansen, K.(Ed); Katzensteiner, K.;  Loustau, D.; de Jong, J.; Gundersen, P.; Humphrey, J.W.; Ravn, H.P and Klimo, E. 2007. Synthesis report on impact of forest management on environmental services. Internal Eforwood Report (PD2.2.2.2).
  46. Seid, M, Vesterdal, Raulund-Rasmusen, K., 2012. Mixed species nutritional interaction: Soil C, N and pH in adjacent stands of european beech and douglas-fir. Eurosoil 2012.
  47. Halldorsson, G., Aradottir, A.L., Fosaa, A.M., Hagen, D., Nilsson, C., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Skrindo, A.B., Svavarsdottir, K. & Tolvanen, A. 2012. Restoration of damaged ecosystems in the Nordic Countries. Norden.


 Materials for education and dissemination to forestry practise

  1. Borggaard, O.K., Hansen, H.C.B., Møberg, J.P., Petersen, L. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1992. Teoretiske øvelser i Geologi og Jordbundslære. 1. udgave, Kemisk Insitut, K.V.L., København, 21 pp.
  2. Borggaard, O.K., Hansen, H.C.B., Møberg, J.P., Petersen, L. & Raulund-Rasmus­sen, K., 1993. Pedologi, teoretiske øvelser. 1. udgave, Kemisk Insitut, K.V.L., Køben­havn, 56 pp.
  3. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Callesen, I. Thorman, A. & Østergård, H.S., 1995 Kvælstofudvaskning fra de danske skove. Skov & Landskabskonferencen, 41-43, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  4. Ingerslev, M., Pedersen, L. B., & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1997. Stofkredsløb i de danske skove, Mangan (Mn). Videnblad, Skovbrug, 8.5-5, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  5. Pedersen, L. B., & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1997. Stofkredsløb i de danske skove, Fosfor (P). Videnblad, Skovbrug, 8.5-5, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  6. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1997. Forstlig lokalitetskortlægning og træartsvalget. Skov & Landskabskonferencen, 67-68, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  7. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1998. Gødskningens rolle i et bæredygtigt skovbrug 1998. Skov & Landskabskonferencen, 45-50, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  8. Ingerslev, M. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 1999. Kalkning og vitalitetsgødskning i Sverige. Skoven, 31, 224-225.
  9. Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Larsen, J.B., 1999. Træarternes krav til jordbunden. Introduktion. Videnblad, Skovbrug, 3.2-6, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  10. Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Larsen, J.B., 1999. Træarternes krav til jordbunden. Løvtræer. Videnblad, Skovbrug, 3.2-7, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  11. Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Callesen, I., & Larsen, J.B., 1999. Træarternes krav til jordbunden. Nåletræer. Videnblad, Skovbrug, 3.2-8, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  12. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Callesen, I., 1999. Bøgens fordringer til voksestedet. Videnblad, Skovbrug, 3.2-9, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  13. Callesen, I. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2000. Rødgranens fordringer til voksestedet. Videnblad, Skovbrug, 3.2-10, Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm.
  14. Nielsen, T., Callesen, I. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Askens fordringer til voksestedet. Videnblad, Skovbrug, 3.2-14.
  15. Møller, I. S. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K., 2001. Bæredygtig udnyttelse af biomasse. Skov og Landskabskonferencen, 61-67. Center for Skov, Landskab og Planlægning (FSL). Hørsholm.
  16. Møller, I. S., Callesen, I., Dreyer, T., Heding, N., Ingerslev, M., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. and Ravn, H. P., 2002: Bæredygtig udnyttelse af træ til energi - nyt internationalt projekt (In Danish), Skov & Landskabskonferencen. 197-198.Center for Skov, Landskab og Planlægning, Hørsholm.
  17. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2003. Vand fra skove – muligheder og problemer. Skov og Landskabskonferencen, 49-54. Center for Skov, Landskab og Planlægning. Hørsholm.
  18. Larsen, J.B., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Callesen, I. 2005. Træartsvalget – de enkelte træarters økologi. In Larsen J.B. (Ed). Naturnær Skovdrift. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidsskrift. 90, 139-169.
  19. Larsen J.B. & Raulund-Rasmussen, K. 2008. Naturnær naturdrift. Skov og Landskabskonferencen. Skov& Landskab.
  20. Raulund-Rasmusen, K. & Jørgensen, T. 2009. Fra Vandplan til Handleplan. Skov og Landskabskonferencen. Skov & Landskab.
  21. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. Andersen, M.K. Hansen, H.C.B. & Hansen, K. 2009. Skovrejsning og Cd-udvaskning. Videnblad Skovbrug 4.0-5.
  22. Madsen, P.  Gamborg, C., Lund, D.H., Thorsen B.J., Raulund-Rasmussen K., 2010. Erfaringer med vildsvineforvaltning i Sverige og Tyskland. Skov & Landskab, Københavns Universitet.
  23. Madsen, P., Lund, D.H., Thorsen, B.J., Gamborg, C. & Raulund Rasmussen, K. 2010 Erfaringer med vildsvin i Sverige og Tyskland - set i et dansk perspektiv.Skoven. in press.


G. Discussion papers

  1. Raulund-Rasmussen, K & Johannsen, V.K. 2011. En energipolitik der er helt ude i skoven. Politikken.
  2. Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Stupak, I, 2012. Skov, klima og energi. Momentum. 2, 24-27.

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