Research output per year
Research output per year
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 København K
My primary research interests are in how early life conditions affect the health and well-being of fetuses, children and adolescents, and epidemiological issues involved when investigating this.
Co-Principal Investigator of the 18-years follow-up in the Danish National Birth Cohort, and Principal Investigator of the EATus research programme: Disordered EATing behaviors and eating disorders during adolescence - understanding severity, course and etiology - EATus.
Data from the Danish National Birth Cohort and the nationwide registries constitute the foundation of the EATus research programme. I am further involved in various other research projects exploiting these data sources to address how prenatal and early life exposures are related to neurodevelopment outcomes in children and mental health outcomes in adolescents.
Teaching pre- and post-graduate students in epidemiology and reproductive epidemiology.
Supervisor for bachelor students, master students and PhD students.
Area of research:
Reproductive epidemiology, birth cohorts, cross-cohort collaboration
2009: PhD in Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2004: MSc in Public Health, University of Copenhagen
2002: BSc in Public Health, University of Copenhagen
Other Education:
2024: Conflict Resolution for Graduate Programme Leaders, UCPH
2023: Research management course, Copenhagen Business School Executive Fonden.
2022: PHD supervision: Next level (3992-22-00-00), UCPH2021: PhD supervision Rules & Regulation
2019: ERC Interview training: Starting grants 2019
2019: Quantitative bias analysis
2019: Leading Research – a leadership course
2017: Course for Department Supervisors
2016: Seminar for experienced PhD participation
2014: Seminar on Responsible Conduct of Research
2011: Teaching and learning in higher education, Formal pedagogic education, UCPH
Professional experience:
2024: Professor, Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, UCPH
2022 – 2024: Associate professor, promotion program (Tenure-track), Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, UCPH
2022 (jan-aug): Acting head of section, Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, UCPH
2018-2022: Associate professor, Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
2011-2017: Associate professor, Section of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
2010 - 2010: Post doc., Section of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
2009 - 2010: Post doc., Division of Epidemiology, University of Southern Denmark
2002 - 2009: PhD candidate/research fellow, Centre for Alcohol Research, National Institute of Public Health, Denmark
Research stays abroad:
Sep. - Dec. 2012: Research stay, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Apr. - Jul. 2007: Visiting Research Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA)
Scientific and professional posts:
2020-: Infant Health Study (NNF funded) – Member of the Data & Trial Steering Committee
2020-: Schientific evaluator, Forte (, Epidemiology and population based studies 2
2016-2018: Member of the Scientific Committee, the Lolland-Falster Cohort Study, Region Zealand
2016-: Member of the Danish National Birth Cohort’s Board of Directors
2015-2021: Board Member, The Danish Epidemiology Society (DES)
2012-2019: Board Member, The Clinical Database for the Regional Outpatient Family Clinics
2005: Cofounder, The Association of Masters of Science in Public Health, Denmark
Career breaks:
2009 - 2010: Maternity leave
2007 - 2007: Maternity leave
2006 - 2007: Maternity leave
Grants (in own name):
2024: Centre for childhood Health [Center for Sundt Liv og Trivsel]. 1.8246.288 for the project Investigating the causal interplay and quantifying discovered mechanisms linking weight and well-being from birth to early adulthood using causal discovery algorithms and empirical data from two Danish cohorts (ID: 2024_F_008)
2023: Centre for childhood Health [Center for Sundt Liv og Trivsel]. DKK 6.484.224 for the project On top of life? The 25-year follow-up of the Danish National Birth Cohort. (ID: 2024_I_001)
2019: Horizon2020, EU contract number 874583. DKK 629.525 for the project ATHLETE, partner 22
2018: Sapera Aude: DFF-Reasearch leader (8045-00047B)-DKK 5.897.845
2016: Gangstedfonden (A31527) – DKK 200.000
2013: The Danish Research Council, EUopSTART. DKK 150,000 for Early Signs of Addictive Behaviour and Mental Disorders: Phenotype, Determinants, and prognoses - A 17-year follow-up of the children in the Danish National Birth Cohort
2012: The Lundbeck foundation. DKK 90,000 for Use of antidepressants in pregnancy and risk of spontaneous abortion – An application of a pregraduate scholarship
2012: The Danish Council for Independent Research │Medical Sciences.DKK 201,600 for Use of antidepressants in pregnancy and risk of spontaneous abortion – An application for a pregraduate scholarship
2009: The Danish Council for Independent Research │Medical Sciences. DKK 2.430.000 for Alcohol dehydrogenase genotype and drinking pattern during pregnancy in relation to health consequences in the offspring. Postdoctoral fellowship
2005: The Danish Graduate School in Public Health. DKK 375,000 for Detrimental effects of Binge drinking during pregnancy
Grants as named Co-applicant:
2024: Centre for childhood Health [Center for Sundt Liv og Trivsel]. DKK 5.691.714 for the project Neighborhood and Individual socioeconomic factors in Childhood and adolescent Obesity (NICO).
2023: NIH/NICED USD 2.061.283 for the project: Neurodevelopmental Effect of Acetaminophen Exposures (IRES # 22-005614).
2023: Helsefonden DKK 1.041.800 for the project: Effects of adolescent alcohol drinking debut on adolescent growth, pubertal development, and final attained height (nr. 23-B-0126)
2023: NordForsk. NOK: 10.981.125 for the project: Post-pandemic mental health: Risk and resilience in young people. (Projectnr. #156298)
2021: ERCstg. EUR 1.5 mio for the project: Solving the ’time puzzle’ of epigenetic effects on child mental health (TEMPO) - recipient Charlotte Cecil, Erasmus MC)
2021: Novo Nordisk Foundation. DKK 1.944.539 for the project: Is underweight a health problem among children in Denmark? (Grant #NNF21SH0069849)
2021: Research Executive Agency – Marie Curie Fellowship. EUR 219.312 for URBINEX - The relationship between social inequalities, child mental health and exposure to urban environmental stressors: an epidemiological analysis. (#101025856)
2020: The Lundbeck Foundation. DKK 4.860 for the project: Young People’s Risk of Suicide attempt (YRSA)
2020: The French Institute for Public Health Research. EUR 392.488 for the project Epidemiological Study of PRenatal Intake of Tobacco and later child outcomes (ESPRIT)
2020: Nordea-fonden 2020, Amning – en god start sammen. DKK 5.166.642,00 (nr. 02-2019-00267)
2018: Det Obelske Familiefond, Tryg start i sundhedsplejen. DKK 2.500.000 (nr. 29763)
2018: National Institute of mental Health, $2.157.942 for the project A multi-cohort assessment of gestational SSRI Exposure on long-term psychiatric outcomes (R01MH114967)
2016: Horizon2020, SC1-2016-2017. €700.000 for the project LIFECYCLE, partner 6
2015: The Danish Medical Research Council │Medical Sciences. DKK 2.850,000 for the project close to adult: 17- year follow-up of the Danish National Birth Cohort
2011: The Lundbeck foundation. DKK 1.000.000 for the project 11-year follow up of the Danish National Birth Cohort
European Research Council
I reached 2nd round with my ERC application with the project "Eating disorders- Understanding the spectral nature, course of symptoms and etiology (EATus)
Research Leadership:
2023 –: PI of the 25-year follow up of the Danish National Birth Cohort. DNBC 25-years
2020 –2025: Collaborator in work package 6 in the project Athlete (Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation). ATHLETE project
2021 –2024: Mentor on the project URBINEX on relationship between social inequalities, child mental health and exposure to urban environmental stressor. URBINEX
2019 –: PI of the EATus research program. EATus, DFF
2015 –2022: Executive committee member of the MOBAND-CP study (Mother and Babiesin Norway and Denmark – cerebral palsy). Cohort profile - MOBAND-CP
2014–2021 : Co-PI and scientific leader of the 18-year follow up of the Danish National Birth Cohort. DNBC 18-years
International Collaboration:
2022 – 2027: Tempo - Solving the ’time puzzle’ of epigenetic effects on child mental health, ERCstg 2021, Lay description of the Tempo project
2020 – 2024: Athlete – A advancing tools for human Early Lifecourse Exprosome Research and translation, HORIZON 2020, Athlete project
2016 - 2021: LifeCycle – Early life stressors and lifecycle health, HORIZON 2020
2011-2022: MOBAND, a NIH funded project that merges the Norwegian and Danish birth cohorts and study cerebral palsy
2010 - 2013: CHICOS, FP7 (
Reviewing activities:
Peer review: Int J Epi, European J Epi, BJOG, Lancet psych, Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, Perinat Pediatric Epi, Eating Behaviors, Human Reproduction, CNS drugs, BMC Public Health and more
Abstract assessor: EuroEpi, Aarhus Denmark Aug. 11th – 14th 2013
Editorial tasks: Assistant editor, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Institutional Responsibilities:
2024 –: Member of the Faculty Board, Department of Public Health, UCPH
2023 –: Head of Gradate Programme in Public Health & Epidemiology, Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, UCPH
2019 –: Member of the Data Security and Compliance group, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
2018 –2020: Member of the Public Health Science Curriculum Change Group, University of Copenhagen
2017-2021: Member of The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator for Research field 59 – Public Health, under Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
2016-: Member of the Study Board of the program in Public Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2014-2023: PhD coordinator Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
2014-: Member of Board, Research Education program in Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Copenhagen
2013-2014: Member of Educational Board of Master in Public Health Science, University of Copenhagen
Selected Invited Talks:
2025: Invited speaker at Novo Nordisk Prize Symposium
2024: Invited speaker at Danish National Birth Cohort Symposium on Life-course studies on mental health in adolescence and youth, Statens Serum Institut
2022: Invited speaker at Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation on establishing a FAIR network for sensitive research data.
2021: Invited speaker the Trygfond foundation for the 13th workshop on mental health among children and adolescents
2021: Invited speaker at Nordea Fonden on a network meeting among the Danish foundation on mental health in young people
2018: Invited speaker at the LOM day, Lifestyle, Obesity and Metabolic research, UCPH
2017: Global Excellence Seminar- Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance
2016: Keynote Speaker at Open Seminar, Pharmatox – Strategic Research Initiative, Oslo
2016: Annual Meeting Family Centre Clinics, Kolding
2015: Invited Expert, The Fertility Clinic 4071, Copenhagen University Hospital
2014: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Study Group meeting, Seattle
2013: Eucconet Meeting, Paris
2012: Invited Lecturer at a 3-Day PhD level Cause on CausalDiagrams, Malmø University
2012: Annual meeting Family Centre Clinics, Nyborg Strand
2012: Seminar Speaker, NIEHS, Epidemiology Branch
Teaching Activities:
2023 –: Course leader – Advanced Epidemiology MSc Public Health Science, UCPH
2023: Lecturer – Perinatal and early life epidemiology European Educational Programme in Epidemiology 5-day specialized course, Florence
2019 -2022: Course leader – Epidemiology MSc Public Health Science, University of Copenhagen
2011 – 2018: Course leader – Introduction to Epidemiology, BSc Public Health Science, University of Copenhagen
2012 -: Giving lectures – Reproductive Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen
2013 – 2021: Appointed censor at the Public Health related educations and the education in Medicine
2013 -: Giving lectures – PhD-level courses in epidemiological designs, causal modelling, directed acyclic graphs, and interaction, University of Copenhagen
2012: Invited Lecturer – 3-Day PhD level Cause on Causal Diagrams, Malmø University.
Research Supervision:
I have been supervisor for 22 bachelor-level, 26 master-level students, 3 scholarships, 15 PhD's and 4 Postdoc's at Department of Public Health Science. All at the University of Copenhagen.
Post-graduate supervision
2012-2016: Co-supervisor for PhD student Ingrid Maria Susanne Nilsson. Project title: Less is more - Early discharge following birth – How do we support mothers to effective breastfeeding? Thesis approved August 17, 2016
2013-2018: Co-supervisor for PhD student Pernille Stemann Larsen. Project title: Eating Disorders in preadolescent children.
2014-2019: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Tanja Gram Petersen. Project title: Are prenatal exposures to maternal thyroid disorder, folic acid supplementation, or analgesics related to risk of cerebral palsy, and do prenatal risk factors act synergistically? - An epidemiological study of two large nation-wide birth cohorts (MOBAND)
2015-2019: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Lonny Merete Stockholm. Project title: Obstetric use of oxytocin and possible consequences for mental andcognitive health in childhood.
2016-: Principal Mentor for Postdoc Nicole Nadine Lønfeldt
2017-: Co-Supervisor for PhD student Julie Andersen
2018-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Julie Elbæk Pedersen
2019-2020: Principal Mentor for Postdoc Else Marie Olsen
2019-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Clara Clipet-Jensen
2020-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Ida Scheel Rasmussen
2021-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Julie Marie Vinkler (NSH)
2021-: Primary Co Supervisor for PhD student Henriette Rosseau
2021-: Principal Mentor for Marie Currie Postdoc Tim Cadman
2021-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Andrea Joensen
2022-: Primary Co Supervisor for PhD student Anne Aurup (UCPH-Science)
2022-: Primary Co Supervisor for PhD student Stine Danielsen
2023-: Co Supervisor for PhD student Thea Emily Benson (AU)
2023-: Co Supervisor for PhD student Anne Marie Ladehoff Thomsen (AU)
2024 –: Principal Mentor for Postdoc Ida Scheel Rasmussen
Research Scholarship Students
2012: Katia Buch Hærvig. Research Project: Use of ADHD medication during pregnancy
2012: Rie Laurine Rosenthal Johansen. Research Project: Use of antidepressants in pregnancy and risk of spontaneous abortion
2010: Alice Clark. Research Project: Psychosocial risk factors and Chronic Obstructive lung disease
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review