Personal profile

Short presentation

My research interest, which is the sole driving force behind my work, can be described as a great fascination for the co-evolution of man with a complex microbial environment aka “The Microbiome”.



Primary fields of research

My current research focuses on exploring the early life window of opportunity, where microbiota seems to have effects on the development of diseases. Lately I have also been involved in research into the effect of the gut microbiome in Anorexia Nervosa


Education, work experience    

2022→Associate Professor Microbiology and Fermentation, FOOD, University of Copenhagen

2021→Research Associate at University of Copenhagen Section for Experimental Animal Models


2017→2022 External Lecturer University of Roskilde (RUC)

2019→2022 Research Associate at National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NRCWE)

2021→2021 Post.doc at University of Copenhagen Section for Experimental Animal Models

2019→2020 Marie Curie Scholar (MCSA) University of Oxford → University of Copenhagen

2017→2019 Researcher (NRCWE) EU Project “NanoPack”

2017→2020 Research Associate, University of Oxford, Dpt. Zoology UK

2016→2017 Post.doc ANIHWA project University of Oxford, Dpt. Zoology UK (Prof Marian Dawkins)

2015→2016 Academic Visitor, University of Oxford, Dpt. Zoology UK (Prof. Martin Maiden)

2015→2015 External Lecturer University of Roskilde (RUC) (Research in Molecular Biology)

2012→2015 Post.doc in Industry, DuPont, Staten Serums Institute (SSI) at NRCWE (Højteknologi Fonden)

2013→2013 Honorary Academic Visitor at IPATIMUP in Porto, Portugal

2011→2011 Honorary Appointment Dept. Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne AU

2010→2011 Post.doc SSI/NRCWE Funded by SSI/Lundbeck Foundation: Airway pathogens in Asthma

2009→2010 Anti-Bio-Terrorism Researcher/analyst at SSI at Danish Government; Centre for Biosecurity and Biopreparedness (CBB). Security Level NATO HEM. *

2005→2009 Ph.D student at NRCWE/IloChip A/S: “Occupational exposure to Bacillus thuringiensis-based

biopesticides- development of an aerosol hazard identification model in mice” (PHD-GRANTED 27.DECEMBER 2010)

2005→2005 Research assistant at NRCWE (Plasmids in Bacillus)

2004→2005 Research assistant DPIL Laboratorium (Cockroaches resistance to pesticides)

2003→2004 Cand.scient. Microbiology. Thesis: “Cellulose degrading gut symbionts of Old House Borer, Hylotrupes bajulus” (GRANTED 2003)


*Publication-gap explanation: My research at CBB/SSI was of a sensitive dual-use nature and was not published. I was recruited to SSI before the finalization of my PhD. At least the equivalent of two scientific papers from CBB is therefore missing from my publication list


Selected conferences, talks, posters and courses           

2022     GM-modulation in health and disease, Fecal Microbiota Transplantation and beyond.

2022     Microbiome analysis using 2nd and 3rd generation DNA sequencing Course

2021     Invited Speaker: 28th & 29th of April.

2021     The Microbiome: From Mother to Child. (

2021     “Rent a researcher” National Danish Popular sciences day “Anorexia from the biologist pow ”

2020     The Virtual Microbiome Summit      

2018     “Rent a researcher” National Danish Popular sciences day “Memes and evolution”

2017     Modernising Medical Microbiology (Sct. Catherines, Oxford)

2016              Host-Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease (Cambridge, UK), Lightning talk and poster

2016                 ERS the 26th International Congress of the European Respiratory Society London

2016     3rd Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Forum London

2016              Biological Sciences Graduate Teacher Training Course (PLT) qualification. Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Oxford

2015     Gut Microbiota “the search for mechanism” Keystone Symposia 1-6 march (poster)

2015     ECCMID 25th Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, (poster)

2014     EAACI 2014. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (poster)

2013     Harvard Business School (Pasteur Talent workshop Series for industrial

2013              FRAME: Training school in Experimental Design and statistical analysis of Biomedical animal experiments (UK)

2012     Project manager Course (Research projects) Ministry of employment (BM)

2012     Mini symposium: A systems biology view of host- Microbiome interactions,

2010     8th ASM research meeting on Biodefense and Emerging Diseases in Baltimore USA

2007     Bacillus ACT 2007 Oslo. The 7th International Conference

2006     GA²LEN / EAACI Allergy School; Mouse models of allergy and asthma

2006     Laboratory animal science course (Felasa C)


Fellowships and grants (42> applications- 10 Successful)

2022     Lundbeck Foundation Experiment (2 years)

2020     Dupont Co-funding probiotic research (6Months)

2017     Marie Curie MCSA Horizon2020 EU funding (2yrs)

2016     Short Term Mission grant (European Network of Excellence for Zoonoses research)

2015     Research Travel Grant: 4 Months at Oxford UK (Augustinus Foundation)

2012     Industrial post.doc fellowship (3.5 yrs) from Innovation Foundation/SSI/Dupont

2011     Travel grant University of Melbourne, Australia, Dagmar Marshalls Foundation

2010     Post.doc fellowship “Airway bacteria and asthma in early childhood“ Lundbeck Foundation

2005     PhD scholarship funded in part from biotech company ilochip A/S

2003              Master thesis: Youth Scholarship “Symbiont dependant digestion of cellulose in H. bajulus” Østifterne Fonden

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or