Lars Bo Stegeager Hemmingsen
  • Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø, 73 Højhus 73, 73-5-T563

  • Universitetsparken 5

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile

Short presentation

PAC spectroscopy and Bioinorganic chemistry
In my group we aim to elucidate the role of metal ions in biological systems. Examples include the function of metalloenzymes, how metal ions induce aggregation of proteins (relevant to  e.g. Alzheimer's disease), or the binding of heavy metals to proteins (toxicity). We apply a variety of spectroscopic techniques and quantum chemistry methods to uncover structure and dynamics of metal sites in biomolecules - mainly proteins. This includes development and use of specialized techniques: Perturbed angular correlation (PAC) of gamma rays and beta-NMR, which is a billion times more sensitive than conventional NMR spectroscopy. Part of the work is carried out at the large international facilities TRIUMF and CERN.

Students are most welcome to carry out their bachelor- or masters project in the group, and will always be involved directly in an ongoing research project. Come by my office for a chat or send an email.


  • Faculty of Science
  • ???Spektroskopi???
  • ???Termodynamik???
  • ???Bioinformatik???

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