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Laura Mancinska

  • Universitetsparken 5

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile

Short presentation

I am looking for postdocs and PhD students! I hire via departmental calls with annual deadlines in fall (postdoc and PhD) and spring (PhD only). If you are interested in a postdoc position but the fall deadline has passed, feel free to contact me to discuss other possibilties, including Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship application.


Research Interests. My research falls within the area of quantum computing. This interdisciplinary research field is formed at the intersection of physics, mathematics, and computer science. As a theoretician, my main goal is to understand for which tasks do quantum technologies hold an advantage over conventional information processing technologies. In other words, what exactly are we going to do with quantum computers that experimentalists and engineers are trying so hard to build?

One theme that permeates much of my research is quantum entanglement. I am interested to identify new applications of entanglement as well as understand its properties from mathematical and complexity-theoretic points of view. For the latter, it is often convenient to use the framework of nonlocal games or Bell inequalities (check out this year's Nobel prize in physics!).

Here are some topics I'm interested to explore with my PhD students and postdocs in the future:

  • The development of protocols for verification of quantum devices (self-testing)
  • New algorithms for processing quantum data employing Schur-Weyl duality
  • Understanding the difference between two mathematical models of entanglement (commuting vs tensor-product model)
  • Understanding the complexity landscape of entanglement-assisted distributed protocols (reductions, identification of tractable scenarios)


Current projects

  • ERC starting grant for a project  "Quantum Information Processing with Interacting Parties (QInteract)", 2023-2028
  • Villum Young Investigator grant for a project "Trustworthy Quantum Technologies", 2021-2026
  • PI in QuantERA funded consortium "VERIfication of quantum Technologies, Applications and Systems (VERIqTAS)", 2022-2025

Publications. See my arXiv page and Google Scholar profile for the most up-to-date record including pre-prints. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of my work, I publish in journals on mathematical physics (Commun. Math. Phys., J. Math. Phys.), information theory (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory), combinatorics (J. Combin. Theory), as well as computer science conferences (FOCS, ICALP, CCC).

Selected Publications:

Quantum isomorphism is equivalent to equality of homomorphism counts from planar graphs.
L. Mančinska, D. E. Roberson.
Proc. of FOCS 2020, 661–672, arXiv:1910.06958
Plenary talk QIP 2021.

Constant-sized robust self-tests for states and measurements of unbounded dimension.
L. Mančinska, J. Prakash, C. Schafhauser, arXiv:2103.01729
Presented at QIP 2021. 

Entanglement can increase asymptotic rates of zero-error classical communication over classical channels.
D. Leung, L. Mančinska, W. Matthews, M. Ozols, and A. Roy.
Commun. Math. Phys. 311(1), pp. 97–111 (2012), arXiv:1009.1195
Featured talk at QIP 2011.


Brief CV. In 2013, I received a PhD in Quantum Information from the Department of Combinatorics & Optimization at the  University of Waterloo (UW). During my graduate studies at UW, I was also affiliated with the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and my thesis advisors were Prof. Andrew Childs and Prof. Debbie Leung.  Prior to my move to Copenhagen in September 2017, I have held postdoctoral positions at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT), National University of Singapore and the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol. During these posts I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Stephanie Wehner (now at QuTech, TU Delft) and Dr. Ashley Montanaro.


Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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