Lene Schøsler

Lene Schøsler

Professor emeritus, dr. phil.

  • Emil Holms Kanal 6

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Current research

I am currently working with:

  • Theories of language change and linguistic variation: variation over time (=diachronic v.), geographical v. (=diatopic v.), social v. (=diastratic v.), stylistic v. (=diaphasic v.) and variation depending on the type of communication (=diamesic v.)
  • More specifically, I examine linguistic variation in 17th century French, when the modern norm began to take shape and grammars and dictionaries were elaborated. This part of my research is rooted in my work with Leonora Christina's French autobiography from 1673. It includes a comparison between Leonora Christina's French and the French of contemporary noble or royal French women, see se Akhøj Nielsen, Marita & Schøsler, Lene: Leonora Christinas franske selvbiografi. Diplomatarisk udgave og dansk oversættelse. 315 sider. Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab: København https://www.universitypress.dk/shop/leonora-christinas-franske-3887p.html
  • Corpus linguistics, currently lemmatization of Leonora Christina's French autobiography on an official French website in collaboration with Gilles Souvay, see http://www.atilf.fr/LGeRM/DenFranskeSelvbiografi and lemmatization of Mme de Lafayette's contemporary text, Henriette d'Angleterre
  • I also work with language change from Latin to older French, as part of an international collaboration https://anr.fr/Projet-ANR-14-FRAL-0006
  • As part of a project on the relationship between language, cognition and society, I am investigating the concept of time. The study is semasiological and i.a. based on Lakoff & Johnson's metaphor theory. The focus is on changes in the perception of time as expressed in texts in Latin (tempus) and French (temps) during the Reformation.

Areas of interest

In addition to the mentioned research areas:

  • research policy, with a particular focus on the situation of foreign language studies
  • education policy, with a particular focus on the situation of foreign language studies

Primary research areas

  • Language change
  • Variational linguistic
  • Grammaticalisation
  • Constructions and paradigms



1965              graduated from Sct. Knuds Gymnasium, Odense

1966              starting French studies at Odense University (OU)

1971              gold medal thesis (OU)

1972              cand.phil. in French (OU)

1972              adjunktvikar in French (OU)

1972              kandidatstipendiat at Romansk Institut, (OU)

1974              adjunkt (OU)

1976              lektor (OU)

1984              dr.phil. with the doctoral dissertation La déclinaison bicasuelle de l'ancien français

1989 - 1990, leave from OU, senior research assistent at Eurotra-DK, University of Copenhagen


1991 – 1997 participation in different research programs: ”START”-grant from Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd with a view to a project concerning valency.        

1992–  1997 in a cooperation between a.o. CST, HHK, OU, ÅU, AUC received a 5-year grant from Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd concerning the project ”Udforskning af Dansk Ordforråd og Grammatik”, and a datamatic valency project

1995-   1997 in a cooperation with a.o.CST received a 2-year grant from Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd with the aim of establishing a datalinguistic network

1997    recieved a grant from the Ministry of Education ”pulje for kvalitetsfremmemidler” (1.69 million dkr.) in order to create an interactive computer-based syntax training program named VIA.

1997    chair of Romance Philology at Romansk Institut, UC

1997              secretary for lingvistkredsen, (Cercle linguistique de Copenhague)

1999-             2002 head of department at Romansk Institut, UC

2000-   2002 received a 2-year granting from Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd in order to establish a network around the study of French spoken language

2001-   2003 received a 2-year granting from Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd in order to establish a network concerning grammaticalisation in cooperation with Lars Heltoft and Jens Nørgård Sørensen.

2001-   2003 head of the board of International Society of Historical Linguistics

2001-   2004 member of the board of Center for Sprogteknologi, UC

2001    received les palmes académiques as a reward for efforts to the benefit of French            culture in Denmark

2001    received 40.000 s.kr. from Einar Hansens Forskningsfond as a reward for research in Linguistics.

2001    in cooperation with Bente Maegaard and Suzanne Schlyter recieved a total of 300.000 s.kr. from Øforsk in connection with a Danish-Swedish research program about computerised assessment of foreign language learning proficiency.

2002    received l’ordre du mérite as a reward for efforts to the benefit of French culture in Denmark

2004-   member of the board of La Société de Linguistique Romane

2005    fellow at the Centre of Advanced Study, the Norwegian Academy

2005-   member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters

2007    by-fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge

2010-   member of Forum for Renaissance Studies

2011-14         member of the Gad Rausing committee for excellent research in the humanities

2011-19         member of the board for the Danish Institute in Rome

2013-   member of DSL, Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab

2016-22         vice-president of La Société de Linguistique Romane

2022-   president of La Société de Linguistique Romane



Lene Schøsler has organized a large number of national and international conferences and seminars, most recently (2019) the large international conference of Romance languages and philology, supported by e.g. by the Carlsberg Foundation, see https://www.slir.org/cilpr/cilpr-2019-copenhague/.


She has been visiting professor, including plenary speaker at universities in the following countries: Belgium, Canada, England, Finland, France, Holland, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, USA and Austria. She has evaluated dissertations in Belgium, France, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden. She has been member of research committees, especially in connection with the evaluation of chair candidates and doctoral dissertations, frequently in Germany and Sweden, most recently in Uppsala (2021) and Chambéry (2023). She is project evaluator for research councils in Belgium, England, France, Norway and Sweden. She has participated in the international evaluation of universities in Sweden and France. She has participated and still participates in a large number of international research projects, especially in Canada, England, Germany and France.


She has supervised 12 completed PhD projects and has participated regularly in PhD and post-doc courses in Denmark and abroad.


Publications, more than 250 titles, mainly peer-reviewed.


  • Faculty of Humanities